Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2561842 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #615 on: October 19, 2014, 09:57:11 PM »
I'm going to apologise in advance for the terrible French you're about to try and read. I'm so sorry :P

Pas encore, malheureusement, parce que je dois finir des autres devoirs aujourd'hui pour mon diplôme des beaux-arts ;__; je vais mouriiiiiiiiir. Je vais devoir marcher si loiiiiin pour le finir. (J'ai oublié le verbe «to print» aaaaaaah)

Aussi malheureusement, l'examen oral ne sera pas mon dernier examen pour le français. U___U
Il y'a un examen qui je dois écrire en novembre, après un examen pour mon diplôme de littérature D'X et la semaine prochaine il y'a un autre devoir aussi.....

Ah, dommage.  Mais selon ma connaissance très limitée de la langue française, tu la parles (ou bien, l'écris) assez bien.  Est-ce qu'il faut que tu marches loin *littéralement* pour ton diplôme ou comme une figure de style? 

Ce que m'a aidée apprendre des autres langues est (ou "sont?") des magazines et des DVDs avec sous-titres.  J'ai apprendi des mots du japonais avec "gray-market" DVDs d'"anime" -- pas comme les écrire bien sûr, mais au moins comment ils sonnent, le choix propre des mots, et de la "prosodie."

(Mille mercis au Google Translate, le bon ange des écrivaines polyglottes...)

Phew!  That's about all the French I can recall now!  Except to recommend the really awesome online comics of the French artist Boulet, who offers them both in the original French and his (sometimes shaky but always charming) English translations.  They are often about sci-fi, fantasy, and science fact, which appeals to my geek side.  And they're great for learning slang and informal/regional speech.
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #616 on: October 19, 2014, 10:29:11 PM »
My excel spreadsheet is shaking like it's possessed. I'm scared. :o


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #617 on: October 20, 2014, 12:00:27 AM »
As soon as I'm independent and have my own funds, it's au revoir to the island!! >:D

Actually crazy how many people here want that! Most of my friends upped and left for universities and/or work in the mainland, for the same reason. It's been my goal ever since I was old enough to see what was going on here >.> Finally going to happen, next year!<3

:D you went swimming?!!!! So jealous!! ;u; I remember staying at some hotel place up north called Grindalwald or was the name of that wizard who do with the Elder...Wand...I don't know, but they had the same name :P and there was a heated pool but 7-year-old-me wasn't allowed to go in it ;___; you're not at the same hotel place are you? :O

Yup, Grindelwald (a previous owner of the Elder wand in HP, yes, and also insinuated, though not outright stated, as the instigator of WWII). Which was built by Roelf Vos after(?) he sold his grocery business to Woolworths, based on a place of the same name (I think) in Switzerland. It's a really really nice place, buuuut.... that's not where I was staying, haha.

I actually wish I hadn't gone swimming, haha, I'm feeling all the side effects now >.> (I'm, though not allergic, sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals in pools. I'm all sluggish now, eurgh.)

Also, congrats on getting through your French exam! I hate performance examinations of any sort, myself >.> My hands shake and I feel sick, usually. Horrible memories in music class. I play piano, so that messed up several of my exams >.>

I also recommend Boulet! He's what got me onto webcomics, actually. I was a firm believer in manga and Korean webtoons before that (practically the only webcomics I'd seen were stuff like the Order of the Stick, etc.). I still like manga (and manwha and manhua) and webtoons, but I see immense value in webcomics, too, now :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #618 on: October 20, 2014, 12:04:56 AM »
Just finished my French exam:
Not sayin' the teacher is a giant troll or anything, she's just really scaryyyy.

Aggghhh but at least I'm going to pass! Whoo! O____O

The things that happen while I'm sleeping ;). Congratulations!
Glück auf!  Glück auf! (Or does anyone actually say that outside of Wagner operas?  Those are my only ongoing exposure to German, and I imagine they're not a 100% reliable guide...)

Uhm, Hunters actually do say it still, also when going for a Hike I've heard people say that phrase. Most times they say "Viel Glück" just like "good luck".

Thanks for everyones good wishes :). It's raining lightly but my mood is quiet good and I only have half of an hour left to turn it into pessimistic.

Try some Advanced Statistics (or its basics, Maß- und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie), then. Having the doors locked as the lecture starts just doesn't cut it. (Well, at my U, the lecture halls had windows.) :P

Hmm my maths professor was actually quiet cool. He styled his tests in a way that I was able to extract roots in a binary system only by formula because I forgot my calculator. I thinkt the other topics covered some deductive argumenting (deduktives Schließen?) where lots of paper space was requiered but the calculator didn't really help anybody. But the real maths lectures where located in a different building far off without windows anyways. I only had to be in this hall once for redoing basic chemistry. Afterwards I quit chemistry :D the this lecture hall was quiet horrible.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #619 on: October 20, 2014, 12:46:22 AM »
Ah, dommage.  Mais selon ma connaissance très limitée de la langue française, tu la parles (ou bien, l'écris) assez bien.  Est-ce qu'il faut que tu marches loin *littéralement* pour ton diplôme ou comme une figure de style? 

Ce que m'a aidée apprendre des autres langues est (ou "sont?") des magazines et des DVDs avec sous-titres.  J'ai apprendi des mots du japonais avec "gray-market" DVDs d'"anime" -- pas comme les écrire bien sûr, mais au moins comment ils sonnent, le choix propre des mots, et de la "prosodie."

(Mille mercis au Google Translate, le bon ange des écrivaines polyglottes...)

Phew!  That's about all the French I can recall now!  Except to recommend the really awesome online comics of the French artist Boulet, who offers them both in the original French and his (sometimes shaky but always charming) English translations.  They are often about sci-fi, fantasy, and science fact, which appeals to my geek side.  And they're great for learning slang and informal/regional speech.

Nah, not a figure of speech, if that's what you said- my brains all blagh I might've misunderstood- I just walked like, a million miles (maybe only 2-3km) to a printer. It didn't print right. But was NOT walking all the way back to the art school and spend hours trying to fix it, then walk back up the hill across the city, pray it printed correctly, and then drag myself back to the waterfront to submit it before 5pm. It's 3.30 now, so I'm actually ahead of schedule for the first time ever!!! :P

One French web comic I read was Nuclear Winter, which was short and cute ;3

Actually crazy how many people here want that! Most of my friends upped and left for universities and/or work in the mainland, for the same reason. It's been my goal ever since I was old enough to see what was going on here >.> Finally going to happen, next year!<3

Yup, Grindelwald (a previous owner of the Elder wand in HP, yes, and also insinuated, though not outright stated, as the instigator of WWII). Which was built by Roelf Vos after(?) he sold his grocery business to Woolworths, based on a place of the same name (I think) in Switzerland. It's a really really nice place, buuuut.... that's not where I was staying, haha.

I actually wish I hadn't gone swimming, haha, I'm feeling all the side effects now >.> (I'm, though not allergic, sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals in pools. I'm all sluggish now, eurgh.)

Also, congrats on getting through your French exam! I hate performance examinations of any sort, myself >.> My hands shake and I feel sick, usually. Horrible memories in music class. I play piano, so that messed up several of my exams >.>

I also recommend Boulet! He's what got me onto webcomics, actually. I was a firm believer in manga and Korean webtoons before that (practically the only webcomics I'd seen were stuff like the Order of the Stick, etc.). I still like manga (and manwha and manhua) and webtoons, but I see immense value in webcomics, too, now :)

As much as I love living here- the land, weather etc- it kills my soul that there's not a lot for our generations future, unless you like chopping wood or becoming a baby factory to earn money :/
If I was going to leave, I'd leave the whole country- the mainland is too hot and the people are weirdly disconnected from nature and where things come from. Mass consumers in cities. (No offense Echo and SecludedMan!) Me no likey. :P so somewhere cold and green = yeah!!

Hee, I know how you feel about jittery nerves! When I did piano at school, and had to play for assessment, my hands shook so much I was lucky to hit notes in the right octave ;P and then when I walked away from the piano and sat down, I would totally forget that I'd even was weird.
When I'm playing music or singing by myself though I'm completely fine, but if I even think about doing it near people the shakes set in :/ Haha it also happens when I watch people play O___O it's like being possessed! But on a small scale :P (bad pun totally intended)
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #620 on: October 20, 2014, 09:55:07 AM »
I would put this in the play by post if the game hadn't changed.

Can anyone think of any acronyms for the word SONG? (Or alternatively SING, SUNG, or something similar.) It would be very helpful.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #621 on: October 20, 2014, 11:05:21 AM »
I would put this in the play by post if the game hadn't changed.

Can anyone think of any acronyms for the word SONG? (Or alternatively SING, SUNG, or something similar.) It would be very helpful.

Sleep On Needles Gruesomely?

I usually say I almost never get sick, but apparently a slight cold combined with only three hours of restless sleep will give me a fever. At least I only missed philosophy... and movie night :(
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #622 on: October 20, 2014, 11:47:45 AM »
Sleep On Needles Gruesomely?

I usually say I almost never get sick, but apparently a slight cold combined with only three hours of restless sleep will give me a fever. At least I only missed philosophy... and movie night :(

That sounds nasty. Get well soon.

The evaluation went well. I'm so tired now I'll head directly for my bed and just sleeeeeeep.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #623 on: October 20, 2014, 12:16:21 PM »
ThisCat, you're not the only one here! But thankfully I'm only sliiightly sick. I still missed the extra fun-afternoon-Maths!

Get well soon!
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #624 on: October 20, 2014, 02:24:46 PM »
ThisCat, you're not the only one here! But thankfully I'm only sliiightly sick. I still missed the extra fun-afternoon-Maths!

Get well soon!

Thanks. I'll probably be fine in the morning. Just need a good night's sleep.
 Mostly quiet.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #625 on: October 20, 2014, 07:56:07 PM »
You know how sometimes you'll see people who remind you a lot of a character from a movie or something? Every week, I see this kid who looks like a blond Braidy. Even though he doesn't actually have a braid, his bangs are right, and the shape of his nose and face. I don't actually know his name, though, so I call him Braidy in my mind. :P

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #626 on: October 20, 2014, 10:07:51 PM »
Well, also wishing you (at least, what Google translate has told me) the same as Sunflower!

So...anybody here thinking about Nanowrimo? I'm not so much a writer, but I'd really like to try to get a completed story of some type done. 50,000 words is kind of scary, though.

Strangely, my whole class is participating in the YWP (Young Writers Program) Nanowrimo! I'm looking towards a word count goal of 45,000. :) My teachers are in it as well.
Half-crumbled I guess: :southkorea:
Main language: :usa:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #627 on: October 21, 2014, 07:34:04 AM »
As much as I love living here- the land, weather etc- it kills my soul that there's not a lot for our generations future, unless you like chopping wood or becoming a baby factory to earn money :/
If I was going to leave, I'd leave the whole country- the mainland is too hot and the people are weirdly disconnected from nature and where things come from. Mass consumers in cities. (No offense Echo and SecludedMan!) Me no likey. :P so somewhere cold and green = yeah!!

Hee, I know how you feel about jittery nerves! When I did piano at school, and had to play for assessment, my hands shook so much I was lucky to hit notes in the right octave ;P and then when I walked away from the piano and sat down, I would totally forget that I'd even was weird.
When I'm playing music or singing by myself though I'm completely fine, but if I even think about doing it near people the shakes set in :/ Haha it also happens when I watch people play O___O it's like being possessed! But on a small scale :P (bad pun totally intended)

Uuuuurgh being a baby factory is my biggest fear. Especially in this country where they do not seem to have anything like servants or nursemaids to help you look after children or do the housework for you, so you end up working yourself ragged without actually achieving anything for yourself. But you're guilty of generalization when you say they're disconnected from where things come from in the mainland ;) Sure, the big cities, definitely - but they're only a tiny fraction of mainland Australia. Much more farmland than city. You're entirely correct when you say it's too hot, though. Way too hot. I may originate from Africa, but anything over 25C is too much for me >.> Give me cold climate over hot any day...

Yay, I'm not the only one who completely loses control when forced to perform! Oddly enough, my mind is perfectly clear. It's my body that acts up, horrible thing, heh.

Good thing happened today!<3 I've been accepted into Utrecht University~ (I mean, I was already accepted before, but I postponed it a year, so I had to redo it and stuff.... anyway, it's all done and sorted now. I just need to do a language test, which is due any time before 1 September 2015, and that's iiiiiit.) Happy~ Makes up for the horrible floor stuff (which has now been lengthened to continue at least for the rest of this week, plus part of next, uuuurgh). School is irritating at the moment, too - need to set group policies for user groups, and digging through all those endless lists to enable the correct policies is awful work. And for some reason the default background is showing up black instead of the background it should be. I think that's a loading problem, but eish... hah, I just want those group policies done. They take so long, and I can't concentrate on them. I want them done so I can do the documentation for it all, save an image of the server, not think of it again, and start work on something a little more interesting.

I'm thinking about Nanowrimo! But I'm not sure if I could handle it this year ;_; Why they decided on November... that's exam and end of semester month, horrible timing for me, haha. Ah well, I'll see how it works out.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #628 on: October 21, 2014, 08:15:47 AM »
Uuuuurgh being a baby factory is my biggest fear. Especially in this country where they do not seem to have anything like servants or nursemaids to help you look after children or do the housework for you, so you end up working yourself ragged without actually achieving anything for yourself. But you're guilty of generalization when you say they're disconnected from where things come from in the mainland ;) Sure, the big cities, definitely - but they're only a tiny fraction of mainland Australia. Much more farmland than city. You're entirely correct when you say it's too hot, though. Way too hot. I may originate from Africa, but anything over 25C is too much for me >.> Give me cold climate over hot any day...

Yay, I'm not the only one who completely loses control when forced to perform! Oddly enough, my mind is perfectly clear. It's my body that acts up, horrible thing, heh.

Good thing happened today!<3 I've been accepted into Utrecht University~ (I mean, I was already accepted before, but I postponed it a year, so I had to redo it and stuff.... anyway, it's all done and sorted now. I just need to do a language test, which is due any time before 1 September 2015, and that's iiiiiit.) Happy~ Makes up for the horrible floor stuff (which has now been lengthened to continue at least for the rest of this week, plus part of next, uuuurgh). School is irritating at the moment, too - need to set group policies for user groups, and digging through all those endless lists to enable the correct policies is awful work. And for some reason the default background is showing up black instead of the background it should be. I think that's a loading problem, but eish... hah, I just want those group policies done. They take so long, and I can't concentrate on them. I want them done so I can do the documentation for it all, save an image of the server, not think of it again, and start work on something a little more interesting.

I'm thinking about Nanowrimo! But I'm not sure if I could handle it this year ;_; Why they decided on November... that's exam and end of semester month, horrible timing for me, haha. Ah well, I'll see how it works out.

The Baby Bonus O___O didn't that end this year?

Heh, yeah, I mostly meant the cities; they're the first place I think about, second are the huge farms in SA and the sugar cane in QLD :3
Anything over 20°C is enough to give me spontaneous nose bleeds XD even indoor heating in the winter.... All of which I find funny, but everyone else is always horrified XP

Congrats on your Uni Acceptance!! :D I'll be sad when you leave, but also happy and excited for you ;3
And you'll get the policy...things...done and dusted in no time! Buck up, term's almost over and then you get the cool movie day! :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #629 on: October 21, 2014, 04:21:41 PM »
Snow!!! I was in the forest picking mushrooms today when suddenly it started snowing. Only small flakes and only for a little while, but still it snowed for the first time this autumn. Hurray, winter is coming! =) =) =)
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