Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2569524 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #525 on: October 17, 2014, 07:44:45 AM »
I wish I did have a really good day. I'd love to have told you about it.

As it is, not really. My brother flooded our house a while back, and all the flooring had to be redone. The insurance is paying for that, as well as our accommodation while it's being done, but eeeeeh. Tasmanian building industry, man. The guy doing the flooring put NO coverings over ANY of the furniture or items out in the open, and now EVERYTHING in the house is under building dust (that includes the stereo and all electronics *sob*). So by the end of the week, the floor is almost complete, but EVERYTHING is dusty and unable to be lived in. Not to mention the whole time we have to transfer our household goods from one room to another, as the guy moves to the next room. So the whole week, it's felt like moving house, without actually moving house.

The insurance is luckily paying for the cleaning/possible replacement of goods and/or furniture and also for our accommodation over the weekend, but duuuude. All the extra stress and irritation. Not good for people.

So... for the past five days, when I haven't been dealing with headache-inducing problems with our network at school, I've been lugging around books and clothes and random things like empty LEGO boxes and tubs of medicines from room to room, and feeling awful from breathing in/sneezing out too much dust. About the only good things about it were the really wonderful breakfasts provided by the hotel we were staying in (pikelets! watermelon! lychees! rice pudding! muffins! homemade blackberry jam! homegrown/whatever honey! hot chocolate and beautiful coffee! other stuff which I didn't eat but other people did!) and me splurging and getting a signed ARtD book with Ville drawn in it, hehe. I can't wait for that to arrive so I can show it to everyone and read it and treasure it and be generally happy about it. Oh, also, my network teacher decided that for the last week of term, us semester 1 guys were going to set up a LAN network and the whole class would spend the entire week playing various multiplayer games, like CoD2, Far Cry, Worms World Party, Ultimate Tournament 4, and aaaanything else we could think of that the computers would be able to handle. I am SO looking forward to that. About 6 weeks away now.

Also, hello fellow gaming females! *waves* I wish I could meet you properly, but there are continents in the way.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #526 on: October 17, 2014, 08:04:11 AM »
Are Indesign files only compatible with indesign? Or could I open them on a free equivalent? :/ hmmmmm

Hm. *looks over desktop full of open-source software* Sadly, I think Indesign files are of the Adobe super-special-proprietary type, which means no. Maybe an InDesign trial?

Otherwise, my day has pretty much just begun. Hard to tell so far whether it'll be good or not. Oh well. On to assignments!


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #527 on: October 17, 2014, 08:20:02 AM »
Aw man! That re flooring sounds like a hell-away-from-hell O__O and I totally agree with local building/rebuilding/general construction standards. They sort of...majorly suck. U________U
Your floor ordeal sounds pretty trying :( but the hotel foods sound awesome! Lychees!!!1!1 but I guess getting a floor replaced is better than getting a roof replaced...? Could that be a tiny bright side? Hehe probably not... I'm really pleasantly surprised the insurance has worked out so well for you guys! I never hear good stories about insurance! :P

The games at the end of term sound awesome! Your teacher must be pretty cool, or they ran out of lessons and wished it was the holidays already ;) One of my old school teachers used to get us to play games for class for some reason...minesweeper and some puzzle game called  planetarium I think they were....that was an interesting year, one of our "subjects" was simply de-weeding the cross-country course, identifying the weeds, with a points scoring system O___O in hindsight how was that even allowed? X'D (cotoneaster berries were one point each! And a gorse plant with roots was 100 haha) I guess that's the local education system (à la ten years ago though) for you hehehe

Do you have any exams before end-of-term games? Or not? :)
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #528 on: October 17, 2014, 08:22:44 AM »
Hm. *looks over desktop full of open-source software* Sadly, I think Indesign files are of the Adobe super-special-proprietary type, which means no. Maybe an InDesign trial?

*gasp!* trials! I could use a trial!! Thank you mithrysc! *shakes hand enthusiastically and runs off to find the ancient computer*

Hope your Friday is good! :3 Friday?
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #529 on: October 17, 2014, 09:22:56 AM »
Every day is good! ...Unless it's not.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #530 on: October 17, 2014, 10:22:50 AM »
Today more or less is.
But the German railway drivers really suck. They laid their work down in the earlier months this year already. The did it alltogether with the busdrivers and I was fine with it because busdrivers and some train drivers (depending under subcontractor they have to work) are paid badly or have to do long hours for a decent reward. A The real problem is, that the paiment is split into the different subcontracting groups so if one gets better conditions the others won't automatically. This conflict seems to be as old as me (it's a little bit younger exactly...).

They went on strike twice this week. As they're not getting what they want, they decided to go on strike tomorrow. Holidays for two federal states end while seven federal states are getting on holiday today. Also there is football going on this saturday so loads of football fans normally would drive through the whole country. I wanted to go for a board gaming fair. All my workschedule was designed on getting to this event. This would be my one day off. But no. No trains, we don't own a car and I'm not allowed to drive my motorcycle after sundown. So no board gaming fair for me. That really sucks on the one hand (so yes, that is why today is bad) but on the other I have gained some extra hours for getting some work done so it's alright and not as bad as having dust all around the flat ;).
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #531 on: October 17, 2014, 02:05:09 PM »
If it wasn't for all the materials which I have to made and writing stuff about the process of planning the lesson and justifying every methodical decision I make, everything would be fine. Our headmasters are really nice, both of them. But as I'm working on a school with children who got sorted out of the regular system that might be why all the nice guys are sticking there.

I have a lot of admiration for teachers because I know how hard that work is.  When I was a newspaper reporter, I covered primary and secondary education (K-12, in U.S. terms), among other topics.  The hundreds of hours I spent in classrooms watching teachers and students interact made me realize how much preparation good teaching requires (as well as supernatural patience, energy, good humor, improv-acting skills, and eyes in the back of your head WHILE teaching).  Especially if working with "special education" students, as I gather you are. 

Good luck with the evaluation!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #532 on: October 17, 2014, 07:17:39 PM »
Me, concerning spiders = Ron Weasley.  Hmm...  any other Harry Potter fans here?

Oh my gosh, I just read the weirdest news article ever, and I was going to post a link... But I think Eich (and any other arachnophobic Minions) would be scarred for life X'/

So I won't.

But, long story short: I learnt about a whole new kind of spider and I'm not sure if I should feel knowledgable and prepared, or downright horrified.... O___O
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #533 on: October 17, 2014, 08:03:47 PM »
Link?  Is it that horrible?  Now I need to know.

I had a battle with a roach this morning.  Ugh.  It crawled in my roommate's shoes, and I had to get it out with his lacrosse stick, but it kept falling when it reached the lip of the shoe and falling back in.  He kept running in circles for a while before I tipped the shoe over and it fell out; then I beat the life out of it.  *_* 

It made me get to work a few minutes later than I like to.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 08:09:32 PM by Eich »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #534 on: October 17, 2014, 08:30:07 PM »
Link?  Is it that horrible?  Now I need to know.

I had a battle with a roach this morning.  Ugh.  It crawled in my roommate's shoes, and I had to get it out with his lacrosse stick, but it kept falling when it reached the lip of the shoe and falling back in.  He kept running in circles for a while before I tipped the shoe over and it fell out; then I beat the life out of it.  *_* 

It made me get to work a few minutes later than I like to.

Awwww Eich X'D *wipes tear* ...a lacrosse stick.... Oh my gosh :P

But since you asked, here it is...
The title speaks for itself!

Edit: With the roach, why didn't you just...shake it out of the shoe...? And then stomp it to pieces? :P
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 08:34:55 PM by OrigamiOwl »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #535 on: October 17, 2014, 08:46:00 PM »
Awwww Eich X'D *wipes tear* ...a lacrosse stick.... Oh my gosh :P

But since you asked, here it is...
The title speaks for itself!

Edit: With the roach, why didn't you just...shake it out of the shoe...? And then stomp it to pieces? :P
There's a reeeeaason.  He was chilling out in the shoe, and the lacrosse stick was within grabby-swingy-killy range.  Still, it was 7 a.m. and I did make quite a bit more noise than I meant to.  That's just roaches though.  Concerning the unmentionably horrible subject of that article...

Seriously.  That's a parasite combined with a spider.  Those are two of the most evil things out there... and now they've fused.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #536 on: October 17, 2014, 08:54:26 PM »
There's a reeeeaason.  He was chilling out in the shoe, and the lacrosse stick was within grabby-swingy-killy range.  Still, it was 7 a.m. and I did make quite a bit more noise than I meant to.  That's just roaches though.  Concerning the unmentionably horrible subject of that article...

Seriously.  That's a parasite combined with a spider.  Those are two of the most evil things out there... and now they've fused.

Hehehe I know right?! *silent scream* Parasites and venomous bugs are the only ones that unnerve me O___O which usually means I'll go into extreme-no-mercy-serious-as-hell-silent-kill mode :P (which was why I was freaking out about the weird red spider mites that were on me a few days ago ;__;)

Heeh, have some cat therapy XP
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #537 on: October 17, 2014, 09:44:42 PM »
I was scrolling through the page comments today, and instead of clicking on a link, I accidentally down voted a comment.
Darn the cursor pad. And me being a bit more tired...
Half-crumbled I guess: :southkorea:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #538 on: October 17, 2014, 09:56:57 PM »
I was scrolling through the page comments today, and instead of clicking on a link, I accidentally down voted a comment.
Darn the cursor pad. And me being a bit more tired...
If you click that downvote again, it'll remove it.

Hehehe I know right?! *silent scream* Parasites and venomous bugs are the only ones that unnerve me O___O which usually means I'll go into extreme-no-mercy-serious-as-hell-silent-kill mode :P (which was why I was freaking out about the weird red spider mites that were on me a few days ago ;__;)

Heeh, have some cat therapy XP
I dislike all bugs.  Doesn't matter what kind they are, how big or small, I avoid them.

That's quite sleep inducing. 
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #539 on: October 17, 2014, 10:07:38 PM »
I dislike all bugs.  Doesn't matter what kind they are, how big or small, I avoid them.

That's quite sleep inducing.
I usually don't like bugs/insects if they harmful in any way (If they can carry diseases and what not or can bite you), but other than that, I get nervous around them. I don't mind them much.
Half-crumbled I guess: :southkorea:
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