Thanks, Nimphy. At least someone here's nice
Tehehee... Kind enough to dedicate you a poem ;P
On an autumn's night,
Chatting about food,
Fimbulvarg suggested
That sausages were good,
"Delicious, I may say"
She hurried then to add
That all of them were yummy
Except those that were bad.
"Pink-goop stuff" she said,
And pointed up ahead
To ThisCat's dish recipe
On another distant thread.
ThisCat was deeply hurt,
When such a news she heard,
"Stop hating on my food,
Hate doesn't taste good!"
This stanza is the last,
And it shoud be very good,
But sleeping-time's long past,
So if you people will excuse me,
I'll go back to my food.
...I tried, okay? Sleeping-time's long past.
Oh, by the way, guess who's finally a scout!