Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563346 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4995 on: May 06, 2015, 12:59:40 PM »
I really love thunderstorms and big storms so I'm happy because the rainy season just started this month so that means more mist and rain and nice weather for me! Who needs the outside world it's 30°C right now anyway

if I go outside I'll melt and that means no more fanart from me and obviously that's not an option


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4996 on: May 06, 2015, 01:07:08 PM »
Iceland doesn't really get thunder either, which is nice because I'm afraid of it. :)

Today we're having perfect "window weather" (gluggaveður).

Fear of thunder? How does that work? Like a phobia or did you start a blood feud with Thor?

Here window weather is torrential rain. If there's sun at all people don't waste the opportuniy.

I love thunderstorms a lot, but they don't frequent these parts a lot, either.......

This winter we had them almost every day for weeks. It gets kind of frustrating when you can't tell whether Thor is very pleased or very angry. If he could just a little more explicit that would be neat.

I really love thunderstorms and big storms
Well, you do live in Florida so... I guess it's a huge advantage.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4997 on: May 06, 2015, 01:14:34 PM »
Here window weather is torrential rain. If there's sun at all people don't waste the opportuniy.
every single spot of grass in trondheim will be covered with half-naked people the moment the Sky Orb is out for more than five minutes.

also wow, thunderstorms in the winter? I didn't know that was a thing. maybe that explains the power outages my tromsø-dwelling friend was experiencing..... although we had power outages as well. fun times

the winter before last we had very odd weather, it was very warm and dry and we had forest fires instead of snow.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4998 on: May 06, 2015, 01:22:21 PM »
Fear of thunder? How does that work? Like a phobia or did you start a blood feud with Thor?

It's been proven to be a bad idea to start anything at all with Thor so no, I think it all kind of goes back to a really bad thunderstorm that happened once when I was a small child. Mum says we were alone at her parents' house and the electricity went out early on, the landline phone kept making weird ringing noises and there was barely any quiet time between the lightning. The storm sat right on top of the town and lasted for a really long time.

Little Laufey spent the storm curled up under grandparents' bed, apparently. Mum says she tried to get me to come out but that was absolutely not happening far as I was concerned. I've a vague recollection of this too, that the floor smelled of plastic and dust and that everything was horrible and we were all going to be hit by lightning and catch fire. :-\ I still like to hide under something if I can when a storm is near shush I know I'm all grown up and have no excuse and that it's no longer cute or even funny.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #4999 on: May 06, 2015, 01:31:24 PM »
It's been proven to be a bad idea to start anything at all with Thor so no, I think it all kind of goes back to a really bad thunderstorm that happened once when I was a small child. Mum says we were alone at her parents' house and the electricity went out early on, the landline phone kept making weird ringing noises and there was barely any quiet time between the lightning. The storm sat right on top of the town and lasted for a really long time.

Little Laufey spent the storm curled up under grandparents' bed, apparently. Mum says she tried to get me to come out but that was absolutely not happening far as I was concerned. I've a vague recollection of this too, that the floor smelled of plastic and dust and that everything was horrible and we were all going to be hit by lightning and catch fire. :-\ I still like to hide under something if I can when a storm is near shush I know I'm all grown up and have no excuse and that it's no longer cute or even funny.

Oh, I don't judge. Fear isn't always governed by reason. Today I saw a person run from a mediocre avalance two kilometers away, even though they admitted they knew it wouldn't get us where we stood. It's like an instinctive need to escape I suppose.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5000 on: May 06, 2015, 01:48:19 PM »
Fim, didn't you mean to say:

Oh, I don't judge. Fear isn't always governed by reason.
Today I saw a person run from a mediocre boulder-filled avalanche two kilometers away, even though they admitted they knew it probably wouldn't get kill us where we stood. It's like an instinctive need to escape I suppose.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5001 on: May 06, 2015, 02:00:14 PM »
Hey, just look at me. Completely comfortable with snakes, spiders and crawl spaces, but put me in the same room as a balloon, and I'll be hugging the opposite wall.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5002 on: May 06, 2015, 02:08:00 PM »
and I'm scared of practically everything except thunderstorms and performing in front of people (the more, the less scary)

........ although maybe most scared of mannequins and werewolves. because i'm rational
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 02:11:05 PM by Haiz »
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5003 on: May 06, 2015, 02:52:51 PM »
Hey, just look at me. Completely comfortable with snakes, spiders and crawl spaces, but put me in the same room as a balloon, and I'll be hugging the opposite wall.
Oh curious Globophobia :3 If I dare ask why? Since when? *Sorry psychology student here*


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5004 on: May 06, 2015, 03:11:02 PM »
Oh curious Globophobia :3 If I dare ask why? Since when? *Sorry psychology student here*

Far back as I can remember. I had extremely sensitive hearing as a child so I'm guessing popping balloons = pain somewhere in my unconscious mind. Add to that that balloons are notoriously unpredictable, and it becomes reasonable. Things that can hurt you with no warning whatsoever should be feared.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5005 on: May 06, 2015, 03:11:09 PM »
Laufey, I kind of had a similar experience, actually? When I was little(r) a really big hurricane was coming and it was predicted to hit my town, so we evacuated to Orlando, and moral of the story weatherpeople are really wrong and it hit Orlando really hard. I was staying in a high-rise hotel and I remember the lights being out and the windows shaking, actually, but baby Curry had no logic or fear and I just sat there watching the rain the entire time and hoping for something wizard of oz-esque to happen


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5006 on: May 06, 2015, 03:23:11 PM »
Oh boy, phobias. My absolute biggest phobia is of drowning, whether it has to deal with me or anything else drowning.
It gives me anxiety just thinking about it. /shudders

As far as the topic of thunderstorms go though, I love them. The sound of thunder + rain actually helps me to sleep better?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5007 on: May 06, 2015, 03:37:57 PM »
Whoopee, acrophobia for me. What's strange is that I'm perfectly fine with plane rides, and enjoy lofts. The heights in the middle I have a problem with...though I still like mountains.

Rain also sounds nice. Except where I'm currently sleeping, as it pools somewhere (or runs from somewhere) and drips with a steady, methodical, hammer-like knocking onto the metal awning over my window.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5008 on: May 06, 2015, 03:40:51 PM »
Let me just start by saying that for some reason it always makes me feel better to hear other people have strange fears too. I'm sorry, it probably sounds a bit bad - it's not like I'm happy that others have things they're afraid of, but more of a - well, I'm always super embarrassed about things like crawling under my desk because of thunder and in a way it makes me feel less embarrassed.

Curry: I'm soooooo happy there's no hurricanes here, I probably wouldn't even know what to do if I ended up in one. We do get bad storms but Reykjavík is usually spared the worst.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #5009 on: May 06, 2015, 03:43:20 PM »
Whoopee, acrophobia for me. What's strange is that I'm perfectly fine with plane rides, and enjoy lofts. The heights in the middle I have a problem with...though I still like mountains.

Same here, though for some reason I still love lighthouses... plane rides I dislike for other reasons...
Is there a word for fear of rollercoasters/fear of getting flipped upside down and jerked around a lot? :P

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