Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563106 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3780 on: March 05, 2015, 10:50:12 AM »
Thanks everyone! *still dancing around the house*
@JoB: Ja, Doktorandin, Stelle als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin auf 65% :)
@FinnishViking: I hope by now you have had some good sleep and food?

Oh congratulations! This is nice indeed. Are you allowed to give us a clue towards the topics you will research?

and while Finish Viking mentions Children of Bodom I throw in Medeia, Insomnium and Nightwish ;). Nokia once was a most typical finish brand (and I still like to work with their old devices :D).
:germany: :uk: :norway:
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:vaticancity: =>Leftovers

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Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3781 on: March 05, 2015, 03:22:25 PM »
Urgh. On Tuesday I was suddenly told that I have three tests next week, none of which I am the slightest bit prepared for. Then I stayed home yesterday because I was just really really tired (I don't understand why I'm so exhausted all the time, I've even been getting more sleep than usual), so I didn't have the books I needed until today. The thing is that the only day I really have time for studying is on Sunday, but even then I'm only free from like 18:00. But now my dad is suddenly expecting me to show up at a birthday party on Sunday, so I'm just sitting here like ??? When am I supposed to study? I don't expect I'm allowed to skip my 2-year-old sister's birthday party so...??



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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3782 on: March 05, 2015, 03:29:20 PM »
Urgh. On Tuesday I was suddenly told that I have three tests next week, none of which I am the slightest bit prepared for. Then I stayed home yesterday because I was just really really tired (I don't understand why I'm so exhausted all the time, I've even been getting more sleep than usual), so I didn't have the books I needed until today. The thing is that the only day I really have time for studying is on Sunday, but even then I'm only free from like 18:00. But now my dad is suddenly expecting me to show up at a birthday party on Sunday, so I'm just sitting here like ??? When am I supposed to study? I don't expect I'm allowed to skip my 2-year-old sister's birthday party so...??


*sends positive waves to Norway* I trust in you Si!

Oh, and on another note I just had to copy a link by hand. And not any link - one of those full of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, etc. On a phone! And you know what? I got it right  ;D
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3783 on: March 05, 2015, 03:34:44 PM »
Urgh. On Tuesday I was suddenly told that I have three tests next week, none of which I am the slightest bit prepared for. Then I stayed home yesterday because I was just really really tired (I don't understand why I'm so exhausted all the time, I've even been getting more sleep than usual), so I didn't have the books I needed until today. The thing is that the only day I really have time for studying is on Sunday, but even then I'm only free from like 18:00. But now my dad is suddenly expecting me to show up at a birthday party on Sunday, so I'm just sitting here like ??? When am I supposed to study? I don't expect I'm allowed to skip my 2-year-old sister's birthday party so...??

Can't really help you plan your time hour for hour with the information available, but ... do you really need to take all three tests? When I went to high school there were usually do-over tests in case people got sick. Missing a test wouldn't be problematic unless you don't have enough grades for your teacher to make an overall assessment (standpunktskarakter) in the individual subject, in which case you should have been notified.

Skipping school is usually a bad idea but well, the option is on the table if things get truly desperate and it might be better than botching a test due to stress.

*Wishes to have been there*  :O 
That sounds... absolutely amazing.  The only thing that could make that list of songs better is including some Shadow of the Colossus music, and ending with "I was Born for This."  That Zelda medley must've been awesome.  We'll need to get you out to MAGFest, next year! 
The soundtrack choice wasn't ideal for my tastes but the concert ran for two and a half hours and had loads of variety. I liked it all, even the ones I didn't recognise. Starting with "I was born for this" was unfair, it's like bringing out the big guns from the get-go.
I wouldn't mind if I was kidnapped from the streets and brought to MAGfest, not at all :P
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 03:38:51 PM by Fimbulvarg »

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3784 on: March 05, 2015, 04:02:06 PM »
*sends positive waves to Norway* I trust in you Si!

Oh, and on another note I just had to copy a link by hand. And not any link - one of those full of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, etc. On a phone! And you know what? I got it right  ;D

Hehe, thanks nim :3 And congratulations cx

Can't really help you plan your time hour for hour with the information available, but ... do you really need to take all three tests? When I went to high school there were usually do-over tests in case people got sick. Missing a test wouldn't be problematic unless you don't have enough grades for your teacher to make an overall assessment (standpunktskarakter) in the individual subject, in which case you should have been notified.

Skipping school is usually a bad idea but well, the option is on the table if things get truly desperate and it might be better than botching a test due to stress.

Two of the tests are on the same day (Tuseday), and I have to take one of them, so it would look really strange if I wasn't there for the other one as well. The last one is meant to last the whole day, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea to miss it. And anyway, I've been absent waaay to much already.

Hehe, I don't think you'd be able to help me fit the studying into my schedule anyway, since Sunday was pretty much the only day I had time for it. Actually, I specifically set aside time on Sunday so I'd at least get to study a little bit, so it's kind of annoying that my dad comes here a mere three days in advance and expects me to just drop everything because he's made plans without telling me


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3785 on: March 05, 2015, 08:20:13 PM »
I wouldn't mind if I was kidnapped from the streets and brought to MAGfest, not at all :P

Yeah, but how many squads of commandos armed with tranq guns, nets, and big padded bitey-animal control gloves is it going to take to kidnap you?  What's the ROI on "potential damage to kidnappers" vs. "hedonic boost to Fimbulvarg and those with her at MAGfest"?  Is this going to shake out like "The Ransom of Red Chief"? 
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
:chap3:  :chap4:  :chap5:  :book2:  :chap12:  :chap13:  :chap14:   :chap15:  :chap16:

Speak some:  :france:  :mexico:  :vaticancity:  Ein bisschen: :germany:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3786 on: March 05, 2015, 09:34:35 PM »
Well, sometimes when I'm redicuously tired I'll go run a mile and that helps. (Of course, then I'm physically tired but at least I'm awake?)
And make-up tests? That sounds wonderfully convienant! Here if someone misses a test they must scedual an individual make-up with the teacher after school which takes time out of everyone's busy lives.

I once thought my own spelling was bad; today my brother tried to pass this off as ...I don't know (for context, he has been trying to get me into the game Animal Crossing): "hi [stel] i waned to tell u that on the forth (thats tomaro jest so u now) nokjiling gunkjin will be closde and will becum tnt mart ! i aso got u some thing to mack u feal lik a reel vise mayror."
He sent about twenty of these to me through the game's mail-system-thing. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to save them and deleted them all before he showed me - I thought they were so cute, too! (But, uh... perhaps it's time we worked on spelling.)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3787 on: March 06, 2015, 04:43:51 AM »
Well at least he seems to know how phonetics work, so silver lining.  On the other hand, I don't know how old he is so maybe this is a serious problem.  Also, what is "nokjiling gunkjin"?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3788 on: March 06, 2015, 07:22:33 AM »
Owl's odd sharing time:

Eeeh, late night tonight: sister went to a party so me and mum went and saw a movie :) it was really nice and relaxing after a stressful week. Plus, we went to the cinema on the other side of the river and oh my gosh, it's so clean and quiet and has new comfy chairs! It was awesome. (I also bought an icecream hee)
And today I talked to two classmates about art and films and aliens, and my class buddy bought me a hot chocolate for some weird reason, which was nice! I'm still a conversation-fail when it comes to one-on-one talking though, especially with a dude :/ but I didn't totally die of shame (that happened hours later, when I looked back at the conversation) so it's ok I guess. Heh.

Then, as we were driving up the driveway, that terrible "I come from the land down under" song or whatever it's called came on the radio, (ugh why) and we saw that the paddocks were full of wallabies! There must have been a population explosion or something because they were in plague proportions O____O About 1 wallaby for every...2-3m2 ?__? like cute, fat bouncy locusts I guess. Eek. Then I thought, "Hey, if someone had never seen a wallaby before this would be a great opportunity haha"
And after getting inside we realized it was 11pm and we hadn't had dinner, so we just had toast and tea and- reminded by that terrible song- I decided "Yolo, this Vegemite is over a year out of date, but I'll eat it anyway." And then realized that yes, this is just the food that I needed to end the day.

It was weird: the end of Owl's unnecessary story :P
:artd: :book1+: :book2:

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3789 on: March 06, 2015, 07:32:17 AM »
Owl's odd sharing time:

Eeeh, late night tonight: sister went to a party so me and mum went and saw a movie :) it was really nice and relaxing after a stressful week. Plus, we went to the cinema on the other side of the river and oh my gosh, it's so clean and quiet and has new comfy chairs! It was awesome. (I also bought an icecream hee)
And today I talked to two classmates about art and films and aliens, and my class buddy bought me a hot chocolate for some weird reason, which was nice! I'm still a conversation-fail when it comes to one-on-one talking though, especially with a dude :/ but I didn't totally die of shame (that happened hours later, when I looked back at the conversation) so it's ok I guess. Heh.

Then, as we were driving up the driveway, that terrible "I come from the land down under" song or whatever it's called came on the radio, (ugh why) and we saw that the paddocks were full of wallabies! There must have been a population explosion or something because they were in plague proportions O____O About 1 wallaby for every...2-3m2 ?__? like cute, fat bouncy locusts I guess. Eek. Then I thought, "Hey, if someone had never seen a wallaby before this would be a great opportunity haha"
And after getting inside we realized it was 11pm and we hadn't had dinner, so we just had toast and tea and- reminded by that terrible song- I decided "Yolo, this Vegemite is over a year out of date, but I'll eat it anyway." And then realized that yes, this is just the food that I needed to end the day.

It was weird: the end of Owl's unnecessary story :P

Hehe, that sounds nice :3 Why do you find it weird that he bought you a hot chocolate? He sounds like a really nice guy if you ask me c: Also yayyy for making new friends :D

(Btw, I had to google wallabies because I had no idea what they were)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3790 on: March 06, 2015, 07:36:20 AM »
Hehe, that sounds nice :3 Why do you find it weird that he bought you a hot chocolate? He sounds like a really nice guy if you ask me c: Also yayyy for making new friends :D

(Btw, I had to google wallabies because I had no idea what they were)
Oh, it was a girl who bought me the hot chocolate. Gosh I don't know what I'd do if a guy bought me a hot chocolate...considering I don't know any guys... O__o
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3791 on: March 06, 2015, 08:27:26 AM »
Owl's odd sharing time:

Eeeh, late night tonight: sister went to a party so me and mum went and saw a movie :) it was really nice and relaxing after a stressful week. Plus, we went to the cinema on the other side of the river and oh my gosh, it's so clean and quiet and has new comfy chairs! It was awesome. (I also bought an icecream hee)
And today I talked to two classmates about art and films and aliens, and my class buddy bought me a hot chocolate for some weird reason, which was nice! I'm still a conversation-fail when it comes to one-on-one talking though, especially with a dude :/ but I didn't totally die of shame (that happened hours later, when I looked back at the conversation) so it's ok I guess. Heh.

Then, as we were driving up the driveway, that terrible "I come from the land down under" song or whatever it's called came on the radio, (ugh why) and we saw that the paddocks were full of wallabies! There must have been a population explosion or something because they were in plague proportions O____O About 1 wallaby for every...2-3m2 ?__? like cute, fat bouncy locusts I guess. Eek. Then I thought, "Hey, if someone had never seen a wallaby before this would be a great opportunity haha"
And after getting inside we realized it was 11pm and we hadn't had dinner, so we just had toast and tea and- reminded by that terrible song- I decided "Yolo, this Vegemite is over a year out of date, but I'll eat it anyway." And then realized that yes, this is just the food that I needed to end the day.

It was weird: the end of Owl's unnecessary story :P
Friendship always wins!
That sounds like a very good day.  Don't you just love it when things work out?  Also... I kinda like that song... .__.
Feel free to PM.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3792 on: March 06, 2015, 08:53:42 AM »
Yeah, but how many squads of commandos armed with tranq guns, nets, and big padded bitey-animal control gloves is it going to take to kidnap you?  What's the ROI on "potential damage to kidnappers" vs. "hedonic boost to Fimbulvarg and those with her at MAGfest"?  Is this going to shake out like "The Ransom of Red Chief"?

Hehe, well, aside from some token bruised shins and at worst a broken nose or two - when I say "don't mind" that doesn't mean "will act marginally less vindictive". I'd welcome a ... "hedonic boost" or two.

Gosh I don't know what I'd do if a guy bought me a hot chocolate...considering I don't know any guys... O__o
Interrogate him about ulterior motives/relationship status. Apply hot cocoa to person's face as needed.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 09:38:37 AM by Fimbulvarg »


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3793 on: March 06, 2015, 10:15:58 AM »
Hehe, well, aside from some token bruised shins and at worst a broken nose or two - when I say "don't mind" that doesn't mean "will act marginally less vindictive". I'd welcome a ... "hedonic boost" or two.
Interrogate him about ulterior motives/relationship status. Apply hot cocoa to person's face as needed.
MAGFest would be one of the most best places to meet up!  So many fun things over there, after all. 
I'm still considering studying abroad; that'd be a great way to meet up with some of you Europeans!  :D
Feel free to PM.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #3794 on: March 06, 2015, 10:20:41 AM »
MAGFest would be one of the most best places to meet up!  So many fun things over there, after all. 
I'm still considering studying abroad; that'd be a great way to meet up with some of you Europeans!  :D
Aww you. If we had a you know you're addicted to this community when thread "wanting to move abroad to meet community members" would be on the top of the list.