UMMMMMMMMUMMUMUMUMMM, this morning (10.00am) while I was making (late) breakfast dad says (from the office on the other side of the house, he expects everyone to hear him ugh) to make him a letterhead. And I say "A what?"
Now, I KNOW what a letterhead is, but dad interprets "a what" as me not knowing what one is, instead of simply being taken off guard by the request (also /I/ was questioning whether he knew what one was, cos he does that a lot: says one thing but actually means another thing and has the noun wrong) so I get in trouble for not knowing what a letterhead is and wasting my years of education and wasting his money at university etc etc, and when that was over I asked him to clarify what he wanted.
He wants me to design him a letterhead for his business.
And he needs it before lunchtime.
I have less than two hours.
Am I being unreasonable in thinking that this request is unreasonable? (Given that I also have no computer programs to make the letterhead IN.)
I thought he wanted me to help him build fences today; that's what he told me last night, to which I agreed. And now he's carrying on about how no one ever helps him with work and there's just a tirade of swearing coming out of the office -___- Man, I thought he would be out of this mood after dinner (says Owl for the last 20 years) but NOOOO, it must never end. Now he's telling me some story about banks....FROM INSIDE THE TOILET, like, what does he expect me to do? Press my face on the door and listen?? Jeez I don't even know anymore. *dreams of moving out with sisters and mum. If that really counts as moving out.*
He just. Ugh. He's the worst boss ever, I don't even really see him as my dad anymore, just some guy who lives here and owns everything including me :/
/depressing rant
Sorry if I brought the mood down guys, I just really needed to vent