... my roommate always seems to think that the appropriate time to call her boyfriend is one in the morning... Also she's stopped asking me if her boyfriend can come over before she brings her boyfriend over. And he always stays the whole weekend and then they never leave the room. And it's not like *I* ever leave the room either, so it's always just really uncomfortable.
All in
one room? Oof. If I were the visitor in that situation, I'd never feel comfortable enough to... um... never mind. [Reaches for brain bleach.]
I guess I was lucky. Although there weren't restrictions at my all-female college about male visitors, neither my freshman nor sophomore-year roommates ever wanted guys to spend the night. (Lots of guys
dropped by, of course, but the presence of a beady-eyed, resentful young Sunflower seemed to put a damper on their plans for romance. And they were dorky enough that my roommates seemed grateful for an excuse to send them home.)
My most vivid experience came the first weekend of freshman year, when on Saturday morning I wandered into the bathroom that served the whole dorm floor. In my flannel nightie, because I expected to see only other girls, of course.
I bumped into a young man wearing only a pair of horn-rimmed specs and a small towel. I flinched, squeaked "Ooh! I... uh... forgot my toothpaste!" and ran for the door. (It turned out he was the fiance of one of the seniors. Later, I got to know both of them better, and he always teased me about "how we met.")