Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2562731 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2985 on: January 11, 2015, 11:22:08 PM »
Okay, I see a great discussion going on, yet decide to interrupt with a bit of self-pitying, sorry.

Our apartment-to-be was partly destroyed due to a fire above it (noone's hurt from what I know). Not totally, but seriously enaugh to be temporarily inhabitable. And on Friday the landlady demanded me leaving the flat a week earlier than it was previously agreed. Meaning - in four days I'll probably have nowhere to live. Dang, I should start doing something to avoid being totally homeless by the time (my fiance staying at his friend's after the fire, no space for one more person really), but instead I'm just sitting back doing nothing but being miserable.

Also, I'm supposed to do announcing on a charity concert in two days, yet noone sent me any info about the artists, programme, whatsoever.
Aaaand it's rainnig outside. What a wonderful afternoon.
Hotel/motel paid (later) by insurance company?


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2986 on: January 12, 2015, 12:35:49 PM »
So our school apparently has three days where students can teach what they want to both students and teachers. Anything. So my first instict was "Let's do it! I can teach creative writing! Or maybe language learning techniques!" So today I headed down and saw a big group of students signing up for their own courses (someone was going to teach Warhammer, no kidding there). I took a tentative step, took another one, then turned around and ran upstairs. But tomorrow I'll do it. Tomorrow I'll definitely do it.
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

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Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

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Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2987 on: January 12, 2015, 01:12:57 PM »
So our school apparently has three days where students can teach what they want to both students and teachers. Anything. So my first instict was "Let's do it! I can teach creative writing! Or maybe language learning techniques!" So today I headed down and saw a big group of students signing up for their own courses (someone was going to teach Warhammer, no kidding there). I took a tentative step, took another one, then turned around and ran upstairs. But tomorrow I'll do it. Tomorrow I'll definitely do it.

You should go for it! I bet it will be awesome :D


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2988 on: January 12, 2015, 01:14:01 PM »
Thank you for all the hugs!
Temporar shelter found for me at a friend's house, as well as for the cats (most important). I've also spent most of my not-working time today on talks with the *lovely* insurance company. Unfortunately, as the damaged apartment wasn't our only possible place of living at the moment of the fire (or so the papers say) and we weren't even living there then (or so the papers say again, as apparently my fiance sleeping there and using electricity, the bathroom and the kitchen on the count of this month's bill magically doesn't count as living), they can't give anything more than money for the renovations. I'm supposed to ask them again when my current tenancy agreement ends, might be they'll be able to help then.
The biggest drag is fiding a safe place for all the belongings, as they probably won't all fit in my friend's small basement...
Just ended packing the first part of things, and eventually got some info for the concert! Time to make coffe and get to work.

You go, Nimphy! The courses you suggest can be really entertaining and useful, and from what I can see on the forum, you seem a great material for a teacher, so don't be unsure. Also - Warhammer classes, I'd totally go (I play veeery little RPG and haven't yet had possibility of actually trying WH).


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2989 on: January 12, 2015, 02:07:49 PM »
So our school apparently has three days where students can teach what they want to both students and teachers. Anything. So my first instict was "Let's do it! I can teach creative writing! Or maybe language learning techniques!" So today I headed down and saw a big group of students signing up for their own courses (someone was going to teach Warhammer, no kidding there). I took a tentative step, took another one, then turned around and ran upstairs. But tomorrow I'll do it. Tomorrow I'll definitely do it.

I'd be scared to death, but you're not me should do it! And then once you're done maybe you can give us forumites the class!

Just ended packing the first part of things, and eventually got some info for the concert! Time to make coffe and get to work.

You go, Nimphy! The courses you suggest can be really entertaining and useful, and from what I can see on the forum, you seem a great material for a teacher, so don't be unsure. Also - Warhammer classes, I'd totally go (I play veeery little RPG and haven't yet had possibility of actually trying WH).
Yay! Glad you found some shelter, at least. Hopefully you'll also be able to resolve this whole kerfuffle (I have always wanted to use that word) with the insurance company, too.

I'd also go to a Warhammer class, for similar reasons as yourself. Still trying to work up the courage to run some sort of pen and paper game with my friends/ siblings.

Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2990 on: January 12, 2015, 02:26:37 PM »
I'd be scared to death, but you're not me should do it! And then once you're done maybe you can give us forumites the class!

Yessss. Show us your magic language learning skills, Nimphy!


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2991 on: January 12, 2015, 02:54:16 PM »
Thank you for all the hugs!
Temporar shelter found for me at a friend's house, as well as for the cats (most important). I've also spent most of my not-working time today on talks with the *lovely* insurance company. Unfortunately, as the damaged apartment wasn't our only possible place of living at the moment of the fire (or so the papers say) and we weren't even living there then (or so the papers say again, as apparently my fiance sleeping there and using electricity, the bathroom and the kitchen on the count of this month's bill magically doesn't count as living), they can't give anything more than money for the renovations. I'm supposed to ask them again when my current tenancy agreement ends, might be they'll be able to help then.
The biggest drag is fiding a safe place for all the belongings, as they probably won't all fit in my friend's small basement...
Just ended packing the first part of things, and eventually got some info for the concert! Time to make coffe and get to work.

You go, Nimphy! The courses you suggest can be really entertaining and useful, and from what I can see on the forum, you seem a great material for a teacher, so don't be unsure. Also - Warhammer classes, I'd totally go (I play veeery little RPG and haven't yet had possibility of actually trying WH).

whish you all the best deirdre!

soo I jump in the ranting:
One of my sisters is pissed because we do not wont to burry our mother 6 weeks after she has died but to do it rather soon. We made a compromise in the date and her reaction is: (swearword)-you, I will not do any of the preparations for the funeral, I will not talk with authorities and I won't pay for anything.

My other sister is hurt badly by that, I try to comfort her in some way, but yet now it is just us two, who have to shoulder it. Luckyli the date for the funeral is finally set, so we may do it next week and we can move on in our way of mourning.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2992 on: January 12, 2015, 03:32:24 PM »
The biggest drag is fiding a safe place for all the belongings, as they probably won't all fit in my friend's small basement...
Considering that it will stay there only for as long as it takes to get the apartment fixed up (weeks? a month or two?), my first idea would be self storage, as they're used to short-term contracts and you don't need the amenities (water, heating, ...) that would come implicitly with piling the stuff into some residential building.

Note, however, that if any of it has been exposed to smoke - or, God forbid, fire water - in the fire, it must be cleaned by a specialized service ASAP. Fires in modern households mean burning plastics mean acid fumes; they will ruin any furniture they got on if they don't get removed immediately.
native: :de: secondary: :us: :fr:
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2993 on: January 12, 2015, 05:41:45 PM »
So our school apparently has three days where students can teach what they want to both students and teachers. Anything. So my first instict was "Let's do it! I can teach creative writing! Or maybe language learning techniques!" So today I headed down and saw a big group of students signing up for their own courses (someone was going to teach Warhammer, no kidding there). I took a tentative step, took another one, then turned around and ran upstairs. But tomorrow I'll do it. Tomorrow I'll definitely do it.

You should definitely do it, it will be super fun!


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2994 on: January 13, 2015, 12:22:31 AM »
I have to get this out, feel free to ignore it:
[rant warning]
Ughhhhhh. So, for my Art History final the assignment was to write an essay that consisted of twelve mini essays. That means it'll end up being super long and it couldn't be finished in the two weeks before winter break so my teacher offered (to the whole class) to let us claim an incomplete grade until we turn the essay in, which she told us we could the two classes after we got back from break. And (and!) she told us that it would have no ill effect on our grades. (And mind, all but, like, two people in the class took up the offer.) Except just tonight, my academic advisor emails me with the subject line 'URGENT' detailing how absolutely terrible incomplete grades are for my GPA and that I need to turn in the assignment ASAP. I tell her that I knew I would get an incomplete, and not to worry, both my teacher and I know the situation, as she offered incomplete grades to the whole class. But then she emailed me back like I had done something wrong, in a very serious tone that wasn't sympathetic or understanding at all, apparently trying to drill into my brain how incomplete grades have "an extremely ill effect" on my GPA and that "many teachers do not understand the full impact of an incomplete" when they give offers like my teacher had. She emphasized how "strongly" she advised me to turn my essay in, as if my grade would be any different if I turned it in later... Also she seemed to imply that this was a misunderstanding on my part when I had nothing to do with it! Like, clearly it was my teacher's fault, not mine! You could at least acknowledge that!! ...Anyway, it doesn't sound that bad but I got really upset about it and it ruined my night.
[rant over]

TL;DR: My academic advisor is really unsympathetic and seems to want to make me stressed out and upset.  >:(

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2995 on: January 13, 2015, 12:39:53 AM »
I have to get this out, feel free to ignore it:
[rant warning]
Ughhhhhh. So, for my Art History final the assignment was to write an essay that consisted of twelve mini essays. That means it'll end up being super long and it couldn't be finished in the two weeks before winter break so my teacher offered (to the whole class) to let us claim an incomplete grade until we turn the essay in, which she told us we could the two classes after we got back from break. And (and!) she told us that it would have no ill effect on our grades. (And mind, all but, like, two people in the class took up the offer.) Except just tonight, my academic advisor emails me with the subject line 'URGENT' detailing how absolutely terrible incomplete grades are for my GPA and that I need to turn in the assignment ASAP. I tell her that I knew I would get an incomplete, and not to worry, both my teacher and I know the situation, as she offered incomplete grades to the whole class. But then she emailed me back like I had done something wrong, in a very serious tone that wasn't sympathetic or understanding at all, apparently trying to drill into my brain how incomplete grades have "an extremely ill effect" on my GPA and that "many teachers do not understand the full impact of an incomplete" when they give offers like my teacher had. She emphasized how "strongly" she advised me to turn my essay in, as if my grade would be any different if I turned it in later... Also she seemed to imply that this was a misunderstanding on my part when I had nothing to do with it! Like, clearly it was my teacher's fault, not mine! You could at least acknowledge that!! ...Anyway, it doesn't sound that bad but I got really upset about it and it ruined my night.
[rant over]

TL;DR: My academic advisor is really unsympathetic and seems to want to make me stressed out and upset.  >:(
Advisors suck.  Having a hard time with school down here, too...  Our advisors for Mechanical Engineering wouldn't tell us which teachers we were signing up for during scheduling, so we couldn't avoid the bad teachers (they wanted to ensure an even spread, because they don't want to fire the crappy teachers that everyone hates).  It's also hard because I haven't done math in 8 months and I don't even remember how to take a partial derivative :(  That's like... really basic stuff I should know.  MMmmmmm, time for sleep.  I've got many hours of homework to do tomorrow.  I hope you can make your advisor see reason, Piney!  It's no fun having someone that stingy.
Feel free to PM.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2996 on: January 13, 2015, 12:52:55 AM »
Advisors suck.  Having a hard time with school down here, too...  Our advisors for Mechanical Engineering wouldn't tell us which teachers we were signing up for during scheduling, so we couldn't avoid the bad teachers (they wanted to ensure an even spread, because they don't want to fire the crappy teachers that everyone hates).  It's also hard because I haven't done math in 8 months and I don't even remember how to take a partial derivative :(  That's like... really basic stuff I should know.  MMmmmmm, time for sleep.  I've got many hours of homework to do tomorrow.  I hope you can make your advisor see reason, Piney!  It's no fun having someone that stingy.

Stingy! Yes, that's a great word for her. I'm glad someone else could sympathize. I'm supposed to be exempt from Art History this semester, and it hasn't been removed from my schedule online yet, but I'm too afraid to contact her about it because I contacted her twice about AP credits involving the same class before I knew for sure I'd be exempt... and she lost her patience with me. So I'm not sure if I should mention my exemption to her again :P

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Sigrid Marie

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2997 on: January 13, 2015, 01:37:30 AM »
I have to get this out, feel free to ignore it:
[rant warning]
Ughhhhhh. So, for my Art History final the assignment was to write an essay that consisted of twelve mini essays. That means it'll end up being super long and it couldn't be finished in the two weeks before winter break so my teacher offered (to the whole class) to let us claim an incomplete grade until we turn the essay in, which she told us we could the two classes after we got back from break. And (and!) she told us that it would have no ill effect on our grades. (And mind, all but, like, two people in the class took up the offer.) Except just tonight, my academic advisor emails me with the subject line 'URGENT' detailing how absolutely terrible incomplete grades are for my GPA and that I need to turn in the assignment ASAP. I tell her that I knew I would get an incomplete, and not to worry, both my teacher and I know the situation, as she offered incomplete grades to the whole class. But then she emailed me back like I had done something wrong, in a very serious tone that wasn't sympathetic or understanding at all, apparently trying to drill into my brain how incomplete grades have "an extremely ill effect" on my GPA and that "many teachers do not understand the full impact of an incomplete" when they give offers like my teacher had. She emphasized how "strongly" she advised me to turn my essay in, as if my grade would be any different if I turned it in later... Also she seemed to imply that this was a misunderstanding on my part when I had nothing to do with it! Like, clearly it was my teacher's fault, not mine! You could at least acknowledge that!! ...Anyway, it doesn't sound that bad but I got really upset about it and it ruined my night.
[rant over]

TL;DR: My academic advisor is really unsympathetic and seems to want to make me stressed out and upset.  >:(

Urgh, unsympathetic teachers are the worst! I know the feeling all too well. I have insomnia, and I'm being tested for ADHD (no one is surprised), and yet everyone still keeps telling me I could get really good grades if I just "tried a little harder". >:C

Have you talked to your teacher after you found out about this? Perhaps she can do something about it if you tell her what your advisor said.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2998 on: January 13, 2015, 04:20:37 AM »
Stingy! Yes, that's a great word for her. I'm glad someone else could sympathize. I'm supposed to be exempt from Art History this semester, and it hasn't been removed from my schedule online yet, but I'm too afraid to contact her about it because I contacted her twice about AP credits involving the same class before I knew for sure I'd be exempt... and she lost her patience with me. So I'm not sure if I should mention my exemption to her again :P
Oh wow ;____; Pineyyyyy *hugs*
Our art teachers are pretty close to that...but not quite. *more hugs of encouragement*
We were given incomplete marks as final marks in my Visual Communications last year, where the class got an extension on a huge project, which we were able to hand in during the end-of-year holidays. I submitted 9 pages out of 40.... XD
:artd: :book1+: :book2:


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2999 on: January 13, 2015, 07:41:13 AM »
Urgh, unsympathetic teachers are the worst! I know the feeling all too well. I have insomnia, and I'm being tested for ADHD (no one is surprised), and yet everyone still keeps telling me I could get really good grades if I just "tried a little harder". >:C

Have you talked to your teacher after you found out about this? Perhaps she can do something about it if you tell her what your advisor said.

Well the thing is, my teacher's supposed to already know about it... She'd probably just shrug it off, because I can't do anything except turn the paper in at this point, and either way I'm not going to fail the class as long as I turn it in. :/

Oh wow ;____; Pineyyyyy *hugs*
Our art teachers are pretty close to that...but not quite. *more hugs of encouragement*
We were given incomplete marks as final marks in my Visual Communications last year, where the class got an extension on a huge project, which we were able to hand in during the end-of-year holidays. I submitted 9 pages out of 40.... XD

Aww, thank you for the hugs :) *hugs back*
And... forty pages?? *jaw drops* I've... turned in three pages of mine... :P

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