Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2562824 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2700 on: December 31, 2014, 09:57:38 PM »
Welp, my family members have all gone to separate New Year's Eve parties... leaving me in the house completely alone but with absolutely nothing to do.  :P
All my family did was watch "Once Upon A Time," today.  We haven't done a party in a couple of years.
We also nearly started a fire, when my mom forgot she put cooking oil in a pot to make popcorn.  We saw the pot was smoking and she took it outside to let it air out, and after all the smoke left, the oxygen swept in and started a little fire in the pot.  So, our new year's eve involved airing out our downstairs, oddly enough.  I think the meds they put her on after her heart attack make her forgetful.  :/  That's never happened, as far as I can remember.

I got two bars of reception! Yeah!!!!! Not... Really sure what to do with them now I've found them.... U_u
Ah man, the 70's decor down here is just as eye-hurty as I remember xAx and sharing a room with siblings and cats is.....well...I'd rather just the cats :S But, at least we're not sleeping on the floor like the old days. *shudder* And I think my sister is trying to melt me ;__; I don't wanna go outside because there's sun and pervy pirate neighbours, and she won't let me turn off the heater! I'm going to catch fire or something it's toooooo hottttttt ;;;___;;;
But enough of me complaining: New Years was a quiet affair for us, or me at least (I just watched anime all night X'D) but the time has finally come when the neighbours with experience and expertise with fireworks have finally run out of their illegal stash...and the drunken bogan novices think they can take over.....u____u the safety violations I have witnessed *Mikkel face* the clan I regret to call my cousins lit a bonfire...under a tree: tree on fire. There was a man dancing with a flare outside my window: burnt his hand and ran away screaming. I just...the /stupidity/ of some people?? I love this's just the PEOPLE that...UGH. My youngest sister just looked out the window and said "Natural Selection. Natural Selection. NATURAL SELECTION." Hahaha I guess they bug her too X'P

Sorry to put a rant in here :( *is summer-induced party pooper*
It's amazing how resilient some people can be...
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2701 on: December 31, 2014, 10:04:37 PM »
  I think the meds they put her on after her heart attack make her forgetful.  :/  That's never happened, as far as I can remember.
Wha-- was this a recent thing for your mum?! D: Or an old thing?
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2702 on: December 31, 2014, 10:09:09 PM »
Wha-- was this a recent thing for your mum?! D: Or an old thing?
It happened right after 2013 started, so it's been almost exactly two years.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2703 on: December 31, 2014, 10:18:18 PM »
I got two bars of reception! Yeah!!!!! Not... Really sure what to do with them now I've found them.... U_u

New Years was a quiet affair for us, or me at least (I just watched anime all night X'D) but the time has finally come when the neighbours with experience and expertise with fireworks have finally run out of their illegal stash...and the drunken bogan novices think they can take over.....u____u the safety violations I have witnessed *Mikkel face*
the clan I regret to call my cousins lit a bonfire...under a tree: tree on fire. There was a man dancing with a flare outside my window: burnt his hand and ran away screaming. I just...the /stupidity/ of some people??

I love this's just the PEOPLE that...UGH. My youngest sister just looked out the window and said "Natural Selection. Natural Selection. NATURAL SELECTION." Hahaha I guess they bug her too X'P

Owl!  Auntie Sunflower says go out and play in the sunshine!  (In your 50 SPF sunblock, hat, dark glasses, and shirt, of course.) 

UNLESS there's drunken idiots running around with illegal dangerous fireworks, of course.  It sounds like the Fourth of July in some of my old neighborhoods! 

Well, while you're waiting for the drunken "bogans" (is that like "hooligans"?) to pass out, get arrested, or get bored and go home, you can read about the Darwin Awards.  And think about who among your neighbors most deserves one...

Meanwhile, Happy New Year to all!  I am getting all dolled up to go over to some friends' house for dinner.  Talk to you in 2015!
"The music of what happens," said great Fionn, "that is the finest music in the world."
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2704 on: December 31, 2014, 10:34:07 PM »

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2705 on: December 31, 2014, 11:36:40 PM »
Sounds like the theme of New Year's 2015 is "fire"...

Gosh, I'm so glad we moved to the "sticks" (okay, civilization is only two miles away) over the summer. Our only neighbors are horse people and old people so no fireworks for us. Yessss!

Where we used to live, however... My mom and I were always afraid we'd wake up to find the entire neighborhood burned to the ground - if we could find enough quiet to fall asleep, that is. And it gets crazier there every year, to the point that last New Years we actually had to drug my dog to keep her calm. My dad swung over there around five this afternoon to show around some potential renters and apparently people were shooting off stuff already which... doesn't surprise me at all, really.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2706 on: December 31, 2014, 11:44:39 PM »
Gosh, I'm so glad we moved to the "sticks" (okay, civilization is only two miles away) over the summer. Our only neighbors are horse people and old people so no fireworks for us. Yessss!

Where we used to live, however... My mom and I were always afraid we'd wake up to find the entire neighborhood burned to the ground - if we could find enough quiet to fall asleep, that is. And it gets crazier there every year, to the point that last New Years we actually had to drug my dog to keep her calm. My dad swung over there around five this afternoon to show around some potential renters and apparently people were shooting off stuff already which... doesn't surprise me at all, really.
You have centaurs in your neighborhood!?!?  :O  *Drama intensifies*
My sister was a horse person.  She was on her school's equestrian team in uni, and helped to train dressage horses for a while.

The sky is exploding, where I'm at, right now.  We brought the dog in because he doesn't like the fireworks.  :(
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2707 on: December 31, 2014, 11:50:14 PM »
Gosh, I'm so glad we moved to the "sticks" (okay, civilization is only two miles away) over the summer. Our only neighbors are horse people and old people so no fireworks for us. Yessss!

Where we used to live, however... My mom and I were always afraid we'd wake up to find the entire neighborhood burned to the ground - if we could find enough quiet to fall asleep, that is. And it gets crazier there every year, to the point that last New Years we actually had to drug my dog to keep her calm. My dad swung over there around five this afternoon to show around some potential renters and apparently people were shooting off stuff already which... doesn't surprise me at all, really.
You have centaurs in your neighborhood!?!?  :O  *Drama intensifies*
My sister was a horse person.  She was on her school's equestrian team in uni, and helped to train dressage horses for a while.

The sky is exploding, where I'm at, right now.  We brought the dog in because he doesn't like the fireworks.  :(

Fireworks aren't a thing where I'm from because they're illegal without a permit. Thank goodness. My reacts... loudly to fireworks. And I live in an area with rather a lot of trees (as opposed to the city), so I don't know how safe shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood would be...

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2708 on: December 31, 2014, 11:50:26 PM »
Welp, my family members have all gone to separate New Year's Eve parties... leaving me in the house completely alone but with absolutely nothing to do.  :P

Same story, family's in another town, so here would be nobody but me in our apartment until Sunday. But... this is the first time in my life (at least the part I can remember well) when I feel almost happy on the New Year's Eve. Even turned off the phone so nobody could reach me. Seems that these blissful silence and solitude were all that I needed. I regret nothing, though my mom worries about me being alone and wanting no company at all.  :P

Okay, nothing interesting or useful I can tell, as usual. Just overwhelmed with this calmness I hadn't had for years. Peace to everybody here  :)
The proverb lies, I've never killed a cat.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2709 on: December 31, 2014, 11:57:34 PM »
Same story, family's in another town, so here would be nobody but me in our apartment until Sunday. But... this is the first time in my life (at least the part I can remember well) when I feel almost happy on the New Year's Eve. Even turned off the phone so nobody could reach me. Seems that these blissful silence and solitude were all that I needed. I regret nothing, though my mom worries about me being alone and wanting no company at all.  :P

Okay, nothing interesting or useful I can tell, as usual. Just overwhelmed with this calmness I hadn't had for years. Peace to everybody here  :)

I'm actually not very happy today, idk why. Maybe because I've been doing absolutely nothing for the past three days. Weird that doing nothing for too long tires me out, considering I always feel the need to get away from things. Glad you could get your peace, though. It can do wonders  :)

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2710 on: January 01, 2015, 12:00:02 AM »

EDIT: Seems that I didn't post this with as much precision as I did the post for Christmas. Two seconds too late, shucks.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 12:24:09 AM by Piney »

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2711 on: January 01, 2015, 12:01:36 AM »
You have centaurs in your neighborhood!?!?  :O  *Drama intensifies*
My sister was a horse person.  She was on her school's equestrian team in uni, and helped to train dressage horses for a while.

The sky is exploding, where I'm at, right now.  We brought the dog in because he doesn't like the fireworks.  :(

Yes, we gave them a spare salmon for Christmas.

Ick, exploding skies are no fun. It's so unbelievably quiet this year and it makes me so happy. If we were still living in firework-crazy-town I'd probably be hiding under a blanket with the dog (drugged) in a death hug-of-apprehension right about now.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2712 on: January 01, 2015, 12:02:24 AM »
I'm actually not very happy today, idk why. Maybe because I've been doing absolutely nothing for the past three days. Weird that doing nothing for too long tires me out, considering I always feel the need to get away from things. Glad you could get your peace, though. It can do wonders  :)
Same, pretty much.  Plus some other stuff. 
I've actually done some stuff the past couple of days; I even saw some friends.  Maybe I'm down because I'm going back to school on Sunday and I don't think I can handle it?

The fire works just went berserk.

Yes, we gave them a spare salmon for Christmas.

Ick, exploding skies are no fun. It's so unbelievably quiet this year and it makes me so happy. If we were still living in firework-crazy-town I'd probably be hiding under a blanket with the dog (drugged) in a death hug-of-apprehension right about now.
South Carolina is positively FILLED with pine trees.  All of them are tall, and all of them are flammable.  Surprisingly, nothing bad has happened for a while, that I know of.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2713 on: January 01, 2015, 12:09:54 AM »
Same, pretty much.  Plus some other stuff. 
I've actually done some stuff the past couple of days; I even saw some friends.  Maybe I'm down because I'm going back to school on Sunday and I don't think I can handle it?

School would do the trick for me. :/

The fire works just went berserk.

Despite fireworks being illegal, I'm hearing so many right now. Luckily none too close to my house.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #2714 on: January 01, 2015, 01:22:39 AM »
School would do the trick for me. :/

Despite fireworks being illegal, I'm hearing so many right now. Luckily none too close to my house.
I'm really not looking forward to going back.  Just...  ggggggggggggggggggggggggah.,.

Think a canon just went off.  Heard that one through my ear phones.
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