Thorny, I have Italian Purple, Italian White and several unidentified varieties of softneck here, ones I got from herb swaps. Also Alliums triquetrum and vineale grow wild around here, good for foraging. My garlic is drowned at the moment, so doubt I'll get a crop this year. At least the water chestnuts, katniss and water irises like this weather! And the cress.
Your precautions sound similar to mine. My fridge and freezer have defrosted, since the power was off all day yesterday and for six hours this morning, so most of my frozen stuff is probably ruined. . I have a lot of dried stuff in the pantry, mostly veges, fruit, pasta and forest mushrooms. My neighbour runs a solar dehydrator, and is always up for doing a swap: he dries my excess crops in exchange for keeping some of it for himself, which I find an excellent deal. But his solar dryers aren't doing too well in this weather. (My neighbour on the other side is presently away - she is a comedian who does cruise ships, so at present she is floating on the sea somewhere tropical, and missing all this weather. Lucky girl!)
Last few days have been rough. We had a day that wasn't too bad, another where the weather closed in again by evening, and now we are back to fullon storms. Our electrical appliances are beginning to die from the power surges, which is annoying. Everything is wet, the internet is intermittent because the phone towers keep failing, and the weeds are getting ahead of me, grumblemuttergrumblecurse! There was a train crash south of here (fallen tree), and various idiots are having to be rescued since they insist on going kayaking or surfing in the floodwaters, as if the poor emergency services folk were not desperately overstretched already. Lots of flooding in the town, because the Torrens river runs alongside the main street. Normally it's no problem, because this near the headwaters the river is quite small, usually only a few feet across, but at present the river is remembering that it is indeed a River rather than just a stream, and channeling its Inner Roaring Torrent! I'm about to go and check on a friend who lives next to the river, then go shopping for tea and more batteries while there is a break between storms, shop for a friend who is housebound in Tanunda, and take our washing to a laundromat, if we can find one open because one of the devices which has died is the washing machine, grrr!
Enough with the storms, already!
On the other hand, our house is still standing, okay apart from a bad leak in the roof (trying not to stumble over buckets in the hallway). We're all alive, which is good.