Hello everyone
After looking trough some of the old treads here i noticed something that made me go back in history for a couple of years to a far simpler time slaying orcs and looting epics in the simple world of warcraft. The thing that made me have this "flashback" of sorts was a certain name "Nuti". Nuti as seen by her profile picture is a green dragon awfully similiar to one other poster in an old finnish world of warcraft forum "Goblin explosives net" ( or G.E.N ) since dead but still running. Within this place after some digging i found the thing that i made me remember her so keenly from such a long time ago.
"Fincraft" A world of warcraft novel written by multidude of writers making it a quite intresting patcwork of tales from people who have long since seemingly lost intrest in the game but after reading it once more ( well parts of it it's quite a hefty thing ) i still quite enjoyed the style and setting and it brought me back to days on yonder where life was quite different and perhaps simpler.
This thread here i have made mostly for two reasons:
1. I would like to thank Nuti for her works that brought me so many hours of entertainment and enjoyment of seeing their charicters grow and advance.
2. I became intrested in knowing: Have you guys seen or met people here that you have known from other forums? For me personally this seems to be quite a rare occurance but what are your experiences?
For anyone intrested here is a link to the Fincraft story
( i do faintly remember there being 21 chapters so i beliave this is not the full version )