I like many of my fanfics too, but I'll just do visuals here.
This one isn't a favourite per se, but it is the
very first SSSS fanwork I made - an edit, about lutefisk. (Would you believe I assembled it in
MS Word?)
Some may remember when we all made SSSSonas. I took out the drawing pad for the first time in
years to contribute mine, a Finnish-Estonian woman who made a living carving government stamps and bootlegging.
This one is a Secret Santa gift I made for Unlos - she was just talking about this the other day (she's a mod this year for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang). It's called 'Bark Up, Bark Down', depicting the perennial Norwegian argument about the best way to load logs onto the fire.
This one is still my favourite Trond and one of my favourite Mikkels - in which Trond 'persuades' Mikkel to join this expedition, by revealing to Mikkel what dirt he has on him.
I was inspired to try and learn how to do digital art thanks to SSSS. I now know ...the tiniest bit about it, just enough to know that I know
nothing. But I really like this Reynir image.
I struggle with drawing Lalli, always have. This is one of the few I actually like.
This one I like mostly for the buzz it gave me, thinking about how to choreograph and stage this. It was an imagining of a production of the ballet The Nutcracker created in a future Denmark, based on the wildly popular memoirs of the hero Mikkel Madsen. It's the battle against the rats, as the battle at the end of chapter 12 where Tuuri gets bitten and Kokko comes and helps the hero Mikkel vanquish the trolls (except for one, who has chosen between Tuuri and Reynir). Anyway.
And possibly my all-time favourite, the Yellow Submarine inspired tribute to Adventure 1.