Author Topic: General Discussion Thread  (Read 2563379 times)


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16500 on: October 03, 2016, 12:12:22 AM »
I get the feeling you are trying to convey. In fact, I can't help but feel it applies to the food cooked with the respective heat as well. When something is cooked on a stove, or even a gas stove, as opposed to heated on a electric grill or microwave, the result is much better.

There is a quality to fire and it's heat that does not quite translate in electricity.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16501 on: October 03, 2016, 12:49:12 AM »
Exactly! I'm at a loss to explain in words, but there is that extra quality in fire that makes fire-cooked food taste better, and heat from an actual burning fire give back more of the life-energy depleted by cold. It's strange, but welcome!
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16502 on: October 03, 2016, 05:36:11 AM »
JoB: we get snow, but not snow like that! Looks terrifying!
That historic one had 50 cm of fresh, wet snow between morning and eve. There ensued a discussion about most pylons being 65+yo Thomas steel, which is why I mentioned it here; their replacements' steel is supposedly much less brittle, so I'm wondering whether that effect might hold for your pylons as well.

(With what happened to the ferroconcrete pylons in the first photo, I doubt that the material played much of a role, though.)

Or ice storms.
The two pylons in the foreground look like two wrestlers getting ready for a bout ... :D
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16503 on: October 03, 2016, 05:09:30 PM »
And ooh, organic garlic! What varieties do you grow?

The hardneck is Italian Purple.

The softneck is another question. I have what may or may not be four different strains; but, as I only know two of them by nicknames (purchased over twenty years ago at a festival; in one case I have only the name of the grower, and in the other a code number, but by the time I was able to ask either of those growers about it they had no idea what they'd sold me at a festival years before), and as they're all fairly similar, and as both the Polish White and the French Red, along with everything else, come out slightly purple in my soil: they may actually be anywhere from two to four different softnecks.

For some years now I've kept the equivalent of a closed herd for alliums (except onions, which I start from seed, not sets) because of garlic bloat nematode; which I don't have, and definitely don't want.

[ . . . ] for all it's wonders, modern technology is rather fragile. I like to have the old stuff in back up.

Indeed. I'm the last place on a (fairly short) dead end road and if power lines are down all over this will be one of the last places back on. I like to have at least two ways to do anything essential. -- the backup for the freezers is only that they're out in the cold, though, so a multiple day outage in hot weather would be a problem; and I've got no internet access if power is off; my cell phone is very stupid and computer modem needs electric line power. Do have two types of phone and more than one battery-run radio, though; one of which will run on handcrank power, as will one of several flashlights; there's a battery and a couple of kerosene lanterns (the latter of which rarely get used as they require continuous attendance because, cats, one of which has no manners); and a wood stove that can also be cooked on to some extent, though it has no oven. And there's a hand pump on the old well, so I've got water even if the weather's not providing it or is too hot to boil it; and lots of canned goods.

The wood stove's also better than the central heat because I can sit right next to it if cold, no need to get the whole house or even the whole room that warm.

That historic one had 50 cm of fresh, wet snow between morning and eve.

We get snow like that here occasionally, but not often. And less often the most recent ten or fifteen years or so. Rainfall patterns have become wildly erratic, though, and the summers by my standards often too hot.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16504 on: October 03, 2016, 08:22:50 PM »
Thorny, I have Italian Purple, Italian White and several unidentified varieties of softneck here, ones I got from herb swaps. Also Alliums triquetrum and vineale grow wild around here, good for foraging. My garlic is drowned at the moment, so doubt I'll get a crop this year. At least the water chestnuts, katniss and water irises like this weather! And the cress.

Your precautions sound similar to mine. My fridge and freezer have defrosted, since the power was off all day yesterday and for six hours this morning, so most of my frozen stuff is probably ruined. . I have a lot of dried stuff in the pantry, mostly veges, fruit, pasta and forest mushrooms. My neighbour runs a solar dehydrator, and is always up for doing a swap: he dries my excess crops in exchange for keeping some of it for himself, which I find an excellent deal. But his solar dryers aren't doing too well in this weather. (My neighbour on the other side is presently away - she is a comedian who does cruise ships, so at present she is floating on the sea somewhere tropical, and missing all this weather. Lucky girl!)

Last few days have been rough. We had a day that wasn't too bad, another where the weather closed in again by evening, and now we are back to fullon storms. Our electrical appliances are beginning to die from the power surges, which is annoying. Everything is wet, the internet is intermittent because the phone towers keep failing, and the weeds are getting ahead of me, grumblemuttergrumblecurse! There was a train crash south of here (fallen tree), and various idiots are having to be rescued since they insist on going kayaking or surfing in the floodwaters, as if the poor emergency services folk were not desperately overstretched already. Lots of flooding in the town, because the Torrens river runs alongside the main street. Normally it's no problem, because this near the headwaters the river is quite small, usually only a few feet across, but at present the river is remembering that it is indeed a River rather than just a stream, and channeling its Inner Roaring Torrent! I'm about to go and check on a friend who lives next to the river, then go shopping for tea and more batteries while there is a break between storms, shop for a friend who is housebound in Tanunda, and take our washing to a laundromat, if we can find one open because one of the devices which has died is the washing machine, grrr!

Enough with the storms, already!

On the other hand, our house is still standing, okay apart from a bad leak in the roof (trying not to stumble over buckets in the hallway). We're all alive, which is good.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16505 on: October 04, 2016, 01:03:21 PM »
Róisín, good luck, and be very careful travelling!

-- people do tend to think of streams and rivers as being the size they usually are, don't we? I got broken of that one many years ago, when I was living in a house some 30 feet from the edge of a gully, at the bottom of which, maybe 20 feet down, was a tiny stream that I'd never seen be anything other than a tiny stream. If it even had a name I didn't know it. If I thought about the gully at all, I thought it was a leftover from glacial floods thousands of years ago.

Then we had several days of wet weather followed by a few hours of extraordinarily wet weather. And that tiny little stream not only filled all 20 feet deep of that gully but climbed out of it, coming within about three feet from the corner of the house; and when the water went down, there was the new gully edge, about three feet from the house not thirty --

I was suddenly just as glad we were renting. And I've looked at little streams rather differently ever since.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16506 on: October 04, 2016, 10:45:40 PM »
So apparently there's been some issues with clowns back in the U.S. ? I've heard rumors of some inviduals even being assaulted or stabbed by these clowns but I wasn't able to find any sources on that so I'm not sure how much validity there is to that. I mean I know I've heard stories of incidents before such as the Staten Island clown in New York and other weird incidents of people dressing as clowns to bother people but never has it really happened at this high of a frequency and rarely did they actually get this invasive. At least the Staten Island clown just kinda stood there looking creepy and didn't actually approach anyone.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16507 on: October 04, 2016, 10:51:09 PM »
No idea on any of the clownfolk being anything other than creepy, but I did see a news report where a dude grabbed a machete and chased one of the guys in the clown getup into the woods.

.....Sounds like the plot to a bad friday the 13th spinoff. Jason Vs Pennywise.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16508 on: October 04, 2016, 11:25:21 PM »
Some people have too much time on their hands.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16509 on: October 04, 2016, 11:30:36 PM »
The only one I heard about was creeping around playgrounds trying to lure kids into the woods. Thankfully, none of them did but I don't know if they ever got the guy.

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16510 on: October 04, 2016, 11:54:04 PM »
I know that there have been incidents in Nova Scotia* as well. And today there was a fake kidnapping threat in my town* that made reference to the whole clown... thing.

This was the first time I'd heard of it. Really weird.
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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16511 on: October 05, 2016, 09:48:17 AM »
As near as I can tell, there's been a whole lot of talking about clowns, but only a couple of cases of there actually being any clowns, and no evidence of those clowns doing anything other than looking creepy, or being thought to look creepy.

I think it's a schoolchildren's rumor that went crazy -- kids trying to scare other kids by saying 'there's something awful at that old abandoned house in the woods', some kids believing it, some parents believing the kids; and then, modern communications being what they are, the whole thing took off online and in the news, leading to lots of copycat stories, and an occasional case of somebody thinking it would be funny to dress up in a clown costume and scare people, plus maybe a case or two of actual clowns on their way somewhere in costume being mistaken for a threat.

There have also been some people going charging out with weapons looking for clowns. This whole mess may lead to actual problems; but I think they'll be caused by the rumors, not by any actual group of evil clowns.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 09:49:48 AM by thorny »


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16512 on: October 05, 2016, 10:31:07 AM »
As near as I can tell, there's been a whole lot of talking about clowns, but only a couple of cases of there actually being any clowns, and no evidence of those clowns doing anything other than looking creepy, or being thought to look creepy.

I think it's a schoolchildren's rumor that went crazy -- kids trying to scare other kids by saying 'there's something awful at that old abandoned house in the woods', some kids believing it, some parents believing the kids; and then, modern communications being what they are, the whole thing took off online and in the news, leading to lots of copycat stories, and an occasional case of somebody thinking it would be funny to dress up in a clown costume and scare people, plus maybe a case or two of actual clowns on their way somewhere in costume being mistaken for a threat.

There have also been some people going charging out with weapons looking for clowns. This whole mess may lead to actual problems; but I think they'll be caused by the rumors, not by any actual group of evil clowns.

This is the impression I'm starting to get the more I try to look up news stories and sources on the incidents. Actually if anything I've been finding sources saying it's mostly a bunch of hysteria. Apparently there were a few incidents of people online posing as clowns and [ur=]making threats to schools[/url], but unfortunately kids making empty (and even more unfortunately but luckily significantly less frequent not empty) threats to schools in the U.S. has been a thing for a while, just now kids are playing into the clown hype when they do it. I remember when I was in middle school some kid called in a bomb threat to the school, and my freshmen year at university someone called in a shooting threat that caused me to not be allowed to leave my dorm room until around 1 in the afternoon making me very hungry and grumpy (I don't think that was the campus wide rule of "don't even leave your room" but I had a weirdly strict R.A. that semester) These were all later revealed to be empty threats, but nonetheless I'm glad were still taken seriously because better safe than sorry I suppose. 

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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16513 on: October 05, 2016, 03:41:20 PM »
better safe than sorry I suppose.

Well, to a point.

Having some trouble phrasing this properly, and no time to really do it right, but: if what was probably originally a few kids trying to scare a few other kids can blow up into this sort of hassle, I think this is being taken way too seriously -- and the fact of taking it this seriously may turn it into something more serious. And some of the no-sharp-things-on-school-property stuff is also taken rather too far.

I don't know about the specific threats in your experience -- depends a whole lot on what information the schools had, and of course I don't have any of it.


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #16514 on: October 05, 2016, 06:06:50 PM »
Well, to a point.

Having some trouble phrasing this properly, and no time to really do it right, but: if what was probably originally a few kids trying to scare a few other kids can blow up into this sort of hassle, I think this is being taken way too seriously -- and the fact of taking it this seriously may turn it into something more serious. And some of the no-sharp-things-on-school-property stuff is also taken rather too far.

I don't know about the specific threats in your experience -- depends a whole lot on what information the schools had, and of course I don't have any of it.

I suppose, stuff like that one time a six year old was sent to reform school for 45 days over bringing a Swiss army knife to school seem a bit excessive. But I feel like when someone makes a threat that would result in loosing innocent lives and it was / is a problem with no way of proving its an empty threat at the time then I do feel its better to be safe than sorry. At and point while I was in high school it felt like I was hearing about another school shooting in the news every few weeks so it's not like it's totally impossible or unlikely, it is a real issue. I don't know what happened with the bomb threat when I was in middle school, but the shooting threat that happened when I was in university was someone talking about on a blog their plans to shoot up the school "worse than Virginia Tech" and this was pretty shortly after Virginia Tech happened, and "copy cat" shooters do actually spring up frequently after larger shootings which is why you hear about more shootings happening in the news after one happens, and considering that the school had no way of knowing if it was real or not then yes, I think in that case it was better safe than sorry. Although not even letting me unlock my dorm room door or go down the hall to get snacks from my friend's room did feel excessive ;-_-

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