Our comic of the month for November is Erma. Discuss it with other forumites here!
*clears throat* I declare with this post that I am a ture Ranger now! Now where's my trusty companion? did I plan this? Yep I did cause it's gonna be a while till my next rank
I love the choice of ship -- historically appropriate and all, but *snert* "The Big Weasel"...* sunflower sometimes has a juvenile sense of humor
Well I haven't congratulated anyone in forever (not since this was a thread I think), socongrats newly promoted people!congrats not-so-newly promoted people!congrats multi-promoted people!
*clears throat* I declare with this post that I am a true Ranger now! Now where's my trusty companion? did I plan this? Yep I did cause it's gonna be a while till my next rank
Congratulations to our newest administrators, Sunflower and Viola!They're both extremely dedicated staff members, and it's an honour to be working with them.Picked your titles yet?
Aw, thanks, Para!In a weak moment I picked an egotistical title: Forum-Saraswati. (The four-armed Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and learning.)
Aw, thanks, Para!In a weak moment I picked an egotistical title: Forum-Saraswati. (The four-armed Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and learning.)-----------In other news, Noodly Appendage is about to become a Ruler of a Derelict Airport. Got one you'd like to claim?