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Author Topic: Art Discussion  (Read 77468 times)


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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #75 on: July 02, 2015, 10:41:00 AM »
And now for the Lauftroll tutorial!!! Wooo! I hope the tutorial is ok. I've never tried explaining my methods to anyone, so if something is unclear or confusing please don't hesitate to let me know. I ended up making a powerpoint because there were too many photos to put each one in the thread. And I also apologize for the quality of the photos. They were all taken after 9pm on my iphone 4 camera on a hotel bed in Hiroshima.


I am going to try and do a paper Lalli tutorial tomorrow if I have time. Paper kitty is done and paper Emil is almost done.
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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2015, 07:17:00 PM »
Aaahh the Kimono! :D Thank you so much Viola for providing the tutorial, and don't worry about the sketchiness- the instructions are visibly clear and that's what matters~
Hopefully I can coerce my sister into making some origamis, including the lauftroll  ;D
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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2015, 09:48:55 PM »
ooh, I want to make all of these! I made a frog - not a very crisp frog, but a frog nonetheless. :)
fluent - :usa:
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starting to learn - :finland: :japan:


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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #78 on: July 03, 2015, 05:12:02 AM »
For the kitty I thought it would just be easier to use an existing cat pattern. Here is a simple one that I found that should be easy enough for even the beginners. After you make it you can draw on a heart shaped pattern to make it more SSSS related.

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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #79 on: July 04, 2015, 11:21:17 AM »
And now I present: Paper Lalli tutorial!!!

The pictures took several hours to upload, so no idea when Sigrun will be up.
And again apologies for sketchy quality pictures. I took them with my phone on the Japanese bullet train, using the tray table as a surface.

Let me know if something doesn't make sense! If it does, let me know too, I'd like to know if people are getting through these ok.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 05:53:40 PM by Feartheviolas »
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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #80 on: July 04, 2015, 02:04:52 PM »
Fear, these are great, and I can't wait to try them all out! :D Your instructions are really clear and easy to follow!


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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #81 on: July 06, 2015, 07:48:59 AM »
Paper Sigrun tutorial finished!! Enjoy! :D
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2015, 10:08:55 PM »
Hey, I made a thing, and I posted it on the Self-Insert thread as a response to a comment left by Kizzy, went on a huge art tangent, and was told I should put it here instead. So here I am, with a kinda-sorta tutorial on coloring with charcoal and chalk on toned paper.

I just recently started using it last semester in my life-drawing anatomy course, and I love it's versatility. The trick is using the opposite tone of your paper to draw: the darker your paper, the more "light" colors you are going to have to use (or the lighter your paper, the more dark colors you should use).

This model was drawn on traditional white paper (even if the picture looks darker here), so I used mostly blacks and grey tones to render her.

This picture was drawn on medium grey paper. The trick is to sketch where your lines need to go, and use the color of the paper itself as much as possible to show middle ranges of color. You can see I left much of it showing on the face, because it represents the middle of the gradient. I used white where the light is hitting the face, where it needs to POP. And I used black where it is cast in shadows. But the point is to build on the preexisting color of your paper, and use it to it's fullest.

With this one, it was drawn on medium tone brown paper. Leave as much of the under paper showing as possible, only add white where you see highlights, and black where you see shadows. Don't use a black line around the whole figure, as humans are never actually outlined in real life: try creating the silhouette of a person with light bouncing off their skin instead, as seen here on the thigh and forearm to the right.

All of these were done in 20 minutes, but as you can see, toned paper can be pretty cool! I like how it eliminates the need to go in with pencil and shade all the mid ranges of color when shading a person's skin on white paper (because people aren't perfectly snow white IRL). These were done with charcoal and a white chalk pencil, which work really well together, especially on larger pieces (these were all done on about 18" x 24" paper). try to avoid mixing the white and black together to create mid tones, as they tend to take on a bluish hue, detracting from the overall "browness" of the piece. Also, you don't need to mix to get grey; let the paper do that for you!
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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #83 on: July 10, 2015, 11:08:32 AM »
I love the tutorials in here, and will make one of my own as well:
I basically use techniques that I learned from Jazza in "Draw with Jazza" youtube tutorials. (like this one)
But here goes:
Spoiler: show
For this particular drawing, I looked up a reference pose for parkour, and tried first to copy the very barest lines of the movement

Then, on a new layer (yes I admit I go opposite from Haiz in photoshop I am a layer freak) I put flesh on the bones:

When I'm pleased with the pose, I add clothes and other details on yet another layer (leaving me free to erase what I don't like but still keeping the basic reference pose)

Time for coloring! First, I trace the lines of each article of clothing, each on their own layers (In this drawing, there's skin, boots, gloves, hair, jerkin, eyes and gray pants/shirt and collar)

Then, using the magic wand tool, I select the areas that shall be colored, and fill them in (Again,Jazza is a lot more eloquent than me, I do it just as he explains)

And then I start width shadowing. Again, separate layers, where shadows are linked to the base layers. The very nice thing with clipping masks is that you dont have to worry about drawing inside the lines. You've already drawn those lines carefully once, no need to do it again, hooray! And I've hidden the two base sketch layers, but for this drawing I'll keep the clothes sketch layer since removing it would require about two more evenings of fiddling with shadows and highlights.

Then I add a very cool effect called backlight, which shows up especially nicely in paintings where I remove the whole base sketch. It's still kind of visible here. Basically, it is a lighter line at the very edge of every dark line, implying a light source behind Hanna. (At this point, I could do every article super-detailed, but since I'm trying to draw everyone, all the layers haven't received the same attention - the fur collar hasn't got any shadowing at all)

Finally I add in some background. This is basically just me experimenting with the differently textured brushes in photoshop.

Here's what Hanna would look like when I've removed the clipping masks: You see they're not strictly necessary but it helps to keep the lines clean

Ta-daa, the more-or-less finished product, Hanna the parkour scout:

« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 03:45:59 PM by Unlos »


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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #84 on: July 10, 2015, 11:15:29 AM »
Oh no, broken links are broken :(
I love the tutorials in here, and will make one of my own as well:
I basically use techniques that I learned from Jazza in "Draw with Jazza" youtube tutorials. (like this one)
But here goes:
Spoiler: show
For this particular drawing, I looked up a reference pose for parkour, and tried first to copy the very barest lines of the movement

Then, on a new layer (yes I admit I go opposite from Haiz in photoshop I am a layer freak) I put flesh on the bones:

When I'm pleased with the pose, I add clothes and other details on yet another layer (leaving me free to erase what I don't like but still keeping the basic reference pose)

Time for coloring! First, I trace the lines of each article of clothing, each on their own layers (In this drawing, there's skin, boots, gloves, hair, jerkin, eyes and gray pants/shirt and collar)

Then, using the magic wand tool, I select the areas that shall be colored, and fill them in (Again,Jazza is a lot more eloquent than me, I do it just as he explains)

And then I start width shadowing. Again, separate layers, where shadows are linked to the base layers. The very nice thing with clipping masks is that you dont have to worry about drawing inside the lines. You've already drawn those lines carefully once, no need to do it again, hooray! And I've hidden the two base sketch layers, but for this drawing I'll keep the clothes sketch layer since removing it would require about two more evenings of fiddling with shadows and highlights.

Then I add a very cool effect called backlight, which shows up especially nicely in paintings where I remove the whole base sketch. It's still kind of visible here. Basically, it is a lighter line at the very edge of every dark line, implying a light source behind Hanna. (At this point, I could do every article super-detailed, but since I'm trying to draw everyone, all the layers haven't received the same attention - the fur collar hasn't got any shadowing at all)

Finally I add in some background. This is basically just me experimenting with the differently textured brushes in photoshop.

Here's what Hanna would look like when I've removed the clipping masks: You see they're not strictly necessary but it helps to keep the lines clean

Ta-daa, the more-or-less finished product, Hanna the parkour scout:

>:^O !!!!! This is really cool and I did not know clipping masks were a thing!!! photoshop why didn't you tell me


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Re: Art tutorials!
« Reply #85 on: July 11, 2015, 03:19:58 PM »
Paper Emil tutorial is here!! :D
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Art Supply Discussion Thread
« Reply #86 on: July 14, 2015, 02:46:56 PM »
There are a lot of talented artists on this forum as well as learning artists too, and a place for recommendations/yelling about how great Microns are/discussions would be nice :D

So, questions about art supplies come here, yelling about art supplies (GUYS I GOT THESE NEW WATERCOLORS AND I AM SEVENTY PERCENT SURE THEY ARE MADE OF THE TEARS OF ANGELS AND RAINBOWS INCARNATE) come here, anything art supplies (as long as it's not digital, there's another thread for that) come here! :3c art away

If you're wondering, some things that are in fact art supplies:

✒ pens
✒ pencils
✒ pencil leads
✒ paints (all types)
✒ paper
✒ sealing sprays
✒ books about art
✒ references
✒ cameras
✒ film types
✒ glues
✒ canvases
✒ if you use it in conjunction with art IT IS ART SUPPLIES AND YOU CAN CONVERSE ABOUT IT HERE :D


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Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #87 on: July 14, 2015, 02:53:33 PM »
Hang on, is that Helen and Karri? Why haven't I seen these before, they look like some kind of amazing actual-history cross-over.

I think the art supplies topic comes up every now and then and people love to brag about their acquisitions, so sure, go for it.
Hee hee, it is! I'm going to draw about 35 fashion portraits of various SSSSonas wearing getups from about 1550 on. I have 6 done right now (adrai thell, authoroflight, haiz, MEEEE, sigrid marie, freddie) and a Sigrid Marie in the works and plans for lots of things ;3 It's mainly a fabric and pattern-drawing exercise for me with SSSS thrown in, oops...

Magic 8-Ball says:


We already have several threads for discussing digital art resources; it would warm my antiquarian's heart to see one about actual pens, pencils, colors, paper, etc.  Please consider this a skaldic invitation to start a thread about art supplies.  I'm sure it would be madly popular.

I agree, although digital art is hella cool and super fun, traditional art holds a spot near and dear to my art and I love it so much ;w; Also I really love Microns did I say that yet
Heeeere it is!

@Curry why do you hate yourself

obviously i dont mean that but how do you from point A to point Z without even touching Point G

And I won't be be able to use my lining pens for 2 months, at which at that point I will be terrified of them

No seriously i heard you guys saying that you kinda forgot how to do traditional art after doing digital for a while and when i did digital art for a straight week i kinda just looked at my pencil and paper like why
To be honest I'm not sure, Kick, lately I've been leaving more and more out of the sketch phase and just getting anatomy/pose/general shapes straight in the sketch and then heading straight to linework?? Hopefully I will one day achieve the ability to do all this with no sketch. [looks off into the distance] one day........

Also, I got into digital art really late in my Drawing Career (after uhhh... 8 years?) so I'm not sure if this is applicable, but I really haven't had a problem with switching between digital and traditional. It's kind of a relief for me to go back to traditional because suddenly there's much less of a divide between my hand and eyes and the page, you feel?? It might be that I've had a reeeally long time to get the muscle memory deeply ingrained into my hands, but don't worry about it, you can always regain skill :D


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Re: Art Supply Discussion Thread
« Reply #88 on: July 14, 2015, 03:00:54 PM »
I like to use mechanical pencils best when doing traditional art. The lines are really thin, and looks nicer then regular pencils.


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Re: Re: General Discussion Thread
« Reply #89 on: July 14, 2015, 03:03:29 PM »
Just DO IT.

I see your pens and raise you

So many pens  :o
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