Specifically, I'm looking for advice on the lighting and the light-dog and stuff. I'm just not entirely happy with it and could use some advice to improve it.
Do you aim for artistic effect, or realism?
If the latter, anything standing
in front of the only light source should essentially be a pitch black cutout with only a bit of highlighting around the edges (which would provide a pretty
menacing look).
Actual glowing surfaces have the same brightness all over (glow sticks) or get a bit brighter towards the center (
Cherenkov Radiation); it's also related to whether they do or don't make the surrounding air(?) glow as well (if so, there
will be a visible gradient to that). Needless to say, that doesn't bode well for recognizable features on the dog; the fact that I currently can't tell which way it's even looking
is quite realistic.