Author Topic: Poetry collection  (Read 213087 times)


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1275 on: September 09, 2019, 12:05:07 AM »
Pg 152

Full Of Gulls, For The Lulls

Seabirds in the stratus,
Above them in swarms.
Steps, steel, latticed
And wooden platforms.

Calling up to the sentry,
The medic - tall and broad.
Trying to gain entry
From the mage sentinel sod.

Protecting his precious
Hair with his coat,
The Swede sits contentious
With two others in the boat.

A feline, puffed, ballooned.
A landed bird, stalking is.
The kitty on the pontoon,
Fighting off its doggedness.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1276 on: September 15, 2019, 10:20:06 PM »
Pg 153

Is He A Corpse Bloated? Elevator Spring Loaded

Are they even sure that
He's alive or whatever?
Seagulls are allured
And can't resist a cadaver.

Hold on those below,
He'll be with you shortly.
Down the lift he goes,
The fellow quite portly.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1277 on: September 18, 2019, 11:30:54 PM »
Pg 154

Stir Crazy Or Regular Crazy?

Eyes that seem crazy stir,
Like a character manic.
Everyone on the elevator
With low tech mechanics.

A knife in his gloves,
Cut the ballast line there.
Out there he shoves,
All of them take the stairs!

It's not multi-person
Capable, slipped his mind.
The vertical exertion
Is healthy you'll all find.

Up the stairs they went,
While the sentinel babbled.
The accelerated ascent
Is making kitty all frazzled.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1278 on: September 19, 2019, 10:42:42 PM »
All The Crazes, Suspicious Gazes

Nettle tea brewing
Ready for the guests.
He'll let them continue in,
Once they've passed the tests.

They were coming, he knew.
Yes, they were on his radar.
A good vantage point, true,
No, he sees very far.

The birds gather en masse,
With suspicion cast eyes.
They're lucky they passed
Here, unlike the last guy...
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1279 on: September 22, 2019, 10:43:57 PM »
Pg 156

Look Who Washed Up, Thought They Caught Up

That was his name, yes,
It's been quite a few weeks.
He thought he could test,
The gauntlet of beaks.

He thought he could barge
In without any review.
Couldn't escape the charge
Of the sentinel's air crew.

Prone, pecked and pinned,
He rowed up in the canoe.
Knocked out was his wind,
On the rock, stuck like glue.

Does that mean he's got him?
Can they get him back, so?
It's not a prison to watch him,
Already let the man go.

All he had to do was follow
Protocol like he was supposed to.
Their victory short and hollow,
Now they'll all have to go too...
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1280 on: September 23, 2019, 10:33:35 PM »
Pg 157

Scrap Home Improvised, Seagull Supervised

Come inside the bus,
For quiet conversations.
They have much to discuss,
Further negotiations.

To the domicile rustic
For their many answers.
A home mechanistic with
Bed, chairs and planters.

Sauna complete with furnace,
The inventive mage dude.
The seagulls on alertness,
A vantage of altitude.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1281 on: September 25, 2019, 10:15:19 PM »
Pg 158

How Did They Stack? With Wings Had The Knack

Can Sigrun ask regarding
The stacks of cars?
Wasn't even a hard thing,
Piling them like they are.

Imagine the power
Of a thousand wings.
To make the car tower,
Was a simple proceeding.

Imagine and be amazed
Many bird brains are linked.
Aloft wings and arms raised,
The seagull and man in sync.

Now nettle tea to partake,
Along with some fish.
A welcome little break,
Enjoy as much as they wish.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1282 on: September 26, 2019, 11:41:01 PM »
Pg 159

The Silence Is Broken, His Eyes Are Wide Open

About they all lounge,
Enjoying their snacks,
The food that he scrounged
In the refitted bus shack.

The silence Sigrun breaks,
It was meant a quick stop.
Just their names he'll take
And then off they will pop.

Just a list he maintains,
That all his job entails?
The sentinel explains
That his eyes never fail.

Those making an entrance
And, mainly, leaving his focus.
Using his reconnaissance
So that none escape unnoticed.


I have seen things
With my pair of eyes,
I have seen things
Dwellings fall and rise.

I have seen things
Both giant and small
I have seen things
Bleak and abysmal.

I have seen things
Across distances vast.
I have seen things
From many that tresspassed.

I have seen things
As I have been called.
I have seen things
It's why I am bald.

I have seen things,
None escapes attention.
I have seen things
That I cannot mention.

I have seen things,
Nothing unnoticed.
I have seen things
And only I know this.

I have seen things.
Nightmares recurring.
I have seen things.
I have seen things.

I have seen things.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 06:14:08 AM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1283 on: September 29, 2019, 11:13:09 PM »
Pg 160

Continuous Eyes On Guard This Horizon

Are they all aware
Of the area's events?
It was a nasty affair,
An outbreak a decade then.

Do they know what a kade is?
Unsure, kinda, sorta, maybe.
Nasty nuisances he stated,
It's why he has this army.

A personal bird flock
With which he's a warden.
Day and night, round the clock,
So nothing bad passes the cordon.

Making sure nothing worse
Than infected animals migrate.
And making sure, of course,
No agents cross the gates.


Flying Eyes (based on Private Eyes by Daryl Hall and John Oates)

My birdies, they told me
Watch you rowin' the tides
When you entered the scene
Seagulls, they're in the know
Human friends overlook
Their senses will show on their part
When it's watching for signs
You can't escape my

Flying eyes
They're watching you
They see your every move
Flying eyes
They're watching you
Flying eyes
They're watching you
Watching you
Watching you
Watching you

Crazy sea birds they're watching above
After all, one pair of eyes are just not enough
In turn, I'm gonna know
If they're getting let in or getting out so
Abide or your entry's denied
'Cause you can't escape my

Flying eyes
They're watching you
They see your every move, baby
Flying eyes
They're watching you
Flying eyes
They're watching you
Watching you
Watching you
Watching you-ooh-ooh-ooh

Ooh flying by and watching the front for me
Flock of spies my personal sky army
Dodging is mighty unwise
I'll still know, you
Look into my

Flying eyes
They're watching you
They see your every move, surveyed
Flying eyes
They're watching you
Flying eyes
They're watching you

Flying eyes
They're watching you, yeah
They see your every move, they see it
(Flying eyes)
They're watching you
Flying eyes
They're watching you

(Flying eyes) Whoo
Watching you, yeah
They see your every move, they see it
Flying eye-eyes
They're watching you
Yeah, flying eyes
They're watching you

Flying eyes
Watching you
They watch your every move
(Every move)
Oh I see you
Oh I see you
Flying eyes
Flying eyes
Watching you

(Flying eyes)
(Watching you)...
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 12:08:15 PM by corncobman »
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Newbie
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  • Posts: 34
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1284 on: September 30, 2019, 07:43:32 PM »
Full acknowledgement that the translation of Lalli's chant is almost entirely due to the generosity of the Finnish speakers in the SSSS fandom. Thank you all. And before anyone asks how you can make a throwing-spear out of whalebone, that's whale-bAne.

Chapter 6

“Listen to me, lingering spirits,
Wandering from the way of Tuoni
I adjure you gently, clearly
I request you quietly, sweetly
Far from this place fare and journey,
Wide berth leave us, long our parting.
Nameless ginnels, nameless corners,
Nameless houses know your roaming.”
Lalli, noita, long he sang them,
Then he changed his chanting's motion:
“Now in anger, now command you
Now be silent narking spirits
Lest I force you, leave you helpless
From the mage-realm main my soul-beast
Cast the bloody curse upon you
Boulders crush you back to shadows!”
So Lalli’s wrath the radio cleared
To talk freely. Tuuri skald-maid
Contact achieves with their comrades at base
Reports the quest: the people safe,
A dozen books redeemed from fire
But the rest lost in the lair-burning
Of Emil’s fight, his foe’s shending,
And the team’s escape. Skald-maid Tuuri
Is moved aside by Mikkel the cook:
Reports finding a fault in their stores –
A case of supplies has candles for food;
For the team's bellies a ballast unfit
To bring them home. The bridge is gone
To Öresund; Olsen, Danish,
Mishearing, claims the hoard-seekers
Scathed wantonly the sky-faring;
The four schemers, scotching the charge,
His help request; the high-voiced Dane,
Crannog-fort admiral, the crew ignores –
Saving his office no succour tends;
But Trond fox-wily a trick can play:
The old schemer scans his records,
Locating a ship whose captain hides
A past history that a handle gives
To the party’s need. Pivoting her track
The Icelandic ocean-farer,
Sail-flying tramp, trader sea-wain,
Túnfiskurinn turns to Denmark;
With her pride scotched, skipper Àsa,
Of blemished past, by blackmail forced,
Unwilling carrier, cases of food
Agrees to land where a lighthouse marks
An ancient dock, desolate remnant
From the doomed time of the Danish bid
To reclaim their land; a clear tryst-stead
For the hoard-seekers, hungry, waiting
For the wherry’s lade. A whale-bane gar
Aimed too loosely for Emil’s pride
Crosses the gap: two crates steering
Above the sea to the band waiting
On the landing-stead. Unlidding the first
Reveals a wealth of vegetable food;
Emil the other opens and slams
The lid hard down. Desperate he shouts
Calling the team that the case is filled
With living freight – loud and quickly
Sigrun shouts him to shoot it dead
Ere it shend the team, but unsure Emil
Calls to the rest caution to show
Whether the freke is friend or enemy
Hard is to guess, but human it seems
From his quick look. The lid slowly
Raising, reveals a red-haired lad,
Lissom, harmless, Icelandic in speech,
Asking for Bornholm. The boat has gone,
The miffed captain makes her escape,
Though Sigrun shouts at the ship’s stern
As it disappears with its debts paid
Over the horizon. Wrathful, desperate,
Norse-tongued Sigrun the new boy gives
To Emil’s care – custody the Swede
Believes is meant, though Mikkel tries
To spell the truth. Speeding inland
To the parked cat-tank, the party snatch
The far-caller the farer to name
To the mission-earls on the mer-castle
But the folk at base fob off the crew,
Promising to call the appropriate powers
To acquire help. Questions unanswered
Mikkel releases the lost redhead
From Emil’s care, casting to grasp
Why he was fixed in the food crate
Car unhandy for human freight
Over the fish-road. First courtesies:
The red-headed lad Reynir is named
Árnason born in Iceland’s realm
Of farming stock. His folk immune
Through dagrenning, his doom alone
To be at risk from the rash sickness.
Home is his haven, but his heart cankers
His haven a jail, joyless, gateless
Except for a flight unsanctioned, unblessed,
To Reykjavik and the roads seaward,
A city free to frommed traders,
Makers, chandlers, merchant sea-wains,
Outcome strangers and Iceland’s folk
Their goods exchange and gomes for hire
As hands recruit. A hoarding declares
Bornholm the port for a berthed ship –
Túnfiskurinn – today leaving
For the undaunted folk, for Denmark’s holt,
For the island realm. Reynir, ill-schooled,
To the name attaches a tale recalled
Of southward lands, sunkissed and warm,
Covered with palm trees and colour-clad blooms.
He begs for work from the boat’s owners
Gains appointment as a galley hand
Unpaid, friendless, a peon condemned
To the galley sink, his goal bungled –
For his boss warns him of the ban on crew:
By the frommed laws unfree to land
At the sun-warm docks of Denmark’s isle.
But a crisis comes; two crates unload
At a dock unkenned, a curious task,
A chore unplanned, a chance for Reynir!
So he lurks unseen in the lading bay,
Voids a freight-shell of its victual stock,
Cowers in the space where cans of tuna
Hoped for the plates of the hoard seekers,
And the rest is known. The radio folk
Come back to talk; but the base team's help
Is empty words – the errant guest
Must be cossetted, cared for and fed
Till a sea-guardian is sent to fetch
All six comrades and receive them home
In quarantine. To quit his debt
Mikkel suggests cooking the lad
For supper at need; Sigrun prefers
A handy troll bait; but the home party
Lay that the caitiff be kept alive.

Native :uk: Usable :france::vaticancity: Trying to learn :wales: Wish I knew :finland:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1285 on: October 01, 2019, 02:35:54 AM »
Pg 161

He's Not Obliged, They Can Wreck Their Own Lives

Several settlements
There used to be.
And it was evident,
Low levels of immunity.

On every single island
A calamity most grave.
Protocols weren't right and
Nothing much could be saved.

The outbreaks ensued
That one year marked.
It was concluded
A kade entered those parts.

Into the woods retreated,
A living death sentence.
Sometimes you can perceive it,
And feel its foul presence.

It won't come close now,
Since they are prepared.
But why are people allowed
To go into danger there?

"People have the right",
The sentinel replies,
They can enter despite
"To risk there own lives."
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
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  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1286 on: October 03, 2019, 04:00:28 AM »
Pg 162

If They Have The Poxes, They'll Only Leave In Boxes

Dangerous specimens,
There's a plethora.
Each one lessened
Is for the better.

A hunting party
That eliminates one,
Though it's foolhardy,
Prevents a disaster to come.

The deal before them
They'll have to accept it.
If they are condemned,
They're never to again exit.

Not even for quarantine,
If they caught the Illness.
They get to go in,
Now he's told them all this.

He slams down his cup,
The beverage sprays.
To get them written up,
His office is that way.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:

Nellie McEnt

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Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1287 on: October 03, 2019, 11:23:18 PM »
Full acknowledgement that the translation of Lalli's chant is almost entirely due to the generosity of the Finnish speakers in the SSSS fandom. Thank you all. And before anyone asks how you can make a throwing-spear out of whalebone, that's whale-bAne.

Holy Lalli, I just adore how you describe everything. I wanna word like that. Also, I love that you described Reynir as "lissom." I didn't know that word but it's great.
Speaks: 🇺🇸/🇬🇧
Learning (and not particularly good at): 🇨🇳, Latin
carpe diem

:A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1288 on: October 03, 2019, 11:25:10 PM »
Pg 163

Trophy Cabinet With Prizes And Contaminants

His filing cabinet,
That way does he steer.
The man does admit
It's messy in here,

Just a little bit,
Then they all peer.
Whatever is in it...
What's this? Oh dear.

Covered souvenirs,
Full of dripping gore.
A shock most severe
Within there is stored.

Trinkets and knick-knacks
Hung up by bloody pegs.
If they don't come back
He'll collect their affects...

Not even are they cleaned,
Just racked up like trophies.
Frowning at the scene,
They stare at objects thieved.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan:


  • Ruler of a Derelict Airport
  • *****
  • Weirdsmith
  • Posts: 1288
Re: Poetry collection
« Reply #1289 on: October 07, 2019, 01:05:23 AM »
Pg 164

Needing Their Items, Stabbing With Them?

He'll need a personal item
To put in his storage,
From every one of them.
But Sigrun is outraged!

In an objection,
She rises up in a fire.
Pierced with possessions
To hang up in the armoire?

So that they can be stabbed?
Perish the very thought.
Is the sentinel mad?
No, so then why and what?

They're for the purpose of
Telling if and when they die.
These objects in observance,
Signs on which he'll keep an eye.
A man left his Icelandic home
Escaped to Denmark to freely roam
With hair braided red
He got hit on the head
With a crate lid slammed onto his dome

Fluent: :uk:
Fluent spoken, bad writing: :china:
Some knowledge: :france: :germany:
Odd word here and there: :japan: