Well then! I figured this would be just the place for the finished pages of my new colouring book, all with some info on the creature itself of course.
Käreitär, the emuu, or mother or all foxes. I painted her somewhat garishly with the idea in mind that it's a fox that draws the aurora on the sky, therefore she needs some pigments for her palette. Emuu just means first mother/the origin of a certain thing, so animals each had their emuu that was prayed to for f.ex. good hunting luck: you needed the fox mother's acceptance before you could kill a fox, for instance.
Hiiden hirvi, the Moose of Hiisi. Not a real animal but made of wood (and its eyes were made of water flowers, most typically a water lily or a yellow pond-lily) by small, evil creatures. One of the heroes of Kalevala, Lemminkäinen, was given the task of hunting down a moose like this so he could win over the girl he wanted to marry. He managed to catch it and tie it down, but then he went and said aloud that he'd take the pelt of the moose and sleep on it with his new wife, which annoyed the moose so much it kicked itself free and ran away.
Tuonen joutsen, the Swan of Tuonela land of the dead. Swans were holy birds that were believed to be able to cross between this world and both the worlds above (= air) and below (= water, death).
Satasilmä käärme, the hundred-eyed snake of Pohjola that guarded the gate of Louhi's house. Might actually be borrowed from Scandinavian mythology, just like Louhi/Laufey herself.