OH MY GOD. I have been staring at this for 10 minutes just admiring all of those tiny little details and I'm just, amazed. I love the makeshift tent (which is what she would totally do. She's not really equipped for living in the"wilderness"). And you've captured her body type nicely
The trolls...actually look pretty? I really like the fact that you've used dark, more muted colors on them while the middle has all of the bright colors; your eyes get immediately drawn to the center, the focal point of the drawing.
You've really put a lot of effort into this I hope to do the same thing with my part ❤
I'm so glad you like it! I had so much fun fiddling with an idea for her and then designing the scene and monsters, and well it was just so easy to get carried away
I wanted to show a safe place where the monsters would never reach so yeah, blanket fort filled with books and guarded by Molly, what could be safer than
that!Lovely. The colors that do come through are really pretty, I think you are the only person they look wrong to. I find myself wondering what your coloring looks like IRL since your scanner gives you the same problem with every drawing.
Oh dear, I've been complaining too much haven't I
The difference and dullness bothers me so much more than it should, but I'll stop going on about it from now on, promise
Instead of going by my OCD-tendencies and drawing everyone strictly alphabetically. I jumped ahead to Gwenno!
No background in this one, because I couldn't decide what she's fighting..
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I'm so flattered and happy to have gotten special treatment and avoid the OCD alphabetical order queue >"< and this is totally awesome
I love how dynamic it is, how the hair moves and you are so definitely improving your people drawing skills, oh yes yes ^_^ (also clothes drawing skillz, because those are looking so very realistic as well)
Yeeeeeah, Imma have to turn this into a trade sorry, it's just too cool not to be rewarded
I'm working on my part for feartheviolas right now, but something will be produced once that's done....
that doesn't sound like murder nope not at all no way
My brother's favourite joke seems fitting here:
How many dead bodies does it take to change a light bulb?Well it definitely isn't six, because my basement light is still broken!