Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 855696 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3000 on: July 07, 2015, 04:05:58 PM »
Yeah, a little bit mad, but it's also super impressive :P and it WILL improve your art no end! I really had a lot of problems drawing people and poses when I started posting pictures in the forum, but after drawing all the self inserts in different poses a few weeks back I find that it isn't nearly as much of a bother as it used to be ^_^
Ehehe thank you! I already feel more comfortable drawing people, so I can also confirm that this works!

I've also managed to finish one of my art trades :D This one is for Kizzy. I want to say so much about it but I figure pictures should talk for themselves. The quote on Alma's bio "Between saving a limb and a book, it will most definitely be the latter" kinda insisted it had to be a book pic :P

Lovely. The colors that do come through are really pretty, I think you are the only person they look wrong to. I find myself wondering what your coloring looks like IRL since your scanner gives you the same problem with every drawing.

Curry: Oh no, the need to trash something when all that work disappears! The warm-up doodle is really enjoyable (and creepy blood is creepy). Kick, Alexis look so happy and mischievous here! The background makes me think of a workout hall, nice! KMK: Nice (I know I'm repeating myself but I really like it!)
Ragnarok: What Sunflower and RTR said. I think your revamped version works better in this particular expedition, but at the same time I really enjoyed the bickering between Alexis and Arbet. Sectoboss: You write really well, I enjoy these snippets a lot!

Instead of going by my OCD-tendencies and drawing everyone strictly alphabetically. I jumped ahead to Gwenno!

No background in this one, because I couldn't decide what she's fighting..
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 04:10:22 PM by Unlos »


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3001 on: July 07, 2015, 04:07:43 PM »
You people are so awesome
And it's gonna take forever for me to catch up
> A<

Also--I'd like to apologize that the intro post still hasn't made it up yet
I'd thought I'd be able to get online long enough to type it up--but I'm never by a computer long enough to do it--I know it's a terrible excuse but things have just been so hectic irl lately
I promise it'll go up, it's just gonna take a bit longer than I wanted

Also--art trades! I've finished them guys, I just, once again, need a computer to put them up but as soon as I can this is all gonna happen

Now, back to trying to get caught up (I'm almost at the page you said the trade pic was on North! Just a bit more and I'll be able to comment on it!)



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3002 on: July 07, 2015, 04:48:40 PM »
Ahhh thank you everyone who said nice things about the Laufeytroll animation! I'm kind of surprised that it got this much of a response, I spent less than an hour on it :0

To those asking whose blood, probably a mix of that of some unsuspecting innocent and Laufeytroll. Don't worry, our beloved laufeytroll is pretty much fine, I just have a habit of covering everything in blood when I'm stressed v______v


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3003 on: July 07, 2015, 05:05:27 PM »
I just have a habit of covering everything in blood when I'm stressed v______v

that doesn't sound like murder nope not at all no way

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Icon drawn by Piney


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3004 on: July 07, 2015, 05:15:36 PM »
that doesn't sound like murder nope not at all no way


I meant it purely artistically, of course. Splats of blood are so the hottest carpet pattern this season


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3005 on: July 07, 2015, 05:37:54 PM »
OH MY GOD. I have been staring at this for 10 minutes just admiring all of those tiny little details and I'm just, amazed. I love the makeshift tent (which is what she would totally do. She's not really equipped for living in the"wilderness"). And you've captured her body type nicely :D
The trolls...actually look pretty? I really like the fact that you've used dark, more muted colors on them while the middle has all of the bright colors; your eyes get immediately drawn to the center, the focal point of the drawing.
You've really put a lot of effort into this I hope to do the same thing with my part ❤
Eeeeeeek :D I'm so glad you like it! I had so much fun fiddling with an idea for her and then designing the scene and monsters, and well it was just so easy to get carried away :P I wanted to show a safe place where the monsters would never reach so yeah, blanket fort filled with books and guarded by Molly, what could be safer than that!

Lovely. The colors that do come through are really pretty, I think you are the only person they look wrong to. I find myself wondering what your coloring looks like IRL since your scanner gives you the same problem with every drawing.
Oh dear, I've been complaining too much haven't I  :-\ The difference and dullness bothers me so much more than it should, but I'll stop going on about it from now on, promise :)

Instead of going by my OCD-tendencies and drawing everyone strictly alphabetically. I jumped ahead to Gwenno!

No background in this one, because I couldn't decide what she's fighting..
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I'm so flattered and happy to have gotten special treatment and avoid the OCD alphabetical order queue >"< and this is totally awesome  ;D I love how dynamic it is, how the hair moves and you are so definitely improving your people drawing skills, oh yes yes ^_^ (also clothes drawing skillz, because those are looking so very realistic as well)

Yeeeeeah, Imma have to turn this into a trade sorry, it's just too cool not to be rewarded :P I'm working on my part for feartheviolas right now, but something will be produced once that's done....

that doesn't sound like murder nope not at all no way

My brother's favourite joke seems fitting here:
How many dead bodies does it take to change a light bulb?
Spoiler: show
Well it definitely isn't six, because my basement light is still broken!
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

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駄洒落だけ: :jp:
Working on it :nl:
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3006 on: July 07, 2015, 06:06:48 PM »
Instead of going by my OCD-tendencies and drawing everyone strictly alphabetically. I jumped ahead to Gwenno!

No background in this one, because I couldn't decide what she's fighting..

The dynamic, the pose, the fact that you can almost hear "I'll Make a Man Out of You" playing in the distance, EVERYTHING!!
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

I'm a survivor: :artd: :book1+: (-1) :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10:

"There's no better place on earth than the road that leads to Heaven."


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3007 on: July 07, 2015, 06:23:58 PM »
The dynamic, the pose, the fact that you can almost hear "I'll Make a Man Out of You" playing in the distance, EVERYTHING!!

Oh shoot  :o Now I'm going to have to draw a team 2 "I'll Make a Man Out of You" training montage aren't I... There's really no way I can allow this to not happen! It's just too perfect!
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

Fluent: :wls: :gb:
駄洒落だけ: :jp:
Working on it :nl:
Tourist level: :es: :fr: :it:

Chapter break survivor : :artd: :book1+: :book2: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14:
Soulcount: 10

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3008 on: July 07, 2015, 06:27:58 PM »
My part of an art trade with koalalou!

She was a lot of fun to draw but I feel like I didn't do her justice because... well, I decided that from now on I'm not touching a coloured pencil ever again. I realised there was something about the face porportions that I wanted to fix after I'd coloured. /loud groan
I can feel my art juices coming back :v Hope you like it!! uvu I have a bigger version on dA if you want it
Finally got to the page with this--it's awesome North! Thanks so much--it's much more impressive than you seem to think--I'm pretty jelly of the shading job actually, I can never seem to get my own coloured pencils to do the shading I want q 3q I'll try to get my end o the trade up as soon as I can, I promise TT vTT



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3009 on: July 07, 2015, 09:57:33 PM »
My brother's favourite joke seems fitting here:
How many dead bodies does it take to change a light bulb?
Spoiler: show
Well it definitely isn't six, because my basement light is still broken!

...why is that so funny???

Everyone's art is beautiful! I will have my half of the trade with North as soon as I can find the #$*&$%&*$& camera charger.
Edit: Found the #$*&$%&*$& camera charger! Under the couch, of all places. I'll have it up in a bit.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 12:38:34 PM by Noodly Appendage »
I'll do art-swaps and beta-reads, PM me!
Native: :usa:
Can make a fool of myself, but comprehensibly: :france:
Write a little Sindarin (working on that)
Wish-list: ASL, :sweden:, :norway:
Chapter break survivor: :book2::book3::book4::A2chap01::A2chap02::A2chap03::A2chap04::A2chap05:


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3010 on: July 08, 2015, 05:11:26 AM »
Ok, so Group 2 has too many people in it. I didn't want to split the group pic in two, so I had to make things a little different. So I thought "hey, what about something with people running AND perspective? I suck at drawing both, but HOW HARD CAN IT BE".
Well, after a few hours of work and long pauses to contemplate my entire existance and re-evaluate my life choices, I finished this thing.

So, the idea here is that a part of the group is happily returning from a troll hunt with a lot of kills and explosions and fire, to meet the other part of the group that stayed behind to plan something (maybe a new camp site, I don't know).

I have a lot of regrets:
I'm so sorry, everyone, for the horrible perspective.
I'm sorry, Piney, for making you a hobbit.
I'm sorry, Curry, for drawing you so tiny.
I'm sorry, Jesty, that you don't have a full body drawing on this one.

Bwa ha ha ha.. sorry to comment so late, haven't been in this thread for a while. Maja looks hilarous though :D Thank you!


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3011 on: July 08, 2015, 05:31:53 AM »
Those of you doing art trades with me, if by any chance you post something in the next or so 5 days, can you PM me also? From tomorrow to Monday I'm going to be on something like 3 different flights and several trains and have spotty wifi and I'm going to be going across a million different time zones. This thread moves so fast and I really don't want to miss anything you would want me to see. I know I'll have wifi for sure saturday and sunday and then by next tuesday I should have my phone or a phone set up to work in Iceland with internet.
everyday: :gb: :fr: (:ca:) | can do: :is: | somewhat: :dk: :se: :no: :de: | lil bit: :lb: :np: | currently learning: :sgn:

Surviving since: :chap7:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3012 on: July 08, 2015, 07:29:08 AM »
Hey, so I spent the better chunk of my evening (or morning, if we're going to be technical) creating my self insert using a great character creator based off the Lord of the Rings.
I had to improvise the hair, but thanks to layering options and individual pieces, I was able to replicate her trademark bob! And drag and drop bits-and-baubles made all her accessories possible.
You have to be creative to make what you want, but great for nit-picks like me  ;)

So here's Mimmi is traditional Viking garb, maybe worn back home in Sweden for festivals? I dunno  ::)

BONUS ROUND: Have a divalicious Mimmi too, posing with some swag and fabulous pre-rash makeup she probably scored while doing a delivery run.

:hat:  :artd:  :book1+:  :chap6:  :chap7:  :chap8:  :chap9:  :chap10:  :betterhat:


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3013 on: July 08, 2015, 03:20:21 PM »
Oh dear, I've been complaining too much haven't I  :-\ The difference and dullness bothers me so much more than it should, but I'll stop going on about it from now on, promise :)
Oh no, I didn't mean it like that! It will be irritating for you each time the scanner lets you down and don't render the colors you've worked with as you want them! By all means vent your frustration! I was just trying to imagine the colors you actually use :)

!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! I'm so flattered and happy to have gotten special treatment and avoid the OCD alphabetical order queue >"< and this is totally awesome  ;D I love how dynamic it is, how the hair moves and you are so definitely improving your people drawing skills, oh yes yes ^_^ (also clothes drawing skillz, because those are looking so very realistic as well)
Yeeeeeah, Imma have to turn this into a trade sorry, it's just too cool not to be rewarded :P I'm working on my part for feartheviolas right now, but something will be produced once that's done....
The dynamic, the pose, the fact that you can almost hear "I'll Make a Man Out of You" playing in the distance, EVERYTHING!!
Thank you so much (I tried and failed to find a fitting reaction pic and I especially failed at designing a smileyface so I have to go with Thank you!! instead)

Hey, so I spent the better chunk of my evening (or morning, if we're going to be technical) creating my self insert using a great character creator based off the Lord of the Rings.
I had to improvise the hair, but thanks to layering options and individual pieces, I was able to replicate her trademark bob! And drag and drop bits-and-baubles made all her accessories possible.
You have to be creative to make what you want, but great for nit-picks like me  ;)
Spoiler: show

So here's Mimmi is traditional Viking garb, maybe worn back home in Sweden for festivals? I dunno  ::)

BONUS ROUND: Have a divalicious Mimmi too, posing with some swag and fabulous pre-rash makeup she probably scored while doing a delivery run.

Mimmi is totally rocking those clothes 8)

I looked up Oh Deers clothing and couldn't resist drawing her PJ's, really sweet and completely different from the ordinary uniform. I still have a long way to go when it comes to loose clothing, though.

Oh Deer

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #3014 on: July 08, 2015, 06:22:31 PM »

I looked up Oh Deers clothing and couldn't resist drawing her PJ's, really sweet and completely different from the ordinary uniform. I still have a long way to go when it comes to loose clothing, though.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I logged on because my internet's is stable again and I wanted to check out all the amazing art. I love it!  ;D
"Nerds + time = siege engines, it's a well-known fact."- Noodly Appendage
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