Aaaaw hell yes! All this group interactions might be my new favourite thing
(sorry blorp troll reactions, you're still cool, but well…..)
This is a scene set in Norway in summer, a giant has been flushed out and is chasing a team back to base. Here we see Karri holding open the door to the electric fence, Fenris is almost in, followed by Fimbulvarg, with Gwenno bringing up the rear after a valiant attempt at a flanking manuoevre. Piney is calling back to the outpost to time the switching on of the electricity. (Why is Piney in Norway? Dunno, leave me alone.) Haiz and Almond Goddess have a plan, though - the falcon is to take a rock and drop it on the giant's main head from a great height. But this is no ordinary rock, now that Haiz has cast a rune upon it for unerring accuracy and deadly effect, while not harming the falcon who must carry it. (The off-duty personnel are not in uniform.)
This one! I love how totally plausible the scenario is (says she talking about characters from a made up part of a fictional story
) You've got everyone acting very true to character (as far as I can tell anyway), and we're all looking pretty darn cool to boot
RTR - some real funny comics you've been providing, thank you for the laughs
The troll chase and daiseerose's ssssona's ambulance run are golden, and I was real glad nobody was around I'd need to explain why I was laughing to
Almond-Goddess - It's looking so super pretty but also kinda melancholy? Gargh, now it's got me feeling melancholy as well, stupid well conveyed emotions in a good picture!
Feartheviolas - Excellent use of demon cats
I've got to agree with the others that it somehow really is adorable! That's some real nice colouring as well
Kicknrun - Shall we call this particular manoeuvre "pulling a Reynir"? Lets hope your silent world endeavours work out a little better
Also, I agree, that's a pretty good "oh crap" face Jesty has going for her in the second panel
Estimated outcome: an all out battle involving Gwenno in usual berserk mode.
Bah! Poor Lára having to deal with Laufeytroll's hugging
Well at least everyone made it out alive in the end and that's actually pretty informative and useful for us troll hunters! I'm also loving how my ssssona has become so tall in all these comics
and berserk mode? HELLZ YEAH! (Also I would like to at this point deny that Fimbulvarg's current state has anything to do with the fact that he thought it would be funny to pull my braids at training that morning, although I'll spread a general caution to everyone - leave the braids alone!)