Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 855792 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2010 on: June 07, 2015, 04:49:23 PM »
I wrote an thing! It's kinda a bio in a more literary form, and an explanation for why my SI is in cleansers, but nothing for my ssssona is set in stone, so here goes.

Spoiler: THE STORY • show

Alexis comes into this world screaming. (In this way, she’s like everyone around her.)

When Alexis is two, her sisters loom over her and whisper of deep dark futures. Sometimes she’s included. Sometimes she isn’t.

Alexis is four, when she realizes(someone tells her) that maybe her overexcitement is a bad thing.

Alexis is six, when she stops dreaming of fake horrors, and starts dreaming of real ones.
(No one as young as her should know how to use a sword. She improvises)

When she asks her sisters, she realizes that she isn’t like them, either. (She’s not unique, in this new small world,but for everyone around her, close enough.)

Alexis is seven, and the looks at school have turned from sight to sound, and she learns how to clamp her hands over her ears without anyone noticing

Alexis is eight, when she loses two of her friends when they drag her around in fights,(that almostquitemaybe involve her) and maybe it occurs to her that she should be stronger

Alexis is nine, when it all becomes too much for her. Her sisters leave, with a note that simply states, “You have to leave too”, and the paper is every so slightly cried upon. (Its her tears). Its no longer sound but touch at her school, things that belong to her (mine those bâtards) go missing and reappear not where they were. (For once, something goes wrong, and it's not her fault.) Hairs fall out when she hasn’t even touched them, and her mother gets louder. Her father gets quieter, her brother gets angry, and Alexis cries.

Alexis is ten when she falls in love. Later she’ll say it was infatuation, or a delicate emotional time, but he’s her only friend, so it happens anyway. (Besides its expected of her, but not expected of her, so she tells no one.)

Alexis is eleven, and she’s all alone again. She gets used to it. She also finds a notebook and sketchbook, and she never puts those down.

Alexis is twelve when she ‘’accidentally” kicks the leg of the classmate who tried to trip her.

Maybe it's somewhat incorrect to say her brother got angrier. Alexis gets angry too. But not angry enough to overpower the sadness, and tears fall from her eyes, but they stop flowing - except they don’t. Its something like diamond, and this covers her whenever she enters the school, like a dozen shining spikes, and they vanish whenever she comes home. She wipes two or three rebellious drops away from her eyes with her fists( weakweakWEAK), and she knows that who made her cry does not deserve them. (The sadness stays. The anger wins)

Alexis is thirteen when she cleans her room, and discovers a note, in faded ink, that says “You have to leave too”

And she does.

The calendar says she is thirteen, the weight in her heart says she is older. The backpack has three sketchpads, two notebooks, and an air of finality.

When she arrives at the camp, and the captains say to meet each other and make nice, Alexis finds the nicest looking person (she’s kinda cute, but that won’t matter until about five minutes after you stop talking to her) ,reaches out her hand, and says “Hey, I’m Alexis, but you can call me Kick”, because she wants a new name, and Eklund doesn’t seem good enough, so she works with Kick.

(The goodbye note is written in her neatest handwriting.)

I'm going to have to write an thing about how trippy it was to be a mage when nobody else was a mage. it was like super super trippy.

Also, you can take this an example for my writing whenever we start doing the thing.

I will do an "egoist" answer : may I just finish Gwenno's story first ? :) It's built with a possibility to construct something with a few persons. And I'm sure we'll be able to have other situations too but, to my mind, it's more interesting to mix a little the professions.
AND it could be a little slow project because translating french to english is still long for me ::) (Or I write too much.) But I'm enjoying such enthusiasm !

Nah, you're not being an egotist. I just tend to jump into things

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2011 on: June 07, 2015, 04:51:07 PM »
Okay, okay, Curry, I finally got round to it.
So, um:
(picture goes here as soon as I nag Curry enough for one- you got me into this, and I can't draw)
Name: Jón Llewelynsson, but happy with just Jón.
Gender: Male
Age: Basically 16
Immune: Yuuup.
Area of birth: Rural Iceland (around Laugevegur)
Languages: Welsh, Icelandic, English (woo, communication problems incoming!)
Profession: Academic/Field Researcher
Appearance/Traits: Gawky, lanky, about 6' tall, wears John Lennon-esque glasses, shoulder-length brown hair with an emo fringe over the left eye, skinny and massively socially inept. Walks with a very slight limp. He'll do just fiiiine.
(further um)
Spoiler: Backstory • show
Okay, so, as the latest addition to a family consisting of the descendants of stranded Welsh hikers back in Y0, he's a bit different when you compare him to the other Icelandic people. You know, because he's more Welsh.
Given that his prowess as a mage was very, very lacking and he was too bookish and geeky for the cleansers, his parents packed him off to the local university to hold a research post in the archives at an early age, mostly because they worked there too.
Now that he's almost grown-up enough to see the real world, he's decided to sign up as a kind of roving field researcher for any expeditions out into the infected areas. His job is to find and translate or preserve books and other artifacts, analyse the hell out of everything interesting he sees, and try to avoid getting killed.
Due to the latter part of his job description, he carries a fairly heavy-caliber revolver around (a family heirloom, but the trolls don't care how old the gun is and he can't afford anything better), and given that he's clumsy and a teensy bit nervous, he's generally got his finger on the trigger. He's a half-decent shot though, so no work-related accidents yet! He also carries an acoustic guitar around slung over his back which is the perfect tool for either getting stuck on things, knocking things off shelves, irritating other people with or just generally getting in the way, but he'll never learn.
He's just signed up for a very special (stupidly dangerous) expedition out into Norway and eventually to Finland, but can't read or speak anything but Icelandic, Welsh and English. How he's going to translate all those books, he doesn't know.
The only other issue is, he doesn't really have a crew. He's more... Available for an expedition, should one happen to stop by.
All-in-all, he's a pretty useless person.

(.... Did I do it right?)
(Edit: No, no I didn't. Reworked backstory a *teensy* bit to make it more feasible, and less stoopid)

« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 07:01:03 PM by ParanormalAndroid »


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2012 on: June 07, 2015, 05:28:29 PM »
ParanormalAndroid you say 'communication problems' I said 'yay another self-insert who speaks English maybe we can chill' xD
Finally, someone who can make sense of what my sssssona is saying



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2013 on: June 07, 2015, 05:48:33 PM »
Haha, well Mélusine already knows that I'm totally on board with this collaboration story thing but it doesn't hurt to go "hellz yeah!" one more time ^_^ It's also great to see how many people are interested in this and it will be so fun to see how it turns out! Assuming it's finished over the summer (while I still have free time *woot!*) I might draw something to go with the produced story because drawing the Norwegian pic, and then the thing has really got me itching to draw more ssssonas together!

KicknRun - that's a really powerful backstory there, I think I got slightly too emotionally involved, but that just means that I thought it was interesting and well written. That's a pretty promising start if you're planning on working on the thing

ParanormalAndroid - Well FINALLY you're joining us here! Hen bryd, ro ni'n meddwl y bysai'n raid i mi gynrychioli y Cymry ar fy mhen fy hun bach! My brother is a Welsh boy in Iceland and the one thing I'll say is that your ssssona is going to be shorter than pretty much everyone else there :P (average Welsh height is tiny in comparison to Icelanders!), so yeah, bit different compared with the rest of them….
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2014 on: June 07, 2015, 06:04:59 PM »
Koalaloulalou: Brilliant, so now *one* person will understand!

Gwenno, ond mae phobl Gymraeg yn fwy ffyrnig na pobl yn Ynys-y-Iâ felly, wrth gwyrs, bydd Jón yn grêt! Mae'n ddim yn rhy ymarferol...


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2015 on: June 07, 2015, 06:10:25 PM »

ParanormalAndroid you say 'communication problems' I said 'yay another self-insert who speaks English maybe we can chill' xD
Finally, someone who can make sense of what my sssssona is saying

Wiohhohohoohohohohohohoh Alexis speaks French

KicknRun - that's a really powerful backstory there, I think I got slightly too emotionally involved, but that just means that I thought it was interesting and well written. That's a pretty promising start if you're planning on working on the thing

MY POWER IS INCREASING (also i kinda just rewrote my life in Y90 terms? idk)

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2016 on: June 07, 2015, 06:13:31 PM »
Wiohhohohoohohohohohohoh Alexis speaks French
Crap I need to get on a computer and check the google doc O vO
Paris French and Quebec French...that'll be interesting xD



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2017 on: June 07, 2015, 06:31:48 PM »
Ahhh I'm in so much demand! I feel so popular! :D

I'll add that my proposition to you and Curry, as beta-readers, is still open ;)

And I'm really happy to read that we'll several ready to explore a whole world of possibilities ! :D (The writer inside me was looking at all these characters waiting since weeks.) I'm sure it will be great !
I am SO UP FOR BETA-READING! :D I really love your writing style and I'd be glad to help again! The only thing is that I will be gone for two weeks starting this Sunday, but apart from that, I should have too much time on my hands, and I'd be happy to!

Okay, okay, Curry, I finally got round to it.
So, um:
(picture goes here as soon as I nag Curry enough for one- you got me into this, and I can't draw)
I'm glad to!! I'll get started on it soon (possibly today! :D)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2018 on: June 07, 2015, 06:36:43 PM »
I'm glad to!! I'll get started on it soon (possibly today! :D)
YESSS I did it! And my character isn't too not-good either, I guess.
And thank you! I kind of meant it as a joke, but this officially makes you *most best artist* because you're waaaay better than me and this way I get a good picture- thanks!
(I'll try to make it up to you)
*Disclaimer: many other people are also most best artists because you're all great artists, but I have to be nice to Curry or she'll get the knives out again*


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2019 on: June 07, 2015, 06:45:33 PM »
Okay, okay, Curry, I finally got round to it.
So, um:
(picture goes here as soon as I nag Curry enough for one- you got me into this, and I can't draw)
Name: Jón Llewelynsson, but happy with just Jón.
Gender: Male
Age: Basically 16
Immune: Yuuup.
Area of birth: Rural Iceland (around Laugevegur)
Languages: Welsh, Icelandic, English (woo, communication problems incoming!)
Profession: Academic/Field Researcher
Appearance/Traits: Gawky, lanky, about 6' tall, wears John Lennon-esque glasses, shoulder-length brown hair with an emo fringe over the left eye, skinny and massively socially inept. He'll do just fiiiine.
(further um)
Spoiler: Backstory • show
Okay, so, as the latest addition to a family consisting of the descendants of stranded Welsh hikers back in Y0, he's a bit different when you compare him to the other Icelandic people. You know, because he's more Welsh.
Given that his prowess as a mage was very, very lacking and he was too bookish and geeky for the cleansers, his parents packed him off to the local university to hold a research post in the archives at an early age, mostly because they worked there too.
Now that he's almost grown-up enough to see the real world, he's decided to sign up as a kind of roving field researcher for any expeditions out into the infected areas. His job is to find and translate or preserve books and other artifacts, analyse the hell out of everything interesting he sees, and try to avoid getting killed.
Due to the latter part of his job description, he carries a fairly heavy-caliber revolver around (a family heirloom, but the trolls don't care how old the gun is and he can't afford anything better), and given that he's clumsy and a teensy bit nervous, he's generally got his finger on the trigger. He's a half-decent shot though, so no work-related accidents yet!
He's just signed up for a very special (stupidly dangerous) expedition out into Norway and eventually to Finland, but can't read or speak anything but Icelandic, Welsh and English. How he's going to translate all those books, he doesn't know.
The only other issue is, he doesn't really have a crew. He's more... Available for an expedition, should one happen to stop by.
All-in-all, he's a pretty weird person.

(.... Did I do it right?)
Rural area ? My character may know you just a little, or have seen you before :) (I suppose she would be (very) surprised to see you in a completely different place.)

I wrote an thing! It's kinda a bio in a more literary form, and an explanation for why my SI is in cleansers, but nothing for my ssssona is set in stone, so here goes.

Spoiler: THE STORY • show

Alexis comes into this world screaming. (In this way, she’s like everyone around her.)

When Alexis is two, her sisters loom over her and whisper of deep dark futures. Sometimes she’s included. Sometimes she isn’t.

Alexis is four, when she realizes(someone tells her) that maybe her overexcitement is a bad thing.

Alexis is six, when she stops dreaming of fake horrors, and starts dreaming of real ones.
(No one as young as her should know how to use a sword. She improvises)

When she asks her sisters, she realizes that she isn’t like them, either. (She’s not unique, in this new small world,but for everyone around her, close enough.)

Alexis is seven, and the looks at school have turned from sight to sound, and she learns how to clamp her hands over her ears without anyone noticing

Alexis is eight, when she loses two of her friends when they drag her around in fights,(that almostquitemaybe involve her) and maybe it occurs to her that she should be stronger

Alexis is nine, when it all becomes too much for her. Her sisters leave, with a note that simply states, “You have to leave too”, and the paper is every so slightly cried upon. (Its her tears). Its no longer sound but touch at her school, things that belong to her (mine those bâtards) go missing and reappear not where they were. (For once, something goes wrong, and it's not her fault.) Hairs fall out when she hasn’t even touched them, and her mother gets louder. Her father gets quieter, her brother gets angry, and Alexis cries.

Alexis is ten when she falls in love. Later she’ll say it was infatuation, or a delicate emotional time, but he’s her only friend, so it happens anyway. (Besides its expected of her, but not expected of her, so she tells no one.)

Alexis is eleven, and she’s all alone again. She gets used to it. She also finds a notebook and sketchbook, and she never puts those down.

Alexis is twelve when she ‘’accidentally” kicks the leg of the classmate who tried to trip her.

Maybe it's somewhat incorrect to say her brother got angrier. Alexis gets angry too. But not angry enough to overpower the sadness, and tears fall from her eyes, but they stop flowing - except they don’t. Its something like diamond, and this covers her whenever she enters the school, like a dozen shining spikes, and they vanish whenever she comes home. She wipes two or three rebellious drops away from her eyes with her fists( weakweakWEAK), and she knows that who made her cry does not deserve them. (The sadness stays. The anger wins)

Alexis is thirteen when she cleans her room, and discovers a note, in faded ink, that says “You have to leave too”

And she does.

The calendar says she is thirteen, the weight in her heart says she is older. The backpack has three sketchpads, two notebooks, and an air of finality.

When she arrives at the camp, and the captains say to meet each other and make nice, Alexis finds the nicest looking person (she’s kinda cute, but that won’t matter until about five minutes after you stop talking to her) ,reaches out her hand, and says “Hey, I’m Alexis, but you can call me Kick”, because she wants a new name, and Eklund doesn’t seem good enough, so she works with Kick.

(The goodbye note is written in her neatest handwriting.)

I'm going to have to write an thing about how trippy it was to be a mage when nobody else was a mage. it was like super super trippy.

Also, you can take this an example for my writing whenever we start doing the thing.
Thank, it will be helpful for the persons who will write :) (Outch, we will have some *Insert here the world for persons who are still on their feets but for who life hadn't be simple* characters...)
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2020 on: June 07, 2015, 06:52:47 PM »

Thank, it will be helpful for the persons who will write :) (Outch, we will have some *Insert here the world for persons who are still on their feets but for who life hadn't be simple* characters...)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2021 on: June 07, 2015, 07:24:47 PM »
YESSS I did it! And my character isn't too not-good either, I guess.
And thank you! I kind of meant it as a joke, but this officially makes you *most best artist* because you're waaaay better than me and this way I get a good picture- thanks!
(I'll try to make it up to you)
*Disclaimer: many other people are also most best artists because you're all great artists, but I have to be nice to Curry or she'll get the knives out again*
Hahaha no problem!! (and just so you know, I happen to just be very enthusiastic about knives and Sigrun cosplay, so no guarantees here.......)

Also, I really love everybody's character and want to interact with them allllllllll, so perhaps they're on a major expedition with multiple teams going through a largish area (like Copenhagen, but through the entire thing) to divide and conquer then meet up every couple of weeks or so to compare findings and level with each other? Not sure how teams would be chosen, apart from getting a mix of skills and characters in each team depending on roles.
Maybe there are some who go first and scout things out (a majority of scout/mages) and then there are the looting/fighting teams (with most of our limited supply of hunters (5) and cleansers (3 + one in training)) and then there are those who come after and look at what's been looted and also whatever was left behind (probably made up of the more academic/scientific characters plus a couple fighters for support). LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we'd have the highly mobile support team, made up of medics and mechanics. They would have to be prepared to go give support to anybody with a tank breakdown or a missing arm flesh wound.

Oh wait actually there's more! The support team who DOESN'T go out into the silent would would all be chilling somewhere together and staying in touch either through mage-dream-dynamics or radio, something like that.



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2022 on: June 07, 2015, 07:31:59 PM »
Hahaha no problem!! (and just so you know, I happen to just be very enthusiastic about knives and Sigrun cosplay, so no guarantees here.......)

Also, I really love everybody's character and want to interact with them allllllllll, so perhaps they're on a major expedition with multiple teams going through a largish area (like Copenhagen, but through the entire thing) to divide and conquer then meet up every couple of weeks or so to compare findings and level with each other? Not sure how teams would be chosen, apart from getting a mix of skills and characters in each team depending on roles.
Maybe there are some who go first and scout things out (a majority of scout/mages) and then there are the looting/fighting teams (with most of our limited supply of hunters (5) and cleansers (3 + one in training)) and then there are those who come after and look at what's been looted and also whatever was left behind (probably made up of the more academic/scientific characters plus a couple fighters for support). LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we'd have the highly mobile support team, made up of medics and mechanics. They would have to be prepared to go give support to anybody with a tank breakdown or a missing arm flesh wound.

Oh wait actually there's more! The support team who DOESN'T go out into the silent would would all be chilling somewhere together and staying in touch either through mage-dream-dynamics or radio, something like that.


AND MY SI arrives though a really big burocratic mishap! And then she sticks around for like 2 weeks cuse she's immune.

:chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2023 on: June 07, 2015, 07:33:42 PM »
Also, I really love everybody's character and want to interact with them allllllllll, so perhaps they're on a major expedition with multiple teams going through a largish area (like Copenhagen, but through the entire thing) to divide and conquer then meet up every couple of weeks or so to compare findings and level with each other? Not sure how teams would be chosen, apart from getting a mix of skills and characters in each team depending on roles.
Maybe there are some who go first and scout things out (a majority of scout/mages) and then there are the looting/fighting teams (with most of our limited supply of hunters (5) and cleansers (3 + one in training)) and then there are those who come after and look at what's been looted and also whatever was left behind (probably made up of the more academic/scientific characters plus a couple fighters for support). LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we'd have the highly mobile support team, made up of medics and mechanics. They would have to be prepared to go give support to anybody with a tank breakdown or a missing arm flesh wound.

Oh wait actually there's more! The support team who DOESN'T go out into the silent would would all be chilling somewhere together and staying in touch either through mage-dream-dynamics or radio, something like that.


I love that idea because since there're only 3 cleansers it would mean I'd be THE ONLY CLEANSER in my group probably and hoooooo boy would that not end well XD
(Cue whole group being attacked by a giant and Clara being Too Chicken to handle explosives and they barely get out alive)

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #2024 on: June 07, 2015, 07:34:39 PM »
Hi everyone !
I have an idea since I saw how many of us like creating their self-insert. Moreover, some of you start to make them move or interact, so all become more interesting (Yes, it's possible !) Since I had discover this thread, I have only one regret : so many characters, but... nothing more. I mean, for me, it's like saying "Hey, let's do something cool and funny !" and gather together, all in a few same places, but doing nothing more whereas our ssssona's have a HUGE potential !
I promised a short story to Gwenno in exchange of her wonderful drawing of Von, my character, and I think it could be a beginning for a bigger collaborative project. Let's make our characters live ! Let's see how they could work in a team ! Let's put them into troubles ! (Hello, Curry, we spoke a little about that before. Hello Haiz too, I'm still thinking to make our ssssona's meet.)
So... what do you think about this idea ? Would you take part in, or am I too enthusiastic in my corner ? ^^
This sounds awesome! I want to join :D

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(✿σ‿σ) ~<3