HAPPY NORWAY DAY EVERYONEfrom left to right:
Freddiethefantastic; Curry; YOURS TRULY; Elrew; Fimbulvarg/waffle; Laufey; Ruth; Sigrid Marie; Kex; Unlos; Cheesecake; Fenris; Gwenno
(those are all the norwegian 'sonas I know of, I really hope I didn't leave out anyone!)
- I refuse to participate in the parade if I don't get to carry the banner. I don't
care that I'm the shortest and physically weakest, give it to me
- Sorry if any proportions/heights got wrong!!! I've never drawn a crowd scene such as this before O: O: O:
- "Ja, vi elsker dette landet" are the first lyrics in our national anthem, they translate to "yes, we love this country" and the following lyrics are all about what a miserable rocky clump of land we live on and how beautiful that is.