Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 855127 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #705 on: April 19, 2015, 10:27:48 AM »
Haiz. Backgrounds are such a pain for me, but I felt like it's necessary here. Hope it wasn't a mistake :)
It was the opposite of a mistake, i love it so much you have no idea
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #706 on: April 19, 2015, 10:34:56 AM »

OMG It's gorgeous! Thank you so much! ;_;
probably, I should draw my sona too, hah

Almond-Goddess I'm totally in love with your art style! What kind of technique is it?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 10:40:43 AM by Oliga »


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #707 on: April 19, 2015, 01:50:42 PM »
@wildfire: Sounds like a person who would try to kill Strelokov... or at least throw a hammer at him so hard that it got stuck in a steel bulkhead (Knew a guy who was a crewchief in the USN who got the nickname "Thor Crewchief of thunder" after doing just that.)...Or at least know of a certain incident involving a unauthorized pneumatic cannon, a recon tank and a giant.

@AquaAurion: I have no idea anymore, I thought you were in charge of the infodump and now I have no idea who it is anymore.
I'm a writer too,
writing things for you,
Mostly 'pocylyse things though, check out my story from the start, Blog with the Blastwave.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #708 on: April 19, 2015, 03:05:57 PM »
I know there was mentioned an rp board, but would anyone rp their ssssonas on tumblr? Or should I wait on SSSS role plays?
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #709 on: April 19, 2015, 03:25:30 PM »
@wildfire: Sounds like a person who would try to kill Strelokov... or at least throw a hammer at him so hard that it got stuck in a steel bulkhead (Knew a guy who was a crewchief in the USN who got the nickname "Thor Crewchief of thunder" after doing just that.)...Or at least know of a certain incident involving a unauthorized pneumatic cannon, a recon tank and a giant.


Aw man, I promise she won't kill him. She'll just - scream a little at him, maybe swing a hammer or two in his general direction.. she's totally not going to be dangerous for anyone not at all noooooooooooouuu..
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #710 on: April 19, 2015, 03:47:23 PM »
So many responses wow
Everyone looks so charming and individual in your style ;D I like it when you can see who drew it, but all characters still feel like different people!
Since I'm drawing everyone who has drawn me I'm wondering whether your hair is straight or wavy? :)

Thanks! ^-^ I have straight hair.

Wow these are great Piney! How is it that you can catch our character's essence, and still have such a cohesive style?? :O I'm kind of glad that I'm on the front end of the alphabet, hehe.

Thank you; I wish I knew how to answer that question!

They look fantastic! Your art style is so unique and it makes the characters really expressive :)

Thank youuu, I do try! :)
(Also I sound like a broken record, eheh.)

Oh I like this. I think you captured a lot of individuality and character. Looking forward to L-S

And I had been afraid they'd look to similar or too similar to the original drawings... yay, thanks!

im so happy

Hahaha, I'm happy I could elicit that response :D

Oh wow. This is awesome Piney! I'm adding you to the list of people I need to draw.

Woo, thanks, I love being drawn!

Pineeyyyy!!! These are so cute! I love the little me! Thank you!  ;D I've been meaning to draw some of you guys for a while now but I'm afraid I'll mess it up. When I get the courage to try though, you will definitely be one of the people I draw.  :D

(do I say thank you or you're welcome? ::) )
We'll probably still love your drawings even if they're not perfect. No pressure though!

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #711 on: April 19, 2015, 04:19:54 PM »
Uh, guys, I finished this weeks ago, now, but never got around to showing it. Sooo... here:


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #712 on: April 19, 2015, 04:32:10 PM »
Uh, guys, I finished this weeks ago, now, but never got around to showing it. Sooo... here:

I like it very much, but you should probably put it in an image bracket so that it doesn't get buried in the torrent of text and images that is this thread.

Unless you don't want to of course.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #713 on: April 19, 2015, 04:43:12 PM »
Name: Iða Kristínudóttir Leifsdóttir
Age: 25 years of age
Nationality: Icelandic
Birth Area: Dalvik
Immune: No
Profession: Sheep farmer Mechanic
Languages: :iceland: :norway:

- Pale skin
- Greyblue eyes
- Short, silverblonde hair with sidecut lefthand side - almost always messy because mechanic
- Round face with ashblonde eyebrows, always a little dirty again because mechanic
- Oval shaped body, slightly muscular
- 1.70 m/~5.7 ft
- Uses rectangular shaped glasses because she's shortsighted; the glasses almost always rest on the top of her head, unless she's tucked under a vehicle
- Probably wears something inspired by this only it has pants and a shirt+vest+jacket or something whenever she's not fiing her babies, I don't know but I like the pattern and colour. However, she might be wearing something less pretty so she doesn't have to roll in the mud in her pretty icelandic clothes because reasons (I'm not even sure what I'm trying to get across anymore..)

Iða Kristínudóttir Leifsdóttir was born to Leifur Jónssón and Kristín Mæjudóttir 25 years ago in Dalvik, Iceland. Leifur is a sheep farmer, and Kristín is a nurse. For many years, Iða, who is the youngest of four siblings and rather far from her older siblings in age, was expected to take over her fathers farm, since all her older siblings had gone and gotten other jobs before she was old enough to understand the concept. Therefore she was well raised and taught how to take care of the farm and the sheep. This went on for several years before Iða discovered the most bestness that is machinery. It started out as a hobby, but after a while she decided to study mechanics. She later was offered a job as a mechanic in Reykjavik, and she moved away from home, promising that she would come back to take over the farm when her father is no longer able to. She also took the time to study Norwegian after she moved from Dalvik. Has since then been hired for different jobs here and there, currently with a group of other.. professional characters.

- Hard working
- Efficient
- Good with machinery
- Patient (even if one would not think so)
- Resourceful

- Usually grumpy
- Not very talkative
- Stubborn
- Headstrong
- Direct

When Iða is happy, she's humming and whistling unrecognisable songs, often in a beautiful mix with no apparent system for when she changes the melody; she only knows her humming and whistling is FABULOUS AND EVERYONE DESERVES TO ENJOY IT!
When she is grumpy, however, all she can muster is non-understandable strings of words that never seems to stops. Well, at least until she's finished fixing whatever she has to fix; then the seemingly never-ending string of mumbling noises will be replaced with a loud and clear "I'M NEVER CLEANING UP AFTER YOU GUYS AGAIN" - however everyone knows that's a lie; she loves working with machinery - she's only keeping up appearances.
Iða never talks to anyone when she works on her babies; most people think it's because she's busy either humming, whistling or mumbling, but it's mostly because she has to get everything done JUST RIGHT. She will probably be eavesdropping on nearby conversations, but she's not one to make a big deal out of the things she's heard unless it's vital she tell someone.
She doesn't really dislike anyone, and drops sudden hints now and then that she enjoys being around other people. She's not very talkative, but she's not shy either. It's just that she's more of a listener than a talker.
EDIT She loves owls - she's almost obsessed with owls, and though she thinks ALL THE OWLS are beautiful, her one true owl-love is the Eurasian eagle-owl, of which she has gathered and impressive amount of information on.

ALSOOOOO: I am so sorry this is so long, I've been sitting with this for several hours now just pouring my entire heart into this SSSSona and this just happened I am so sorry I truly am please don't shoot me with all your awesome magic and weapons and accordion noises..?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 08:14:49 AM by wildfire »
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #714 on: April 19, 2015, 04:45:25 PM »
Please. We would never dare to belittle anything done with heart.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #715 on: April 19, 2015, 06:06:48 PM »
Uh, guys, I finished this weeks ago, now, but never got around to showing it. Sooo... here:

So cute!

Name: Iða Kristínudóttir Leifsdóttir
Age: 25 years of age
Nationality: Icelandic
Birth Area: Dalvik
Immune: No
Profession: Sheep farmer Mechanic
Languages: :iceland: :norway:

I need to make a more in depth bio now. But seriously, it's great you have so much info.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #716 on: April 19, 2015, 06:15:55 PM »
Please. We would never dare to belittle anything done with heart.

Oh wow I did not see this until now, you are so kind : ) I didn't expect any of you to belittle me, I just feel like I'm taking a lot of space right now, I just got really excited for this self-insert!


I need to make a more in depth bio now. But seriously, it's great you have so much info.

WELL I've been spending my last who-knows-the-amount-of-years roleplaying in forums similar to this, so after I learned what a Mary Sue is and how you should NOT powerplay, I started getting the hang of writing long, but not necessarily very GOOD background information about my characters. And I LOOOOOVE details. I could've made my entire family tree  with icelandic names and I'd love it and have so much fun with it because I'm weird like that. Mehehe ^^'

And thank you, I try to contribute properly, especially since I can't(or won't) humour you with my amazingly bad drawing skills! : 3

I know I said I'd go to bed in the good night-thread but I obviously lied..
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 06:18:22 PM by wildfire »
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #717 on: April 19, 2015, 06:47:41 PM »
WELL I've been spending my last who-knows-the-amount-of-years roleplaying in forums similar to this, so after I learned what a Mary Sue is and how you should NOT powerplay, I started getting the hang of writing long, but not necessarily very GOOD background information about my characters. And I LOOOOOVE details. I could've made my entire family tree  with icelandic names and I'd love it and have so much fun with it because I'm weird like that. Mehehe ^^'

Well, I've spent about half my life now role playing in some form, but I still always feel like I can't really set down a lot of info for sure until I start playing the character. I also feel like my descriptions are a bit terse in general. Despite writing a lot for forum posts and such, I'm pretty minimalistic on description and tend toward things that are absolutely necessary until someone asks about other subjects.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #718 on: April 19, 2015, 08:06:38 PM »
Oh my gosh Pineyyyyyyyy! I would say that seeing myself with a piney-expression didn't make my day, but that would be a total lie because those pictures are awesome!!!!! Hehe, I'm just so happy to have been Piney-tised (I think this needs to be a word) :P

ALSOOOOO: I am so sorry this is so long, I've been sitting with this for several hours now just pouring my entire heart into this SSSSona and this just happened I am so sorry I truly am please don't shoot me with all your awesome magic and weapons and accordion noises..?

Noooooooo! Don't be sorry, your backstory is awesome and I love how much of a character you've become!!!! In fact, all these well thought out backstories are making me feel bad about mine (in response to Sigrid Marie several pages ago, my SSSSona is basically just me where I'd fit in best in the SSSS universe). Maybe I'll add more to it, but I doubt it would be as convincing as some of the things you guys have been posting :/

Well anyway, this is finally finished. Troll bashing and stuff :P I had some thoughts about this one, but I'll just post a link to the original comment rather than repeating :3
From left to right, Sigrid Marie, Ruth/Gudrun, Fimbulvarg and me!

DancingRanger - going to get started on your pic now then :3 expect it eventually……… I promise it will appear, even if it may take some time! You want it to be based on this pic or the one on the info dump?:
also, colours?
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #719 on: April 19, 2015, 09:07:50 PM »
Oh my gosh Pineyyyyyyyy! I would say that seeing myself with a piney-expression didn't make my day, but that would be a total lie because those pictures are awesome!!!!! Hehe, I'm just so happy to have been Piney-tised (I think this needs to be a word) :P

Noooooooo! Don't be sorry, your backstory is awesome and I love how much of a character you've become!!!! In fact, all these well thought out backstories are making me feel bad about mine (in response to Sigrid Marie several pages ago, my SSSSona is basically just me where I'd fit in best in the SSSS universe). Maybe I'll add more to it, but I doubt it would be as convincing as some of the things you guys have been posting :/

Well anyway, this is finally finished. Troll bashing and stuff :P I had some thoughts about this one, but I'll just post a link to the original comment rather than repeating :3
From left to right, Sigrid Marie, Ruth/Gudrun, Fimbulvarg and me!

DancingRanger - going to get started on your pic now then :3 expect it eventually……… I promise it will appear, even if it may take some time! You want it to be based on this pic or the one on the info dump?:
also, colours?

Either one. As for colors, you can refer to laufey's pic, the pre-expedition outfit would be earthen tones with the medicine wheel colored like this, and yes there are a pair of feather in the hair. Face paint is optional.

On another note would your 'sona attempt to communicate with mine? I'm playing with some ideas.
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