Oh my gosh Pineyyyyyyyy! I would say that seeing myself with a piney-expression didn't make my day, but that would be a total lie because those pictures are awesome!!!!! Hehe, I'm just so happy to have been Piney-tised (I think this needs to be a word)
ALSOOOOO: I am so sorry this is so long, I've been sitting with this for several hours now just pouring my entire heart into this SSSSona and this just happened I am so sorry I truly am please don't shoot me with all your awesome magic and weapons and accordion noises..?
Noooooooo! Don't be sorry, your backstory is awesome and I love how much of a character you've become!!!! In fact, all these well thought out backstories are making me feel bad about mine (in response to Sigrid Marie several pages ago, my SSSSona is basically just me where I'd fit in best in the SSSS universe). Maybe I'll add more to it, but I doubt it would be as convincing as some of the things you guys have been posting :/
Well anyway, this is finally finished. Troll bashing and stuff
I had some thoughts about this one, but I'll just post a link to the original comment rather than repeating
http://ssssforum.pcriot.com/index.php?topic=359.msg26905#msg26905From left to right, Sigrid Marie, Ruth/Gudrun, Fimbulvarg and me!
DancingRanger - going to get started on your pic now then
expect it eventually……… I promise it will appear, even if it may take some time! You want it to be based on this pic or the one on the info dump?:
http://yoruhana-hitsugaya.deviantart.com/art/info-Matthew-Makinen-SSSS-self-insert-527435208?ga_submit_new=10%253A1429288449also, colours?