I have a question. Are people drawing themselves in the SSSS universe, or are they making OCs?? I mean, not that it matters, I just really really need want to know because I'm a bit confused (personally I've made my character exactly like myself except that she can fire a gun, sort of. Which she is only able to do because it'd be required of her)
I'm kind of drawing myself, but definitely tweaked a bit and given a backstory different to my own life story (there are some parallels but i've kind of broken myself of the habit of making pure self-inserts and i'm trying not to go back to that :I ). Karri's personality is a *touch* more volatile than my own but the facial expressions at least are very similar
Also, blanket thank you to everybody who said nice things about my drawing of baby Haiz and I!! I'm working on doing a couple more, actually!
Fimbulvarg, the sketch in the background is a doodle of how Karri and Freddie would react to each other ('eyeLINER?? TELL ME UR SECRETS WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND WORKS BEST GIMME YOUR INFORMATION' -both of them, probably) upon introduction. What nerds.
Frenci and
Oh Deer, we're all so cute!! I will be working on another installment in the headshot series with all you new cuties soon! I think there are 4 of you to draw now. I might wait until another person posts theirs just so I can properly dedicate a page to you guys in my sketchbook • v •