Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 903423 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #450 on: April 10, 2015, 05:22:32 AM »
Okay. So. Some of you have drawn my character's face at some point - Haiz, Curry, and Oliga - so I wanted to reciprocate, but time is a difficult resource to manage. Anyway. Drawings.

Okay. So. Haiz. I combined your oc with the picture you posted very early in the thread of you and your cape blowing in the wind. Hence why you have a cape now. Also you end up looking a tad boyish - but no matter what I did, I couldn't make it look more like your face. The more details I added the greater the distortion. Sorry. D:
this is so great!!! I love the epic pose!! and the cape (wait, early in the thread? ......oh. we have 30 pages now.)!! and don't worry about how boyish i may or may not look, my goal in this life is to cause confusion about my gender so that's perfect actually.
I feel like this is a lot to get from just drawing a very quick draw of your OC's face........ I should maybe do some full-body sketches of you guys who put effort into drawing me..........

Since we're so many now, could we include the link to the google doc in the first comment in the thread so it's easy to find? :)
I agree, but since this thread ended up having Koalalou as the first poster, and she seems to have disappeared from the forum completely......
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #451 on: April 10, 2015, 06:24:52 AM »
Since we're so many now, could we include the link to the google doc in the first comment in the thread so it's easy to find? :)
I agree, but since this thread ended up having Koalalou as the first poster, and she seems to have disappeared from the forum completely......
I was thinking about this just the other day, but as you said Koalalou has not been on much recently so it would be hard to do. We definitely need to make the infodump easier to access somehow, though.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #452 on: April 10, 2015, 12:36:01 PM »
Uh so I don't usually post unfinished art, but you guys have been posting so many amazing things recently, and I've posted nothing so I felt bad and decided to at least contribute SOMETHING! Anyway this is the troll hunters/troll punchers/viking warriors group. (In case my art is mega bad and I didn't manage to capture the characters correctly and you guys have no idea who everyone is  :P the SSSSonas from left to right are: Sigrid Marie, Ruth (Gudrun), Fimbulvarg, and Gwenno). I'm going to colour it in (and possibly re-draw parts I'm not happy with), but I take soooooo long to finish pictures that I can't be sure when that will be  :-\ but it will be posted when that happens! I did this just for fun, so nobody needs to feel obliged to art trade ^_^

Usually I try to let my pictures tell their own story, but in this case there's a lot that isn't very clear, and there are a few things which I wasted to clarify or explain, so yeah, below is the inmyheadthings put into text….

The troll hunters are all together because they're on their way to Sweden to help out with the cleansers on a 'vacation trip', which explains why despite being from different settlements they're working together.
Sigrid Marie didn't have any weapons in her picture, so I wasn't too sure how she'd end up fighting (being the cutest viking warrior ever may put the trolls off guard, but nobody has ever died of cute…..), so I decided she had no weapons because she NEEDED no weapons and was just that badass and awesome! I also decided she joined the team to keep Gudrun company, because I've a vague memory of both of them deciding their SSSSonas would be friends ^_^ I hope all that stuff's okay with you….
Ruth (Gudrun) is leader of the team, and stops everyone from being stupid and getting killed. The vacation trip may not be Iceland, but at least it's a chance to get somewhere else, and who knows, she may make some contacts on the trip who can help out…. Also, how obvious is it that i know nothing about guns? I've not really been able to internet much recently so I wasn't able to look up reference pics as I'd like and I've a feeling that gun enthusiasts on the forum will notice this point right away so I'd just go and state that here first!
Fimbulvarg - when I started out the picture you were supposed to be using the rifle-axe to do some troll bashing, but I just couldn't make the picture work, and decided to add an extra use for the woollen sash instead (you're right, that's a very handy thing to have around!). Maybe I'll manage it someday :) Wasn't sure what to do with eyes since they were closed in the reference pic, but if you'd rather be a Mikkel with eyes closed almost always I can change that before inking and colouring :P
Oh, and I'm just bashing trolls, not much else to be said there really
*sigh* when will i ever learn to draw feet
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 02:06:08 PM by Gwenno »
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #453 on: April 10, 2015, 03:49:35 PM »

Here's my take on Karri. I don't know what happened to the warrior pose, your face turned out a bit wonky, so I made this instead! (And yesIhaveanewtoy, I got sick of drawing with the mouse so now I have a tablet. Look what you made me dooo!)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #454 on: April 10, 2015, 04:02:31 PM »
Gwenno and Unlos, those are so nice!!!
Gwenno, I really like the sketch and the backstory you made for it, gosh.
Unlos, I might be easily impressed by drawings of guns and trees but they are!! cool!! also bonus point for cats
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #455 on: April 10, 2015, 04:14:19 PM »
Gwenno and Unlos, those are so nice!!!
Gwenno, I really like the sketch and the backstory you made for it, gosh.
Unlos, I might be easily impressed by drawings of guns and trees but they are!! cool!! also bonus point for cats

Thank you! I'll need no strech my arm now, otherwise I'd just go back to drawing moar cats.


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #456 on: April 10, 2015, 07:57:26 PM »

Here's my take on Karri. I don't know what happened to the warrior pose, your face turned out a bit wonky, so I made this instead! (And yesIhaveanewtoy, I got sick of drawing with the mouse so now I have a tablet. Look what you made me dooo!)
Ahh this is so pretty!! I really, really, really love this! I would so chill on a tree branch getting distracted by cats (and the cats are so adorable too, help)
Tablets are truly lovely. I actually just got a nib replacement for mine today so GUESS WHO'S GOING TO BE DRAWING THING (hint it's me)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #457 on: April 11, 2015, 02:50:12 AM »
There is so much really beautiful art on here! Gah I won't spam you guys by replying to everything separately, but I was catching up on what has been posted since I was last on, and wow you are all so talented
I ended up doodling a few of you, and gah I just love your designs so much.

Alas, I did not do them justice here, but I def plan on drawing some more.
Also!! The Braidy isn't mine, that would be Curry's draw
*sidles in through back door*
I haven't been able to come on the forum much over the last couple of days due to study needs, but you have all been really busy! I wish I could comment on each picture individually, but it would take quite a while.
Of course, when I say "study" I really mean "procrastinate 90% of the time while mourning my poor neglected responsibilities", so I also spent quite a bit of time sketching some other people's OCs...

Sorry for the bad quality photos/scrappy artwork -- I'm slightly better at drawing guns then people, which is strange seeing that I have only occasionally seen guns in real life, and have no idea how they work...
I am hoping to draw something more interesting soon but it might take a while, so don't hold your breath :P
I wish I could contribute more to this thread, but I'm just not that that creative

I didn't have a chance to say this during the weekday, but these sketches look great! There's just something about traditionally drawn things that is appealing. Freddie, you've caught my character's grin spot on, and Kauniita, I'm really amazed that you sketched not one but three things for me! :D
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #458 on: April 11, 2015, 02:56:20 AM »

Wow, the thread has grew so fast these past days! It was a bit hectic at the end of the work week, but tonight I was able to do some quick gesture studies – aesthetics which are inspired by Minna's info pages – for my next three art trades for Curry, Noodly Appendages, and Fimbulvarg. I'm thinking of polishing these up with this particular style. Though really, that might change as things progress!
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #459 on: April 11, 2015, 07:32:19 AM »

ooooh gosh this is gorgeous
I love this style
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #460 on: April 11, 2015, 07:53:28 AM »


That's great! Interesting expressions, and the falcon is very lifelike.

Uh so I don't usually post unfinished art, but you guys have been posting so many amazing things recently, and I've posted nothing so I felt bad and decided to at least contribute SOMETHING! Anyway this is the troll hunters/troll punchers/viking warriors group.

when I started out the picture you were supposed to be using the rifle-axe to do some troll bashing, but I just couldn't make the picture work, and decided to add an extra use for the woollen sash instead (you're right, that's a very handy thing to have around!). Maybe I'll manage it someday :) Wasn't sure what to do with eyes since they were closed in the reference pic, but if you'd rather be a Mikkel with eyes closed almost always I can change that before inking and colouring :P

Yeeeah Troll Puncher Team Number ooonee *wacky gang pose*

Actually, the first version of the picture I was going to upload had the eyes open, but I wasn't too pleased with it so I went through several versions before finally ending up with the closed eyes one just to get the nuclear level cockiness emphasised.

Wow, the thread has grew so fast these past days! It was a bit hectic at the end of the work week, but tonight I was able to do some quick gesture studies – aesthetics which are inspired by Minna's info pages – for my next three art trades for Curry, Noodly Appendages, and Fimbulvarg. I'm thinking of polishing these up with this particular style. Though really, that might change as things progress!

That is amazing! You nailed the comic's style so effortlessly while getting the individual characters personality across. I can tell you're a professional concept artists, it's just plain obvious!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 07:56:04 AM by Fimbulvarg »


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #461 on: April 11, 2015, 02:32:29 PM »
This thread just fills up with awesomeness all the time. Please accept my pathetic blanket praise everyone!

I'm also somewhat tight with my schedule, so although I'm definitely interested I'm afraid I'm a bit useless with art trades... but my troll has been drawn a few times and I want to at least return the favour!  Starting with the two mages Haiz and DancingRanger, admittedly because I wanted to paint two mages cooperating instead of just working alone. Drawing even a single stave can take a while and what if there's no time and you really just need to blast something to smithereens immediately?

Haiz drawing a stave against darkness* with sunlight, DancingRanger creating a Veldismagn stave which increases luck and power and traditionally has to be made with the user's own blood. I'm figuring it will increase Haiz's stave effect about hundredfold. I'm not sure why the magepile... possibly they're both too short to suitably reach that one spot of sunlight available, or maybe they just specialized in different kinds of staves, who knows. Also Haiz wasn't supposed to end up looking so worried but I guess it's ok, after all if the attack stave fails in any way whatever happens will be massively powered up by the Veldismagn.  :P

(Failing to create a stave correctly doesn't always mean that it simply won't work, most likely it will work but in a very unplanned, possibly disastrous way. At least that's how it goes in sagas.)

*This is actually based on another real stave that's supposed to work against "fear of darkness" but used here to simply gain some solar effect on whatever's coming at them. Read that as "mages exploding things".
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #462 on: April 11, 2015, 02:43:25 PM »

Haiz drawing a stave against darkness* with sunlight, DancingRanger creating a Veldismagn stave which increases luck and power and traditionally has to be made with the user's own blood. I'm figuring it will increase Haiz's stave effect about hundredfold. I'm not sure why the magepile... possibly they're both too short to suitably reach that one spot of sunlight available, or maybe they just specialized in different kinds of staves, who knows. Also Haiz wasn't supposed to end up looking so worried but I guess it's ok, after all if the attack stave fails in any way whatever happens will be massively powered up by the Veldismagn.  :P

(Failing to create a stave correctly doesn't always mean that it simply won't work, most likely it will work but in a very unplanned, possibly disastrous way. At least that's how it goes in sagas.)

*This is actually based on another real stave that's supposed to work against "fear of darkness" but used here to simply gain some solar effect on whatever's coming at them. Read that as "mages exploding things".

this is absolutely gorgeous and aAAA SUNLIGHT RUNE?? that is amazing oh gosh oh gosh oooh gosh
also i would deifinitely look super worried in a situation like that so it is spot on
and oh goshhh the watercolours
the composition
« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 02:55:56 PM by Haiz »
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #463 on: April 11, 2015, 03:13:02 PM »
Ahh this is so pretty!! I really, really, really love this! I would so chill on a tree branch getting distracted by cats (and the cats are so adorable too, help)
Tablets are truly lovely. I actually just got a nib replacement for mine today so GUESS WHO'S GOING TO BE DRAWING THING (hint it's me)

Oh thank you! Art trades is such an awesome concept, and makes it easier for me to stick with actual effort projects instead of just abandoning them. And EEEE I went around with a big grin after you drew me so I'm up for more art trades, if anyone's interested!

This thread just fills up with awesomeness all the time. Please accept my pathetic blanket praise everyone!

I'm also somewhat tight with my schedule, so although I'm definitely interested I'm afraid I'm a bit useless with art trades... but my troll has been drawn a few times and I want to at least return the favour!  Starting with the two mages Haiz and DancingRanger, admittedly because I wanted to paint two mages cooperating instead of just working alone. Drawing even a single stave can take a while and what if there's no time and you really just need to blast something to smithereens immediately?

*This is actually based on another real stave that's supposed to work against "fear of darkness" but used here to simply gain some solar effect on whatever's coming at them. Read that as "mages exploding things".

Gorgeous. It's been said before but those are some great watercoloring skills!


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #464 on: April 11, 2015, 04:09:36 PM »
Wow, you guys! All of these are brilliant! Now I'll come in with my weird, sketchy bobble heads.

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