I swear I was already drawing this when Curry posted theirs... ;_;
And happy birthday, Gwenno! I saw it on deviantArt and I sketched you something (a self-insert something), but I wasn't able to ink it tonight. You shall get a drawing in the future though!
Hey, I get to see the funny scene three different times and I'm totally not complaining ^_^ Nice drawing as per usual
sketched me something!!!!!! Waaaah, I'm so excited now thank you so much
To say thank you I drew a little thing.... also I think I've figured out how to weaponise cake....... It's a food fight so now everyone can have fun
Thank you guys!
I thiiiiink I've managed to add anyone who wished either Fimby or myself a happy birthday on this thread, the birthday one and deviantart, but if not just say and I can edit the picture (digital is actually pretty cool isn't it!)
(Oh, and that's supposed to be Captain Fimby's shawl being used as a blindfold for Misea
Left to right: Piney, Misea,TeaBD, Daea, Ari, Melusine, Fimby, Ragnarok, Gwenno, Kahli, Haiz
EDIT: Now fixed to include Haiz, (aaaaaand, the bottom layer where I did the shapes >"< eugh, I'm so stupid today)