Author Topic: Self-Inserts and OCs  (Read 906607 times)


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1245 on: May 09, 2015, 05:37:44 PM »
*Historian and french* A pike ? What exactly is a pike... oh, a sarissa, great, I understand ^^° *End of historian moment. Sorry.

Isn't a Sarissa just an exceptionally long Macedonian type of pike?


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1246 on: May 09, 2015, 05:42:43 PM »
OOOOKAY I'M REALLY LATE BUT a little while back, Haiz posted some really adorable draws of the SSSSonas with the hair ze liked to draw the much, and I made a list of my favorite SSSSonas to draw in general and I have been working  on these for days ;_; just consider this as a thank you for making really cute designs although I legitimately love every single one of you guys!

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1247 on: May 09, 2015, 05:47:43 PM »
Isn't a Sarissa just an exceptionally long Macedonian type of pike?
It is. I wasn't sure of which exact weapon was a pike without checking, but "sarissa" ("sarisse" in french) was easier to figure out. (I stop here, I promise. I will try.)
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1248 on: May 09, 2015, 05:51:19 PM »
OOOOKAY I'M REALLY LATE BUT a little while back, Haiz posted some really adorable draws of the SSSSonas with the hair ze liked to draw the much, and I made a list of my favorite SSSSonas to draw in general and I have been working  on these for days ;_; just consider this as a thank you for making really cute designs although I legitimately love every single one of you guys!

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha

//hugs\\ shh- It's Okay, everyone's late all the time-
Also, I love the drawings tho!
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1249 on: May 09, 2015, 05:53:53 PM »

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha
(yes. i am referring to my own hair. i love)

Misunderstandings all around it would seem.
I'm pretty good at causing these
but we're good then!!! I THINK

Unlos: the upgraded apple-picker looks fantastic
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 06:06:09 PM by Haiz »
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1250 on: May 09, 2015, 06:13:21 PM »
Huh, well that was an interesting few pages of reading - you're all kinda crazy, but I guess that's why I hang around :P

Anyway, on top of that piece of strangeness, I'm liking the art which has been popping up these last few days ^_^ Piney, that's a nice picture of SolarPoweredGirl there, she just looks so happy and vibrant, and the hair looks so fwooshy! Almond-Goddess, even for a WIP I'm impressed, the picture just overflows with life and energy and I can't wait to see it finished! Vafhudur I like this a lot (I'm such a total backgrounds fangirl, as soon as someone adds mountains, and trees, suddenly the picture is part of a bigger world to me, and well it just makes me happy)! The patterns and swirls give it a nice effect and that's a well drawn dress as well :) Mélusine I read your story and really liked it! It is well written and that's an impressive feat if English isn't a language you're comfortable in, but mostly I just like the story itself and now I kinda want to know what happens next!


You look like you could be Gwenno's dad (the messy braided hair is strong in the bloodline) and a close relative of Admiral Olsen :P
I agree with whoever said you look like you're related to Gwenno! I like the use of a shovel as a weapon ^w^

*ahem* as probably the forum expert on what my dad looks like (unless he or my mum have actually started using the forum, in which case oh gosh I hope they don't see how much time I've spend on it  :o ) I can attest that it is not like this! My youngest brother has promised me that he'll grow and style a Gimli beard once he's able to however, so messy braided hair may indeed be genetic :P Maybe they'd be somehow related if your 'sona is Norwegian, as there is definitely a resemblance.

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha

Well deyum! This got posted while I was typing and wowness that is good! I am insanely impressed with your work, and how well you manage to capture everyone's characters (I'm especially loving Haiz's rainbow hair because COLOURS!, but yeah, all the colouring in is so lifelike and perfect!). You not only caught their appearance, but also personalities I feel, and gosh I'm loving the chibi versions on the side as well, and if I don't stop typing now this will go on a rambling spree about all the things I like about this picture and go on typing for hours….. (it is so good!)
You're a fool if you dance or not so you might as well dance

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1251 on: May 09, 2015, 06:13:48 PM »
OOOOKAY I'M REALLY LATE BUT a little while back, Haiz posted some really adorable draws of the SSSSonas with the hair ze liked to draw the much, and I made a list of my favorite SSSSonas to draw in general and I have been working  on these for days ;_; just consider this as a thank you for making really cute designs although I legitimately love every single one of you guys!

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha

omg Curry have I mentioned that I love your style xD you draw my hair so much cooler than it is tee hee silly Scandinavians that's adorable lol
omg this should be a thing
every time someone draws Haiz and colours it, they must make hir hair a different colour
every time :D

also, I was trying to doodle something earlier...and somehow it turned into (a slightly maniacal) Curry
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 06:16:16 PM by koalalou »



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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1252 on: May 09, 2015, 06:37:37 PM »
OOOOKAY I'M REALLY LATE BUT a little while back, Haiz posted some really adorable draws of the SSSSonas with the hair ze liked to draw the much, and I made a list of my favorite SSSSonas to draw in general and I have been working  on these for days ;_; just consider this as a thank you for making really cute designs although I legitimately love every single one of you guys!

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha

Holy smokey the bear on a unicycle that's amazing!! Not sure what I did to deserve this but it's definitely the most amazing thing I've seen all week! All of those drawings look just astonishingly cool. And the little sketch cracked me up good. It's oddly enough very accurate  :D

Reminds me of some silly edit I made when drawing that picture of Curry, but which I subsequently forgot to share


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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1253 on: May 09, 2015, 06:48:44 PM »
Ahhhh there's been some really awesome stuff since the last time I was here! Too much to talk about individually. (Sorry, I've been busy! And binge watching stuff on netflix when I'm not doing work instead of being social)

And Unlos, thanks so much for drawing my sona! It looks great ^^

Also the new forum theme looks beautiful omg
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1254 on: May 09, 2015, 06:49:47 PM »

These are so beautiful! I feel like I'm just repeating everyone but is bears repeating so what the heck, holy wow all those colours!
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1255 on: May 09, 2015, 06:58:40 PM »
OOOOKAY I'M REALLY LATE BUT a little while back, Haiz posted some really adorable draws of the SSSSonas with the hair ze liked to draw the much, and I made a list of my favorite SSSSonas to draw in general and I have been working  on these for days ;_; just consider this as a thank you for making really cute designs although I legitimately love every single one of you guys!

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha
i love....all of much dear god im repeating myself and other people but i cant stop staring @ this aaaAAAA all our faces are so varied and wonderful and your style is art goals and your shading??!?!?!? is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC i adore the hair especially but every single part of this is jsu t *starts crying* sso good curry words dont properly expRESS?!?? the expressions are so CUTE andeach personalized chibi is unbelievably adorable and  match so well with the character oh my god im just *sits down* oh my god *lays facedown on the carpet* o hymg od  pls slay me now ;_______; thank u again for drawing my nerd ssssona im cryign forever oh mygodhfdgsd

Daéa Reina

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1256 on: May 09, 2015, 08:21:54 PM »
FWIW, as far as I'm familiar with (European) language teaching, the institutions will differentiate between "Portuguese" and "Brazilian Portuguese" even before they feel it necessary to split English into any regional variants. Considering how far the Portuguese spread across Europe in search of jobs, clarifying that you're speaking Brazilian Portuguese might be sensible for a self-insert into the post-Rash sorry remains of Europe.

(As a less-than-authoritative actually-U.S.-based, but online, example, Livemocha.)

Sorry for the late answer!! But yes, Brazilian Portuguese is really different from European Portuguese... But is Portuguese, nevertheless. So we never refer to our language as Brazilian, but as Portuguese. My mistake was referring to the language as Brazilian, without any further specification.
And thank you for introducing me to Livemocha! I didn't know this site existed, and it is amazing! :)

OOOOKAY I'M REALLY LATE BUT a little while back, Haiz posted some really adorable draws of the SSSSonas with the hair ze liked to draw the much, and I made a list of my favorite SSSSonas to draw in general and I have been working  on these for days ;_; just consider this as a thank you for making really cute designs although I legitimately love every single one of you guys!

Here's the overview of you lovely people in no particular order. I highly recommend going through the detail shots right here because this picture is sooooo bad ahahaha

This is just so beatiful! And colorful!
What did you use to paint this? Pencils only?
native :brazil:  |  decent :usa: :spain:  |  wants to learn :germany: :finland: :france:

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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1257 on: May 09, 2015, 09:25:39 PM »
@Curry, that is a really lovely pic.

AND HOW IS EVERYONE SO CUTE? it's illegal or something to have this much cuteness in one place.
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1258 on: May 09, 2015, 10:09:18 PM »
Oh I like that a lot! That is a very pretty bunad, I really enjoy your wonderful clothes design. And landscape! And background! *Showers you with approval* And now I want to draw you full figure, too.
Agreed! I find myself wondering what the "garbage work" looks like, too.
Thank you :D Hmm, Yees, add a morningstar to the apple end, and and *goes to the thinking cabinet no that is probably not an english expression puts on thinking cap*
Oh Haiz, your reaction images are GOLD!

@Piney: Lovely image, and such a beautiful owl.
@Kick'run: I've had the same thought about glasses. Looking through the thread, quite a lot of us wears them, so someone must be really adept at repairing old glasses and making new ones. And good that you don't let anyone shame you from dancing!
@Oh Deer: Nice deer. And my thought when I saw Pineys face after firing that building was: Poor Piney, whoops no books for her!

Excellent! I am happy it is to your taste!

So cute!

Aaah, I'm sorry I completely forgot ;n; I've been thinking I need to be careful with that and of course I messed up Dx
Thank you! I'm happy with how it turned out :D
Oh, I love this xD You can't play that game too much ^^

Yay, more art! Thank you! :D
Hahah, I bet the interviewers would be shocked :P

This is exactly what came to mind when reading that comment ^^ My bf actually dressed up as Gin no saji one Halloween and it was surprisingly many who knew what it was :P

The dress is really pretty! Trees are hard xC Try referencing from pictures if you're having problems with the branches and stuff.

She looks so sweet and I like the owl! :)

I'm open for art trades if anyone wants to! :)

Apples trees are gnarly pieces of work.

And I'll trade with ya!

Huh, well that was an interesting few pages of reading - you're all kinda crazy, but I guess that's why I hang around :P

Anyway, on top of that piece of strangeness, I'm liking the art which has been popping up these last few days ^_^ Piney, that's a nice picture of SolarPoweredGirl there, she just looks so happy and vibrant, and the hair looks so fwooshy! Almond-Goddess, even for a WIP I'm impressed, the picture just overflows with life and energy and I can't wait to see it finished! Vafhudur I like this a lot (I'm such a total backgrounds fangirl, as soon as someone adds mountains, and trees, suddenly the picture is part of a bigger world to me, and well it just makes me happy)! The patterns and swirls give it a nice effect and that's a well drawn dress as well :) Mélusine I read your story and really liked it! It is well written and that's an impressive feat if English isn't a language you're comfortable in, but mostly I just like the story itself and now I kinda want to know what happens next!

*ahem* as probably the forum expert on what my dad looks like (unless he or my mum have actually started using the forum, in which case oh gosh I hope they don't see how much time I've spend on it  :o ) I can attest that it is not like this! My youngest brother has promised me that he'll grow and style a Gimli beard once he's able to however, so messy braided hair may indeed be genetic :P Maybe they'd be somehow related if your 'sona is Norwegian, as there is definitely a resemblance.

Well deyum! This got posted while I was typing and wowness that is good! I am insanely impressed with your work, and how well you manage to capture everyone's characters (I'm especially loving Haiz's rainbow hair because COLOURS!, but yeah, all the colouring in is so lifelike and perfect!). You not only caught their appearance, but also personalities I feel, and gosh I'm loving the chibi versions on the side as well, and if I don't stop typing now this will go on a rambling spree about all the things I like about this picture and go on typing for hours….. (it is so good!)

Thank you! Landscapes give me life and are definitely something I am trying to improve and one of my major motivation to make the jump to digital as soon as I can.
/but it's so goshdarn frustrating
/on the other hand, I would have gotten to paint this in all the pretty autumn colours I had in mind.
The struggle is real.

@ Curry
Speaking of colours - that is fantastic.
Language: :france::uk:
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Re: Self-Inserts
« Reply #1259 on: May 09, 2015, 10:25:07 PM »
Huuuuuu blanket thank you to you all! I really appreciate all your lovely compliments ;_; I'm just very enthusiastic about pretty colors and adorable OCs and all of you guys are really great and it was very hard to choose just 10 to draw... huuuu
I tried to choose characters different than those Haiz drew especially because I wanted to spread the love and halfway through I realized our lists were very, very similar so if you were on Haiz's list, I love you too

A lot of you mentioned the Extreme Variety of colors and that makes me think you might enjoy this picture of all the pencils I have available to me

koalalou and Fimbulvarg, these are BEAUTIFUL and I love them both and I am probably going to introduce them both into my icon rotation B)

Daéa, they're actually just colored pencils! Really nice, soft colored pencils ; v ;