how much have i missed again? five pages? gosh
Martti: your genderbend panel redraws are so cool! it's really neat to see the alternate crew in action
particularly femmil. i am biasedLucy: aahhh dorks. I'm not sure what exactly is happening, it looks like emil was trying to explain something to lalli when they were interrupted... I like your style!
Frenci: oooOO that's an adorable lalliiii
videovance (and shoop): AAAAAAAAAA the racebends are SO COOL i was going to list which ones i love the most but it was all of them so I give up
Piney: *squeaks*
Kick: this. thi s is good
RTR: hahahah yeeeeeeeep. Really like how you drew the patterns and perspective on dat tree
and thanks for the statistics,
viola! it is proven yet again that Lalli is in the least need of fanart, and yet
I have drawn a lil lall