I found this thread when it was 170-ish pages long. Now I've managed to get to pg.200 and it's nearly 300 long. But I'm damned if
I won't see every piece of art submitted in this thread.I also humbly submit my own piece.
Since I (re-)started learning how to draw about a month ago, this is by far the most abnormal pose I've attempted; I traced a skeleton from a throwing ninja pose I found on google. The face was also drawn very closely referencing a page from the webcomic, but at least the result is good enough (and far better than my past attempts). Figuring out where the jacket/coat thing went while contorted was fun, and I hope/think I got it right. The colours are pretty simple; I added a shading layer to add some depth, but I don't think it's got enough contrast, in hindsight.