Hah, this thread grows so fast!
Martti Kakkiainen - aeeeeee
these are so cute! SweaterLalli just mets my heart so much, but Sigrun with a sword is just the mostest bestest ever!
misea - d'aaaaaaaw ^_^ they look so content there. Your linework is really tidy and there's something about Emil's hair which just seems phenomenally lifelike, and flowery Tuuri is just lovely
Ana Nymus - They are all such cuties
I love how you've portrayed each of them, with Tuuri reading a big book, Lalli with cookies and Mikkel already disapproving of all these childish antics
I have some quick arts to share as well today ^_^ … so you guys may have seen the #distractinglysexy response which has invaded the internet this week (if you don't it's basically a bunch of women scientists fighting back against some sexist remarks by showing themselves being all badass and sciencey, google it and you will see some hilarious things!), anyway I decided that Siv should take part as well
Siv Vasterstrom - Sure, working on a vaccine for the rash illness is tough, but by far the biggest problem she faces is that she's just so #distractinglysexy! *sigh* Even the mutated rash creatures in the test tubes are falling in love with her….