Emil sure is a fancy fish. And that pose suits him perfectly, it's so Emil

. Love the slight muffin top on him. I imagine a tropical island or coral reef when looking at the design. What did you base the other fish designs on? Is Sigrun a shark?
And for those of you wondering, yes, Emil does have a chest hair. Singular. Which he is very proud of. 

It's only visible under a magnifying glass though.So, first comment on the Art Museum.
I want to thank you all for creating such wonderful pieces of fanart. Wild West Emils and Sailor Lallis, Demon Sigruns and Mermaid Mikkels, there's just so much great stuff here! Sigrid Marie and OrigamiOwl and Starfallz and Haiz and Mad Robin and everyone else I'm regretfully forgetting, I admire your work.