Author Topic: The SSSS Art Museum  (Read 3008253 times)


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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2130 on: April 05, 2015, 04:29:19 AM »
I'm a bit afraid to post anything here because you are all so insanely talented, and I haven't been drawing for realz for years and years, so I'm a bit rusty to say the least. But I was doodling a little and some of it turned out fairly OK. Please be forgiving. I know it's a bit sloppy and rough.

(You can tell I spent far more time on the braid than on anything else, haha)
Well, you've absolutely no reason to be afraid - you're insanely talented too. I love this.
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2131 on: April 05, 2015, 06:45:47 AM »
Oh, the little Lalli-lamb is sooo cute! SO FLUFFY!!! (I once got to hold a goat kid that was only a few hours old, it was so soft and clean-smelling! I imagine lambs to be even softer and nicer-smelling!)

And Secret Diary Lalli is both hilarious and beautifully rendered! "Perkele" is one of the most common expletives in Finnish; we have a large Finnish minority in Sweden so I've heard it said many times. :) From what I gather, it's the equivalent of "damn", or even the f-word, even if the literal meaning is "devil" in modern Finnish. (That's the case with Swedish, too, our most common swear word is a word for the Devil.)

And thanks everyone for your very kind words! I feel a bit overwhelmed by your response. This truly is the most nicest fandom.  :)

I love the hair and the fur and the pattern and the BRAID! And I like your style with line and how you do the tone things too! *nods* is it pencil or pen/ink? OuO
The original doodle was in pencil, and then I inked it in and erased all the messy pencil. :)
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2132 on: April 05, 2015, 07:29:37 AM »

*runs away cackling*

You. Are. AWESOME. Please, let me thank you for existing. :D
I laughed myself to tears yesterday, when fen came up with the Rorschach/Lalli comparison, and again today, after seeing the picture. It's perfect.

Very serious person in a suit and sunglasses, No. 1: "But, who watches the Watchmen?"
Very serious person in a suit and sunglasses, No. 2: "You can't be serious! We have trolls hiding in every nook and cranny next to the roads of their assumed future travel rout!"
VSP No. 1: "And they keep killing them before they could send in their reports."
VSP No. 2: "I guess there's no avoiding it any more. Poor, young fools."
VSP No. 1: "It's a necessary step, to avoid further complications. You don't want them to sink the other half of Sjælland, too, do you?"
VSP No. 2: "Of course not. Okay, I made up my mind. Send in the CAT!"
VPS No. 1: "WHAT? I thought we're speaking about the giant octopus...?!"

*ahem* I don't know if colored easter eggs are considered serious art but here you go!

It's a serious, existing art, and that's an egg worthy of the True Minnion Artist Award. Happy Easter! :)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 01:18:20 AM by Sharion »
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2133 on: April 05, 2015, 07:35:57 AM »
Aprillen: that's actually a really beautiful picture. Excellent shading too, I'm a bit jealous. :3

KMK: aaaaaaah that lamb's so cute! Also definitely avoid the Icelandic sheep if you don't like some extra exercise, they climb like goats...

Rabbit: ...I died. Then I laughed so hard I died again. This chat thing is sounding kinda interesting...

kahli: nice work! How did you colour that? At first I wondered if you boil-dyed the egg but on another hand it could also be painted... *squint*
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2134 on: April 05, 2015, 09:38:02 AM »
She is a mixture of Shetland, Finn, Dorset, E. Fresian, and Lacune. There is more Dorset, Shetland and Finn than the E. Freisan and Lacune.

That sounds like an interesting mix! I'd love to talk about this more, but maybe we could continue in the Yarncrafters thread?
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2135 on: April 05, 2015, 09:48:17 AM »
OrigamiOwl: Your picture is so atmospheric even though it's in black and white only! I rally like how you did the conifers and Lalli's expression :D

KauniitaUnia: They're all so cute and fluffy!! <3

Aprillen: I can't believe you almost didn't post it, it's so pretty! I love the tail and braid intertwining :)

Rabbit: That style is really cool and looks like it could be straight from a comic! I'm seriously impressed by the placement and usage of shadows =O

kahli: Easter eggs are definitely art! I'm curious as well as to how you colored it :o

I probably missed someone, but you're all so amazing!! >w<

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(✿σ‿σ) ~<3

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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2136 on: April 05, 2015, 01:47:39 PM »
I have no words. All your works are so-so-so gorgeous! I'm going to cry! :D
I was stuck with a bunch of crazy philologists in Moscow for three days (never do so ?_?). And I really needed help. Thanks to you, I feel much better now. Why-y-y cant I hug you all.
Alas, I was drawing too.
I ran out of ideas, but I'm full of enthusiasm: this is a dangerous combination. Quick and rough drawing done in the train (never do so O_O) Pretty predictable stuff here, eh?


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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2137 on: April 05, 2015, 02:00:29 PM »
I have no words. All your works are so-so-so gorgeous! I'm going to cry! :D
I was stuck with a bunch of crazy philologists in Moscow for three days (never do so ?_?). And I really needed help. Thanks to you, I feel much better now. Why-y-y cant I hug you all.
Alas, I was drawing too.
I ran out of ideas, but I'm full of enthusiasm: this is a dangerous combination. Quick and rough drawing done in the train (never do so O_O) Pretty predictable stuff here, eh?

This picture is perfect in so many ways <3
Reynir's hair flowers are so pretty -- I want some now! (And he finally gets the summer vacation in Bornholm he always wanted).

Lalli doesn't look like he's having quite as much fun as the others, though...

KauniitaUnia: They're all so cute and fluffy!! <3
Thank you! I'm so glad you like them c:
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2138 on: April 05, 2015, 02:01:53 PM »
I have no words. All your works are so-so-so gorgeous! I'm going to cry! :D
I was stuck with a bunch of crazy philologists in Moscow for three days (never do so ?_?). And I really needed help. Thanks to you, I feel much better now. Why-y-y cant I hug you all.
Alas, I was drawing too.
I ran out of ideas, but I'm full of enthusiasm: this is a dangerous combination. Quick and rough drawing done in the train (never do so O_O) Pretty predictable stuff here, eh?

Oh my gods, that's BRILLIANT :D So sunny, and the characterisations are spot on!
proud member of the Sigrun Eide for God-Emperor of the Universe Society

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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2139 on: April 05, 2015, 02:08:55 PM »
I have no words. All your works are so-so-so gorgeous! I'm going to cry! :D
I was stuck with a bunch of crazy philologists in Moscow for three days (never do so ?_?). And I really needed help. Thanks to you, I feel much better now. Why-y-y cant I hug you all.
Alas, I was drawing too.
I ran out of ideas, but I'm full of enthusiasm: this is a dangerous combination. Quick and rough drawing done in the train (never do so O_O) Pretty predictable stuff here, eh?

Dear god. Philologists.

Also. Nice. Reynir's dream lives on.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 04:29:47 PM by Vafhudr »
Language: :france::uk:
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A nostalgia for utopia...


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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2141 on: April 05, 2015, 02:42:22 PM »
I have no words.

I agree. I too have no words. everything here is just so perfect. Excuse me while I squee over everybody here.
Is it just me who's looking at Tuuri and thinking she's just the most adorable thing ever?
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2142 on: April 05, 2015, 03:36:05 PM »

This is so perfect! I love them all!!!
Fluent: :usa: Rusty: :japan: Uh, what? :sweden:
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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2143 on: April 05, 2015, 04:23:42 PM »
I have no words. All your works are so-so-so gorgeous! I'm going to cry! :D
I was stuck with a bunch of crazy philologists in Moscow for three days (never do so ?_?). And I really needed help. Thanks to you, I feel much better now. Why-y-y cant I hug you all.
Alas, I was drawing too.
I ran out of ideas, but I'm full of enthusiasm: this is a dangerous combination. Quick and rough drawing done in the train (never do so O_O) Pretty predictable stuff here, eh?

It's a brilliant!


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Re: The SSSS Art Museum
« Reply #2144 on: April 05, 2015, 04:28:18 PM »

Pffttt HAhahaha!  ;D This is so perfect it is beyond perfect!
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