Thank you
Helia, and I love your beautiful and emotional watercolor!
Jhev, Emils hair looks like it shines a lot so if it shines even more IRL it truly must sparkle!
OwlsGo, cool comic, and Kitty snuggling up to Mikkel is adorable. Poor Lalli.
Beautiful Lalli,
Talimee! Hmm, is there someone pulling him down, or have I been swayed by the Näkki-Lalli?
Wavewright, I did dig up the picture, but I'll have to redraw a lot before coloring it in - because I'm more happy with what I draw now that with what I drew then. I remember trying to draw Bangs feet at least ten times before giving up. So here is what it looked like before, and if I manage to redraw it, I'll certainly post it here