Author Topic: The Webcomics Discussion  (Read 85032 times)


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #105 on: March 01, 2015, 04:46:26 PM »
I have stumbled into webcomic Walhalla. Still dizzy from all the lists here. Let me add some comics that I think I haven't seen listed allready. It is a little diverse, you might find something you like.

- Blindsprings (probably known to most), good world building, smooth artstyle, I'd call it fairytale like.
- Find Chaos If I had to categorize it, it merges sci-fi with the supernatural genre (vamps etc.) The story takes inspiration from both the Bible and literature. (Respecting both) Updates are a little slow and there are gay/lesbian relationships though they are not the main focus.
- White Noise, a scifi like webcomic, nice worldbuilding (earth after alien invasion with a twist.) The author is on a small hiatus now because she broke her arm.
Supernormalstep Mentioned before but it deserves to be mentioned again. The story is superb, the art is superb, magic/robots/paralell worlds have to be your thing.
- Dumbing of Age If you are in college or enjoy reading about it, this webcomic is a must, updates every day, awesome right?
- Tove Started reading recently, new comic, pretty fun, adventure time like vibes.
- Sin Titulo The fact that this is a webcomic and not a published book is madness (and lucky), the style is that of a professional artist (like Minna) with its own flavor, the images tell a story in itself. I cannot summarize the work without discredeting it, I can only say, the story send chills down my spine and it has a surreal/hurts my brain appeal to it. Also, finished.
- Bicycle Boy It is about an android who rides a bike in the desert of an apocalyptic world. I love it, just because it is pretty unique. Pretty art.
- Damsels don't wear glasses The comic is pretty new, and the artstyle is still 'developing'. The premises is still a mysterie, but I was hooked after the maincharacter (red hair, wears glasses) saved a GOAT from a sacrificial ritual by teenage boys in black robes.

Now I will be reading all the new suggestions from you lovely people here.  :D
:O  Another person who knows of Bicycle Boy!
I haven't read through it properly, yet, but I quite like the art!
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #106 on: March 01, 2015, 05:58:01 PM »
Wow!  I clicked on "Sin Titulo" 45 minutes ago... and just came up for air.  *Seriously* creepy -- and addictive!  Thanks for sharing (assume I don't start having strangely realistic nightmares about long walks on the beach...).
:O  Another person who knows of Bicycle Boy!
I haven't read through it properly, yet, but I quite like the art!
Ohh, I think I saw this artist's tumblr! She drew some SSSS fanart :)

Haha, that is Sin Titulo alright, I read it in one go, forgot to eat, sleap and basically live like a normal human being. Enjoy the disturbing beauty, I hope your dreams will be peaceful though. ^-^

Jeey! Yeah, the art reminds me of watercolor painting a bit, and I like the weirdness of the main character, not just his looks but his behaviour as well. The comic isn't long yet, so you could read it in about an hour I think. The author set up some good plot points allready as well.  ;)

(Yeah, her tumblr is a gem of welldrawn fanart) Solovei, I saw you liked all the other romance comics I read, trust me, you won't regret reading transfusions if you are looking for a (lighthearted) but well written romance. They are as cute as marhsmallows, I am literally squaling like a fangirl everytime I read a page. :3

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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #107 on: March 02, 2015, 08:39:47 AM »
Well I originally started reading webcomics years ago when Penny Arcade did some strips for the promotion of Fallout 3.  From there I read through the PA archives and now read dozens of comics that I have found through adverts or links from other comics.  I don't have time right now for a full list of the comics I read, but I may find time to come back and post it later.

Now the reason I come to post to you today is about a comic which (I think) nobody has mentioned so far.  Girls With Slingshots.  Over a decade of brilliant characters and story, and now it is sadly winding down in its final arc before the end.  I highly recommend reading it, both for the loveable characters and so that I won't be the only one here mourning it when it ends.


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #108 on: March 02, 2015, 09:01:55 AM »
Well I originally started reading webcomics years ago when Penny Arcade did some strips for the promotion of Fallout 3.  From there I read through the PA archives and now read dozens of comics that I have found through adverts or links from other comics.  I don't have time right now for a full list of the comics I read, but I may find time to come back and post it later.

Now the reason I come to post to you today is about a comic which (I think) nobody has mentioned so far.  Girls With Slingshots.  Over a decade of brilliant characters and story, and now it is sadly winding down in its final arc before the end.  I highly recommend reading it, both for the loveable characters and so that I won't be the only one here mourning it when it ends.

I will mourn with you. Especially about saying goodbye to Goopy Kitteh.  :'(

"Dammit Moon-Moon"
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #109 on: March 02, 2015, 09:07:42 AM »
Goopy Kitty was sad, but I am more going to miss the main characters, especially Jamie's goofy face and plans :(


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #110 on: March 02, 2015, 09:24:39 AM »
Goopy Kitty was sad, but I am more going to miss the main characters, especially Jamie's goofy face and plans :(

I will miss all of them. I hope that Jamie and Hazel get some time to talk about what happened (with the whole father thing) Personally I don't see her room with the icecream guy, but we'll see. Goopy Kitteh affected me more than I thought, because he is instantly happy and Hazel looked so sad in the car.  :-\

"Dammit Moon-Moon"
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #111 on: March 02, 2015, 09:28:33 AM »
I agree the thing with Vincent seems more like a set-up for future silly happenings, only there is no future so I'm not sure where that is going.


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #112 on: March 02, 2015, 10:11:01 AM »
I agree the thing with Vincent seems more like a set-up for future silly happenings, only there is no future so I'm not sure where that is going.

Absolutely he would have been a comic relief character much like Candy. (The kind you pity a little) I could never take the guy serious and cringed when he appeared. :-X But I guess that because Hazel wanted to use him, according to Jamie. So she felt like she had to make comment about Hazel being like her dad, which whom she is now meeting. I hope Hazel will get some closure and find out wheter that is true and what that would mean. U-U

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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #113 on: March 02, 2015, 10:27:21 AM »
I always kinda liked Candy, especially with the strips featuring her over in SomethingPositive.  Sure she is a terrible person, but I enjoyed the strips that focused on her.


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #114 on: March 02, 2015, 10:35:15 AM »
Hmm, pretty much all I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned is Let's Speak English, The Last Cowboy, and Miamaska . . .


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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #115 on: March 02, 2015, 11:05:52 AM »
Ooh, Let's Speak English is a good one, plus if it hasn't been mentioned yet the authors other comic, Kiwi Blitz, is worth a read as well.

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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #116 on: March 02, 2015, 12:46:02 PM »
Heh, this reminds me of Tuuri and Sigrun:
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:chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :book2: :chap12:
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #117 on: March 02, 2015, 01:05:57 PM »
Heh, this reminds me of Tuuri and Sigrun:
Omg this is exactly how that went down XD I wonder if there's a finnish version of "eto"
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #118 on: March 03, 2015, 06:58:23 AM »
I always kinda liked Candy, especially with the strips featuring her over in SomethingPositive.  Sure she is a terrible person, but I enjoyed the strips that focused on her.

Hmm, pretty much all I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned is Let's Speak English, The Last Cowboy, and Miamaska . . .

I wanted to give her a hug she secretily would've liked. And her design is nice. (never read SomethingPositive though, if she gets more screentime there, I missed it)

Miamaska and the Last Cowboy both look pretty interesting, I'm gonna try them, thanks.  ;D

Also, did anyone mention Wilde Life yet? Comic is worth a read, it is pretty new story, nice pacing, starts slow (not a bad thing) but right now things are going down faster than a rollercoaster. The premise is supernatural with a little mild horror focusing on Native American mythology, which I really like. Link:

"Dammit Moon-Moon"
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Re: The Webcomics Discussion
« Reply #119 on: March 03, 2015, 07:44:12 AM »
I really recommend Something Positive, it is by far one of my favourite comics, just be prepared for a lot of cynicism and dark humour.