...you read
The Martian over Christmas break and your first thought is, "It's just like SSSS! Decisive female captain, big, stoic, hard-to-understand foreign guy, cute little female (software) engineer with mad skillz, secretly soft-hearted egomaniac, incredible technology, friendship, self-sacrifice, and lots of black humor... and it's all about finding a sixth member of the crew!"
Your second thought is, "Da-aamn, NASA really plans ahead carefully for dangerous missions like this and allots plenty of resources. What's wrong with the Stingy Quartet -- do they truly
not care if their crew lives or dies?"
Let me add that "The Martian" is awesome. It would particularly appeal to the SSSS readership, not just for the qualities listed above, but because it's basically all about engineering survival solutions in the most threatening circumstances. (I'm lookin' at
you, inhabiters of the weapons, uniform, and agriculture threads, especially...)