Author Topic: The SSSS Scriptorium  (Read 806789 times)


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2970 on: February 19, 2017, 11:06:27 PM »
I dunno, I have a friend that can get upset about people mentioning food so I figured since everyone have different things they might get upsetted about better just warn for everything. I'm not very good at this warning thing but since I don't really have anyone to teach me I just... *flops* Meh, I'm just terrible at everything, nothing to do about it I guess.
...I did forget the weird english warning this time though, silly Windy.

(I also recently learned that upsetting material for me is people looking for work. Is that something you'd ever think to warn someone about in a story? :P)
(I'm not saying you should, it's a silly thing to get upsetted about)
(On the other hand I don't really expect to get warned about anything)
(Maybe I just really don't like myself since I enjoy plunging into the depth of stories not knowing if they'll make me feel bad feels)
(I mean I do not like myself...)
(...I'm sorry, this whole warning-thing is making me really insecure, I'll just hide in a corner now <.<)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 11:22:43 PM by Windfighter »
Fluent: :sweden:
Decent: :uk:
Phrases: :spain: / :japan:

My stories frequently features themes such as death, suicide, mourning, etc; I cannot give precise warnings for each individual stories, as it would spoil the intrigues.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2971 on: February 20, 2017, 05:47:19 AM »
Hiya! Long time no see! I come bearing not one, but two stories today (the second due to me forgetting to post it here when I updated my 100-prompt-fic)! So, have a Sigrun & Emil-one and a Mikkel-insight one.

Author: Talimee
Title: none
Prompt: 75 - Mirror
Characters: Mikkel Madsen, Michael Madsen II
Realtionship: Mikkel Madsen & Michael Madsen II, Mikkel Madsen vs The World
Rating: none
Warnings: none
Tags: Mikkel's POV, snippets, flashbacks, sibling rivalry
Summary: Being a twin is more than having a look-alike. It means an Other from whom one has to try to extract oneself.

Title: Five Times Sigrun asked Emil how sex with Lalli is, and one time she got an answer
Prompt: 27 - Friendship
Characters: Sigrun Eide, Emil Västerström, The Crew
Relationships: Sigrun Eide & Emil Västerström, Lalli Hotakainen/Emil Västerström
Rating: Teen
Warnings: colourful language, talking about off-screen sexual relationship, talking about offscreen sexual practices
Tags:  nosy!Sigrun, embarrassed!Emil, deadpan!Lalli, deaderpan!Mikkel, humour
Summary: To celebrate his relationship with Lalli Sigrun asks Emil some personal questions, because teasing Emil never gets old and teasing him when he is squirmig so prettily is even better!
[22:31] <@amity> And they care about only two things: Emil/Lalli fanfic, and chewing bubblegum.
[22:31] <@amity> And the word is, they're all out of bubblegum.

Joined: :chap4:
:chap5::chap6::chap7: :chap20:

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2972 on: February 20, 2017, 10:47:12 AM »
Love the second one. Especially the part where Sigrun puts Onni's body language into words. The only criticism I have is that the answer happening while Onni is in the carriage with them kind of feels like a missed opportunity. I really wonder how much Swedish Onni picked up during his stay in Mora now...

Well, since I'm here, let's put up a new chapter. And I definitely did not miss the opportunity offered by an AU where Reynir is fluent in Norwegian, even though I may not have made the best possible use of it.

Previous chapter

Broken bridges

A few things need to be taken care of before the trip to Odense starts.

Spoiler: Chapter 9 • show

Lalli had woken up in morning while they were all outside waiting for breakfast to be ready. They had all, except for Mikkel, been too distracted by naming Kitty to notice him leaving the tank and going to lean against a nearby tree. Emil had had a big smile on his face when had Mikkel pointed out Lalli's presence to the others, and brought Lalli his breakfast, but had come back covered in the tasteless, but filling substance Mikkel dared to call breakfast. Emil had ended up standing right next to Reynir while he was cleaning up the mess on his uniform jacket.
-What happened? Reynir asked.
-I wish I knew, replied Emil.
It took both of them a while to realize it was the first time they had spoken to each other in a while. By pure chance, Lalli's more conspicuous use of magic had so far been away from both Mikkel and Emil's eyes and ears, while the more discrete part of it was very easy to mistake for "Lalli being Lalli". Reynir's own magic practice had resulted in runes drawn on pieces of paper, drawn on the ground and sometimes carved into slates of wood, which were much more visible in comparison. Emil had figured out that openly criticizing it was not a good idea, but that had reduced their outside the field relationship to Emil periodically glancing at him with what seemed to be a curiosity to which he refused to admit. Reynir, on the other hand, was so bemused by the fact that Emil was somehow befriending Lalli that he had taken to keep a studying eye on them each time he happened to be around when they interacted. The only form of understanding he and Emil seemed to have reached was to not complain about each other's "spying" to each other, Sigrun or Mikkel, or else risk getting called out on their own practice of it. The morning on which Lalli had fallen into unconsciousness, Emil had lent him his coat a couple of times. He had spent most of yesterday sitting next to a sleeping Lalli, a worried look on his face. Getting food dumped on himself was probably one of the last things Emil expected to happen after this.
-Do something about your hair, it's a disgrace of a mess.
Every single strand not kept in Reynir's braid had indeed started a mutiny during their short night of sleep.
-Having a bad hair day, not my fault.
-It's a bad hair week you're having, in that case. You could really use a comb. Hey, where did Tuuri go?
-She's speaking to Lalli.
Soon after, Emil gave up on cleaning with a rag and walked to the tank, presumably to get his spare jacket.

When Tuuri asked for someone to keep Onni busy over the radio while she was working with Lalli, Reynir jumped to the opportunity, both to thank him for his help in person and to spare him the experience of having small talk with Mikkel. Even without Mikkel's teasing, Reynir didn't like the idea of a discussion between him and a professional mage who could actually understand what he said. Hildur joined in the conversation, and both of them had been very interested in the fact that the very first site that Reynir had visited didn't seem to have any ghosts, despite being an old Rash hospital. They eventually came up with an idea:
-Do not actively look for places that have ghosts. If you do end up in such place anyway, do your best to not disturb them. Try having at least Lalli or yourself in the group visiting as many sites as possible. Take note of where you see them. Take note of where you do not see them. Write down which of you saw them, just in case. If you start seeing a pattern, either in their presence or their absence, tell us. If they follow, use the runes and spells to keep them away from your vehicle.
Just as Reynir was noting these instructions down, Tuuri was ready to speak with Onni, who said he had to speak to Lalli first. Emil took that opportunity to ask Tuuri why Lalli was snubbing him, only to be told that he just seemed in a bad mood, and that Tuuri usually waited out since he never told her the reason of it anyway. Emil's response sparked Reynir's interest:
-Honestly, if I were ignored when I'm angry, that would make me even angrier. I'm not going to do that.
Emil noticed Reynir was in the room, and gave him their silently agreed-upon "the time I'll tolerate you watching me has run out" look. That was Reynir's cue to leave the room.

For the first time in the morning, Reynir had time to properly think about the vision that he had had the previous night. He quickly realized, from the details he remembered, that he must have been inside a church. There had been such buildings near where he lived, all dedicated to a single Old World god that was no longer worshipped, but had been very popular at the time right before the Rash. He remembered the voice of unknown source he had heard before waking up, and what it had asked. "Is somebody there?" indeed. He definitely didn't know enough to act on that particular vision anytime soon. Most importantly, why would that god want to do anything with someone chosen by the Old Gods? Did his the Old Gods really want nothing to do with the worshippers of the others, or had he simply spent too much time around his father's friends, some of whom believed that all Swedes, Danes and Finns should be converted by force for their own good? Things to figure out were piling up at an alarming rate.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 10:51:00 AM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2973 on: February 20, 2017, 11:05:07 AM »
(I mean I do not like myself...)
(...I'm sorry, this whole warning-thing is making me really insecure, I'll just hide in a corner now <.<)

Hugs! IIRC, you're on the young side (*as an official grandma, anyone under 50 is young to me) and in my teen years and a good part of my 20's I didn't like myself one little bit. Life does get better!

I really enjoy your stories, and I've especially loved seeing your growth as a writer. Your grasp of language and plot is coming together nicely. Way back in my college years my painting professor gave the class a bit of advice that has served me well thru the years, applicable in many situations. "The first fifty paintings you do are going to be total crap. Even if they're really good, they're going to be total crap compared to what comes after, so work hard and get those fifty paintings out of the way!"


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2974 on: February 20, 2017, 04:32:59 PM »

(I also recently learned that upsetting material for me is people looking for work. Is that something you'd ever think to warn someone about in a story? :P)
(I'm not saying you should, it's a silly thing to get upsetted about)

(...I'm sorry, this whole warning-thing is making me really insecure, I'll just hide in a corner now <.<)

I will keep this in mind for those off-canon Mikkel and/or Michael stories.  (Also for those post-canon Torbjörn stories where the books get...uh, never mind.  Nothing to see here.)
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2975 on: February 20, 2017, 04:55:35 PM »
I will keep this in mind for those off-canon Mikkel and/or Michael stories.  (Also for those post-canon Torbjörn stories where the books get...uh, never mind.  Nothing to see here.)

No need to keep my weird sides in mind for anything! My process for deciding if I'm reading a story goes somewhere like this anyway:

1) Does it sound like Emil, Yamato, Kouji or Ken will be tortured?
If Yes > Read
If  No > Proceed to 2

2) Does the title sounds interesting?
If yes > Read
If no > Proceed to 3

3) Is it at least named after a song you like?
If yes > Read
If no > Proceed to 4

4) Well, does the summary sound exciting?
If yes > Go to 5
If no > Go to next story

5) Do you even care about these characters?
If yes > Read
If no > Meh, give it a go anyway

I don't really look at warnings, which... I guess is why I'm having troubles with them?
Fluent: :sweden:
Decent: :uk:
Phrases: :spain: / :japan:

My stories frequently features themes such as death, suicide, mourning, etc; I cannot give precise warnings for each individual stories, as it would spoil the intrigues.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2976 on: February 21, 2017, 03:42:58 AM »
Chapter 2 of the fantasy epic thingie

Concerning fever dreams and slapping the crap out of a jerk of a water spirit.
I saw the future.
We are not doomed, because our Cat overlords are benevolent leaders :3

:chap11: :book2:  :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16:


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2977 on: February 21, 2017, 08:47:23 AM »
Apparently chapters with more words in them take a longer time to write. Whoever would have thought?

Invisible Sun

:usa: native
:spain: comes back in an emergency
:vaticancity: rusty
:china: can usually manage to order food
:norway: can hold a basic conversation

:chap5: | :book2: | :book3: | :chap17: :chap18:

Grade E cat

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2978 on: February 22, 2017, 03:45:38 PM »
Spent so much time planning my next writing thing that I completely forgot that I have a few chapters left to post.

Previous chapter

Broken bridges

The Known World plotline progresses during the trip to Odense.

Spoiler: Chapter 10 • show

During the two weeks separating the first building containing ghosts from the Odense hospital, things in the Known World had moved so fast that the Silent World was being true to its name by comparison. The trial had been postponed until the expedition came back. What Reynir's father had most likely intended as a time-buying measure had backfired when the authorities finally took the possibility of the expedition crew's families being threatened in the meantime seriously. Their families were now under official protection, while Hildur and Bjarni's servants could keep an eye out for anyone who could be secretly allied with their father. Someone had also realized that that request had probably been made with the secret hope that something would happen to the crew before the end of the expedition, and that over-the-radio statements from them would be better than no statement at all if such a thing were to occur. Once these statements had been made, the lawyers defending both sides had been authorized to interrogate them. And this is where Reynir and his siblings realized just how many back-up plans their father must have had in mind.

His new plan was to make sure that if he was going to jail, he wasn't going alone. Lalli's actions on the first day made perfect sense for a scout trained to discard everything not fit for human consumption with no idea that the Icelandic justice system frowned upon the deliberate destruction of hard evidence. Reynir's father's defenders were now making him out to be so unable to understand the consequences of his actions that living in Finland was the only reason he had yet to be placed in a proper institution. They also made out Tuuri's decision to bring him on the expedition to be neglectful at best, abusive at worst. The same charges were being thrown at Onni for letting this happen. Sigrun, who had taken the initiative to start reporting to Reynir's tutors and cut all communications with Øresund base during the first few days, was going to have to answer to mutiny charges, to which she had simply replied "bring it". Taru, Trond and Torbjörn were on metaphorical thin ice as well, and Emil was going to be painted as an accomplice to the latter, despite the fact that they were probably the pair of pre-mission acquaintances that talked to each other the less. Mikkel was going to be charged with malpractice. The fact that the office chair that had wheels was now "Reynir's", the couple mornings he had simply been unable to get out of bed and the handful times he had helped Mikkel do the domestic chores because he was unable to focus long enough to do even basic skald work were now being blamed on trouble accepting his mage powers rather than the discovery that they had been hidden from him for so long. That and the whole trying to get him killed situation.

Under cover of wanting Reynir to tell his version of the facts without anyone else hovering over him, one of his father's defenders had spoken to him while he was alone in the office and suggested that the charges against the crew could all go away if he let himself "be careless at just the right moment". Since the crew's families were now safe, the crew itself was now held hostage against him. And of course, he tried to make out every single day Reynir decided to stay alive as an utterly selfish act. Reynir had found a couple of counters to it. The first was pointing that if he let himself die, he would have no way of seeing if the charges would be actually dropped. Even if he has considered deliberately getting himself in an "accident" a reasonable option in the current circumstances, there was no way he was going to accept the man's word for it. The second, Reynir refused to share with him, as he suspected it would otherwise turn into the wrong kind of leverage. The limits of what Onni had been able to teach Lalli only made the ghosts catch up with them more slowly than they would have without the spells, all the runes Hildur could think of only made that time slightly better, and researching new Finnish spells was apparently a more laborious affair than coming up with new runes. The latter still required as many minds working on it as possible. There were just enough people in the crew who were aware of that he had become essential to the crew's chances of making it out of the Silent World alive to make them a just little bit more trustworthy in his eyes than anyone working for his father.

Fortunately, Sigrun had found just the words to keep them going with the research despite this:
-If we're going to come back a bunch of misfits and criminals, let's be the misfits and criminals that come back with a new lead on a Rash cure. The people who made this stuff and got it delivered to all these places didn't give up, despite the fact that things were so bad that they never got it to the Known World. We are all going to look like wimps compared to them if we give up now.
Reynir had taken this to mean that he shouldn't give up on taking notes about the strange ghosts either. He'd noted the locations on a spare map, to keep anything Mikkel would not like off the main annotated map, which was already overcrowded with symbols. There was nothing of interest that they knew of at their next stop, and the one after that would be, finally, Odense. This time was as good as any to compare the ghost map with the main one, on the off-chance that he found something new from it. He quickly realized that there was an almost-perfect match between the ghost locations and the places that had gotten the possible cure or vaccine. When he checked his notes about the one location that had received the cure but was devoid of ghosts, he realized that the match was actually perfect. That specific location had technically gotten the cure, but none of the boxes had been opened. The patients there had all died of the Rash, and there had been a couple of trolls there as well. If that pattern held, there would be ghosts in the Odense hospital. And possibly an explanation.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 03:47:19 PM by Grade E cat »
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2979 on: February 23, 2017, 01:28:20 AM »
Bits and Bots
A “Stand Still. Stay Silent”/“WALL-E” crossover fanfic
Part 2
Complete Links to Complete Links post
Prior part
Spoiler: Parts and Spares • show
The creature was one of the last living things on Earth, and was so very tired. There were things lurking nearby, and that would have been a worry if the creature had been less worn through.

While any individual life was fleeting in this world, each individual felt the need to carry that spark forward; so it was with the creature. As death stole upon it, the creature birthed its last litter.

Moments later, the newborns huddled around the carcass of their parent, not out of filial piety, but to protect the meat until it was time for it to be consumed. Until then, they would sing a warning to the things that lurked and waited as they did.


EM-L was completing the final sweep of its designated search area when its aural sensors detected the characteristic sounds that indicated animal life was active in the near area. With a brief comm-burst to EID-E, EM-L trundled off to investigate.

When EM-L emerged into a mostly open space, it found the source of the noises. Close to the top of an old concrete support was a heavily injured animal, snarling and hissing at a cluster of very different animals below.

It only took a moment for EM-L to identify the injured animal, mangled though it was, as a mature female felis domesticatus (though almost certainly feral). The other animals, however, matched no known species in EM-L’s databanks. Considering EM-L had been retrofitted from nursery duty, and thus needed knowledge of any remotely dangerous organisms that were known, this spoke volumes.

)Unknown predatory species data:
)Height: 0.7 meters
)Homoform bipeds--no brachiation observed
)Binocular vision
)Extreme pineal hypertrophy with probable consequent highly acute hearing
)Lean but strong
)Potential danger: EXTREME
)Preliminary designation:
Life-forms of

A few weak snarls and hisses drew EM-L’s attention back to the beleaguered cat.

)Directive: Protect the innocent

“Cease and desist all malicious activity against the feline immediately or I will intervene. This is your only warning. I am EM-L, and I do not bluff.”

This was the first time EM-L had needed to use its external speaker array on this mission; fortunately, everything functioned as it had been designed to.

Unfortunately, the GREMLINs all turned to look at EM-L with identical expressions of gleeful anticipation. EM-L had seen that look before, in its nursery days.

)Behavioral note: potential apogymnomania

As the GREMLINs shifted in preparation for their assault on EM-L, the bot detected a small pile of smaller kittens behind them. Most were dead, but one was still alive. EM-L wasted no time. In a series of acrobatic moves the GREMLINs clearly were not expecting from the bot, EM-L sped over to the last live kitten, scooped it up, and sealed it in the special ‘pet chamber’ within EM-L.

While short bursts from the flamethrower successfully repelled the first few GREMLIN assaults, EM-L’s fuel was sadly low, so the bot needed to switch to its onboard projectile weaponry before even half of the GREMLINs were dispatched.

The creatures were remarkably capable of absorbing damage, causing high ammo expenditure; EM-L therefore switched to the high-explosive shells, its ordinance manager app helpfully informing the bot that there were 28 rounds of this type remaining in its magazines.

The GREMLIN nearest EM-L exploded into a shower of green goo, but not from one of EM-L’s explosive shells; rather, it had been struck by a particle burst.

)EID-E has arrived


EID-E assessed the tactical situation for a moment, then deployed its truly impressive array of highly agile cutting and shredding gear with what sounded very like a grunt of satisfaction.

One of EID-E’s little quirks was that it liked to do battle with a musical accompaniment, usually drawn from the oeuvre of an ancient pop singer named Michael Jackson. EM-L was therefore not surprised in the least to hear the opening beats of one of the more up-tempo pieces spill forth from EID-E’s (slightly lower quality) speaker array.

We’re on a mission for the everlasting light that shines...

EID-E waded into the mass of GREMLINs surrounding EM-L, blades whirling and slashing in a butcher’s ballet that was synchronized with the music.

So long, bad times...


It didn’t take them long to clear the GREMLINs off after that, but the bots were faced with a new problem: care and feeding of an immature feline.

They were also running out of ordinance.


The replenishment drone, an ACE-A dirigible unit with the name “Túnfiskurinn” emblazoned on it, lowered the two crates of ordinance and spare parts rather perfunctorily and left. While EID-E and MIK-L opened one, EM-L and LALL-E saw to the other.

LALL-E was almost in a combat stance as it scanned the crate. When EM-L noticed, it shot a query at the other bot, but the answer came not from LALL-E, but from within the crate.

A red-topped bot opened the crate from within, almost drawing fire from EM-L and LALL-E...

Spoiler: Authorial Notes • show

So, apparently I have keyboard gremlins here, so I thought I would share them with you, in the crossover nobody asked for.

Apogymnomania is what I came up with for “loves to disassemble or dismantle stuff”; if anyone knows a more proper term, please notify me.

...And at least EID-E picked a Disney property for its anthem.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 04:09:08 PM by LooNEY_DAC »


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2980 on: February 23, 2017, 02:51:15 AM »
LooNEY, this is way too much fun!
Please continue! :'D


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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2981 on: February 24, 2017, 04:03:27 AM »
I have managed the next chapter of Reynir superhero saga, "In which a Gauntlet and the Towel Are Thrown."
The AU pathway is diverging quite a bit from the canon universe now; this crew has turned a corner.

The letters C & D in the Alphabet Challenge are also well underway, but i don't know if I'll get either of those out this weekend.
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2982 on: February 24, 2017, 10:52:10 AM »
Getting close to my own AU corner: I know perfectly well how this version of the cast will react to Tuuri getting bitten, what I can't figure out is how Tuuri gets bitten when this version of the tank's dorm room has every reason to be covered in perfectly functional anti-troll runes.

Broken bridges

Swing by the store, then go to the church.

Spoiler: Chapter 11 • show

Sigrun eyed the six paper runes Reynir had left on the desk:
-The last three things you came up with on your own didn't work, according to both yourself and Lalli. What makes you think these ones will work?
-Nothing, really. But we won't know until we try them out.
-Sorry, but I think I'm a going to opt out for today. It's going to be the six of us in a quite small store, and we are already tempting fate in terms of breaking things just by having Emil in there.
A thin gloved hand grabbed one of the pieces of paper:
-Ghosts? Keep away?
-Yes. I hope.
It took Reynir a while to realize that Lalli had just said "ghosts" and "keep away" in Swedish. He vaguely remembered Tuuri mentioning teaching him Swedish during work, but the eye Reynir had kept on him and Emil at a time had been sacrificed for more important things. Covering the biggest number of buildings possible between them had frequently resulted in only one of them going inside a given one, which had meant that Reynir being around both Emil and Lalli while both of them were awake had become a rare occurrence, even once back in the tank. He was vaguely aware that that they were back to "talking" terms after the "whatever food breakfast was supposed to be" incident, but that was about it. Another hand, one of the two Reynir the least expected, grabbed a rune:
-I'm in a good mood today, I'll take one of the "magical" drawings.
Emil made a show of delicately putting the piece of paper in his pocket.
-Why are all six of us needed to go to that store anyway?
Reynir was quite sure Emil had been already told at least twice since Lalli had found it less than an hour ago:
-The contents were antiques ninety years ago. It's the first time we run into a place where such things have been preserved in a relatively good state. Many things there may have to be brought back by us or not at all.

-No, I'm quite sure that language is called "Kung fu". Where do you guys get such weird words as "Chinalandic" and "Mandarin" from anyway?
Emil looked at all three of them, looking ready to stand his ground about the contents of the book on display.
-Finnish army skalds.
-One of my in-laws had a great-grandfather who lived in that country. Biggest expert on that part of the world that we have.
-Your uncle.
Torbjörn had actually mentioned Emil a few times before Reynir got to actually meet him, and had once done so while saying that he didn't want him to "end up like Emil". Between the present incident, the DVDs brought back from the school in which Kitty had been found and other occurrences of seeming to believe blatantly incorrect facts during the past couple of weeks, Reynir had figured out what Torbjörn had meant. Torbjörn had admitted that he would have probably made the exact same mistake with his own children's education if Emil's side of the family getting hit a lot harder by the loss of the family fortune hadn't acted as a wake-up call.

As Tuuri, Mikkel and Sigrun were discussing the possibility that there could still be people alive in Chinaland, Reynir continued browsing the store and noticed a few items that seemed to relate to the religion to which churches were temples, reminding him of that vision to which he hadn't been able to commit much thought in the past two weeks. He borrowed the camera from Tuuri to take a few photos, then sketched as many objects as he could before they all decided to leave.

He decicded to take a nap right after the next meal. Once there, his fylgja had looked in the direction of what seemed to be another vision, but had refused to lead him there, and ran off when Reynir decided to carry it to the area. Upon a closer look, it looked like the outside of a church. He didn't dare go in there alone. Lalli wasn't in his area, so he decided to go towards the Mora ones, hoping they'd be occupied.

When had watching Hildur's younger brother moved from letting him stay in his protected area to following him in a strange area in the dreamspace? He wasn't even supposed to go out there with "it" roaming around. Most importantly, since when did it involve being invited for some kind of collation by a strange ghost? Onni had initially tried to steer Reynir away from it, but the kid shared an incredible amount of persuasiveness with Hildur for someone who wasn't actually blood related to her.
-Do you mind if I drink this?
Onni told Reynir he could drink the strange brown-colored soup that had been given to them. Reynir was one doing most of the talking. That cake looked good. When was the last time he had eaten cake? A very long time, and if it wasn't dangerous for Reynir, it wasn't going to be for him. The old lady claimed that her job was to help spirits find the afterlife, but immediately got the idea that he and Reynir needed help with that particular thing. After Reynir refused her offer, Onni added that he, himself, belonged to the forest. Reynir was interested in what the old lady had told him, as he seemed to see it as a solution to the crew's current ghost problem. When Reynir asked the old lady where her "church" was, something happened. Their entire surroundings changed, and for the first time, Onni got an idea of what these Old World sickrooms the crew had been visiting must have looked like: what he was currently seeing out the door from where he was sitting, but with the bodies in the beds turned into skeletons if they had not become trolls. Their surroundings returned to their initial state when the old lady gave up on trying to remember. After this, Onni decided they were leaving.

Ah, poor Emil. And you thought you were outnumbered in canon.
Native: :fr:
So much part of my life it might as well be native: :us:
Few and far between practice opportunities: :es:
A little learned during hardcore anime fan phase: :jp:
Only alternative to English in early junior high school: :de:

Do what cat. Lalli's way of life since age three.


  • Safe-Zone Citizen
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2983 on: February 24, 2017, 05:11:55 PM »
I know you guys are bursting with anticipation: Here is my C entry for the song challenge!
It's about the Västerström family being poor and sad.
I'm the left one on the picture.

Fluent: :germany: :uk:
In school I had: :france: :spain:
Some words and phrases: :japan:
Learning: :sweden:



  • Valkyrie
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Re: The SSSS Scriptorium
« Reply #2984 on: February 25, 2017, 05:28:21 AM »
I too have my C entry for the Alphabet Soup collection, entitled "Carrots."  They gots to come from somewhere, after all...

I promise that the next one will not be named after a produce commodity.
Always a newbie at something
Native speaker: :us:
Acquired: :nz:
Grew up speaking but now very rusty: :ee:

Ruler of Queenstown Airport (Thanks Purple Wyrm, I will wear my wings with pride)
Admiral of the Sunken Rainbow Warrior