I found a copy of the little prince (in English) in my basement while doing spring cleaning and I just finished reading it. I never thought such a short book could be so meaningful and thought provoking. That ending... :sad_smile:
It's my favorite book ever, and I actually collect them in different languages. (And, bonus, it was mostly written here on Long Island!) I've got...err...let's see English, French, and German which are the ones I can actually read and have read. In addition, I have (in no particular order) Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin. I think I have another one or two that I'm not remembering right now (anyone who's willing to take Paypal and willing to add a few more languages from Your Local Country, please contact me! I can get them here but I try to get them printed in and from a country where the language is spoken. The exceptions in my collection are the Latin edition and one of my two French ones -- that was bought here, but my other was bought in Paris
On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.