Author Topic: Language Introduction thread!  (Read 82471 times)


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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2014, 05:57:07 PM »
Heh, mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass ich mich noch gar nicht richtig vorgestellt habe. Hier ist eindeutig Nachholbedarf.
Also, hallo, ich nenne mich selbst Clayres (weil das zwei Silben sind die mir zufällig zugeflogen kamen, als ich ein kleines Liedchen komponierte und anstelle von richtigem Text eben zufällige Silben verwendet habe), ich bin 20 Jahre alt und stecke mitten im  Studium. Zurzeit wohne ich zusammen mit meiner Mutter und meinem Bruder. Zu SSSS bin ich Minna von aRTD aus gefolgt, worauf mich eine Freundin aufmerksam gemacht hat. Musik ist eine kleine Leidenschaft von mir, ich habe mal angefangen, Klavier zu lernen - mit mäßigem Erfolg. Außerdem lese, zeichne und schreibe ich gerne, und eigentlich sollte ich an einer Geschichte arbeiten, aber...

Jedenfalls, wenn jemand Fragen hat, fragt drauf los!

Edit: A somewhat translation is over in the General Introduction Thread, plus some additional stuff, in case somebody (e.g. Nimphy) is interested...
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 06:49:10 PM by Clayres »
kind of getting along: :germany: :uk:

rusty: :spain:

very rusty: :vaticancity:

still trying (appearantly failing) to learn: :japan:


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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2014, 05:22:55 PM »
(Spanish) ¡Hola! me llamo Warren y soy de Sudamérica, Chile. Estoy muy interesado en aprender sobre la cultura nórdica y, por qué no, de todos ustedes ? :)

(Estonian) Tere! ma olen Warren ja ma elan Lõuna Ameerikas, Tšiilis. Ma oleksin vaga huvitatud õppima teie eest. No, sõna "Mõõtmatu Taevas"  on eesti keeles tegelikult, see tähendab "Laniakea" ("Immesurable Heaven" inglise  keeles), mis on see suur galaktika klastri kus me kõik oleme.

(English) Hi! my name is Warren and I'm from South America, Chile. I'm very interested in learning about the Nordic culture and, why not,  from all of you ? :)

(Icelandic) fjall ... foss ... fjall og foss (I guess that's all I know about Icelandic  :'( ... so far)
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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2014, 05:31:17 PM »
(Spanish) ¡Hola! me llamo Warren y soy de Sudamérica, Chile. Estoy muy interesado en aprender sobre la cultura nórdica y, por qué no, de todos ustedes ? :)

(Estonian) Tere! ma olen Warren ja ma elan Lõuna Ameerikas, Tšiilis. Ma oleksin vaga huvitatud õppima teie eest. No, sõna "Mõõtmatu Taevas"  on eesti keeles tegelikult, see tähendab "Laniakea" ("Immesurable Heaven" inglise  keeles), mis on see suur galaktika klastri kus me kõik oleme.

(English) Hi! my name is Warren and I'm from South America, Chile. I'm very interested in learning about the Nordic culture and, why not,  from all of you ? :)

(Icelandic) fjall ... foss ... fjall og foss (I guess that's all I know about Icelandic  :'( ... so far)

Hola Warren! Bienvenido al forum! Creo que ya lo sabes, pero aqui hay muchas personas que hablan espanol (ah--- esta tastiera no tiene la n con... esa cosa... sobre la n...). Si quieres, visita el hilo de las lenguas romanas y el hilo Vocaroo e intenta leer algo! 
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2014, 07:44:06 PM »
Hola Warren! Bienvenido al forum! Creo que ya lo sabes, pero aqui hay muchas personas que hablan espanol (ah--- esta tastiera no tiene la n con... esa cosa... sobre la n...). Si quieres, visita el hilo de las lenguas romanas y el hilo Vocaroo e intenta leer algo!

Hi! thanks for the warm welcome :)
I will be for sure visiting the romance language section to share some time :D
(by the way, the "pig tail" above the 'n' is called "virgulilla" in spanish, but I believe it could be called "tilde" too)
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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2014, 06:30:01 PM »
Hei. Olen Olavi Oulusta. Tekisi mieli vaihtaa tämä kirjakieli paikalliseen. No mikspä ei? Vaikka oonki syntyny täällä oon asunu myös Lapin puolella, joten sekin saattaa näkyä täsä kirijotuksessa. Onki vaikia sanua oonko ees palijasjalakanen oululainen vai jottain iha muuta. Muijen kielten ohella myös tän meijän oman mutinan murteet on alkanu viime aikoina kiinnostaan. Parempi kuitenki vaihtaa kieltä tässä vaiheessa. Joku stadin jäbä saa muuten kohta slaagin tost tyylist.
Hi. I'm Olaf from Oulu, Finland. I feel like switching this standard Finnish to a local dialect. So why not? Even tho' I was born here I've also lived in Lapland and this fact might be reflected in my writing here. It's hard to say if I'm truly homegrown (from Oulu) or something completely different. In addition to other languages also the local dialects of our own mumbling have lately started to interest me. I better change the language now as otherwise someone from Helsinki will soon get a stroke from my accent.

Hej, jag heter Olaf! Liksom alla finländare jag har lärt mig svenska i skolan. Tyvärr jag har inte talat mycket sedan och har glömt massor av orden. Dessutom det är faktisk finlandsvenska som de lärde oss och därför jag har ingen äkta svenska tonaccent. (i grund och botten jag låter lite dum.)
Like all the finns I have learned Swedish at school. Unfortunately I have not spoken much since and have forgotten a lot of words. Moreover they taught us Finnish Swedish and therefore I don't have a proper Swedish tone accent. (basically I sound a bit dumb.)

Salut! J'ai etudié francais (je n'ai pas la cédille dans mon clavier) à le lycée, mais parce que j'étais un enfant terrible je n'appris pas beaucoup. Je peux lire un peu, mais pour moi écrire et parler sont trés difficiles. La lettre R est le plus frustrant.
I studied French in high school, but because I was a brat I didn't learn much. I can read a little French, but writing and speaking are very hard for me. The letter R is my nemesis. -_-

Ciao! Mi piace la storia e specialmente la storia d'Italia. È quello che ha iniziato il mio interesse per le lingue. Ho imparare italiano per un mezzo anno e le parole francese stanno aiutando molto. Perchè si parla la lingua come finlandese ho nessuno problema con la pronuncia. Nonostante ho studiato la francese più che l'italiano credo sapere questo meglio già.
I like history and especially the history of Italy (and ancient Rome). It's what got me interested in learning languages. I've been studying Italian for about half a year now and the French words are helping a lot. Because the language is spoken almost like Finnish I don't have problems with the pronunciation. Even though I've studied French more than Italian I think I know it better already.

Hi. English is my second language. I learned it mostly by watching TV which caused me to take below average naps during the actual lessons that I still had to sit through in school. Because of this my accent and word choices are mostly American. Apart from these languages I've scratched the surface of Old West Norse (heil, ek heitir Óláfr), Icelandic (sæl, ég heiti Ólafur), and Danish (hej, jeg hedder Ole), but I can't really say I speak any of them at all. I have a linguistics oriented attitude to studying even though I acknowledge that there's nothing that can beat actual speaking if one wants to learn a language. However, because I've spent quite a while studying the differences between related languages and how both Germanic and Romance languages have formed, I also have a quite good grasp how the languages I haven't studied yet work. For example I can read very simple texts in Spanish and Norwegian with relatively few glances at the dictionary. With this background I'm now trying to expand my vocabulary and use the languages as much as possible to get a natural flow. I hope that eventually I can have atleast conversational proficiency in most of modern Germanic and Romance languages. Ambitious, I know, and I might have the good old case of hubris, but as the saying goes: "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars". ;)

I'm sure I made tons of mistakes in these short introductions. Feel free to point them out if you have time, but if I'm right those should iron themselves out eventually anyways as I push myself to use the languages more and more. On more general note, I found the wonderful stories (I don't really like the word comics) through imgur, where SSSS popped up few times to the front page displaying trending posts (here they are: 1, 2, 3 in case you want to read random people's thoughts on SSSS). Loved the art style and obviously the nordic theme appealed to me. Long story short I read both ARTD and so far released pages of SSSS in a few days. And here I am now writing to you.

I'll propably stick my head in the nordic and romance language threads whenever I have time, which might be depressingly rare. :/ See you around.
Native :finland: > :usa: > :sweden: > :italy: > :france: > :netherlands: > :iceland: "Hello"

Oh Deer

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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2014, 06:40:08 PM »
Hi! Names Oh Deer, I live in the US and yeah...what else should I say?
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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #36 on: November 11, 2014, 06:44:27 PM »
Hi! Names Oh Deer, I live in the US and yeah...what else should I say?

Uhm, I know this is confusing, but this is the "language board" introduction thread. The one for normal, english introductions is here. You can write your age, intrests, gender, how you found SSSS and whatever more you want. Welcome to the forum :)
 Mostly quiet.


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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2014, 05:06:46 PM »
Moi, c'est Otoryuo, mais mes ami m'appellent Oto.  Je suis Américain de l'Indiana.  J'ai 21 ans (presque 22!) et je travaille comme garde.  Il y'avait une fois où j'ai parlé couramment le français, mais des années ont passés, et ma langue ne court plus si vite. 

I'm Otoryuo, but my friends call me James.  I'm american, from Indiana.  I'm 21 (almost 22) and I works as a guard.  Once upon a time, I was fluent in French, but years have passed, and my skill has waned.


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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2014, 10:56:17 AM »
Hallo allemaal, ik ben MJL, en ik ben Nederlands. :) Ik zag al iemand in het Afrikaans en het Nederlands posten hier (hoi!) dus ik ben zo te zien niet alleen! Afrikaans kan ik wel volgen, maar niet zelf spreken; ik heb er familie wonen (een oudoom met een stoet aan nakomelingen) dus af en toe krijgen we brieven in het Afrikaans.

Uh, wat nog meer dat niet al in mijn algemene introductie staat? Ik ben dol op alles met taal, ik heb SSSS dan ook gevonden via de talen-stamboom die het Internet rond ging. Ik ben 30 en heb heel veel creatieve hobby's.

Ik spreek dus Engels en Nederlands, en had Duits, Frans en Latijn op school maar dat heb ik echt veel te weinig gebruikt om er veel mee te kunnen. Ik kan ze nog wel aardig lezen, maar dat is het. Ik heb ook een paar semesters oud-Iers gehad op de universiteit.

Oh, en ik was een paar jaar geleden begonnen mijn eigen taal te ontwerpen, maar ben gestopt voor ik meer dan een paar woorden had. De grammatica zat aardig in elkaar, dat wel.

Hi everyone, I'm MJL, and I'm Dutch. :) I've already seen someone else posting in Afrikaans and Dutch (hi!) so I guess I'm not the only one! I can understand Afrikaans pretty well, but I won't try to speak (write) it. I have some family in South Africa (a great-uncle and his extended family) so we get mail in Afrikaans every now and then.

Uh, what else that isn't in my other introduction? I love anything to do with language, I found SSSS through the language tree graphic that's been going round the Internet. I'm 30 and I have lots of creative hobbies.

So I speak English and Dutch, and took German, French and Latin in high school but I haven't kept them up so I'm pretty useless at them now. I can still read both French and German pretty okay though. I also took old Irish a couple semesters back in uni.

Oh, and I started making my own language a few years ago but abandoned it before I had much vocabulary. The grammar was pretty decent, though.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle MJL et je parle Francais un petit peu. Un petit petit peu. :(

Hallo, ich bin MJL und ich sprache ein bischen Deutch. Aber es ist viel einfacher for mich zu lezen.

Ave! MJL est nomen meum, et multa non memini Latine!


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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2014, 01:52:00 PM »
Okay, for all needed introductions to be done, now I come here to show my language abilities.

Firstly in Polish:

Cze??. Moje prawdziwe imi? jest mi?dzynarodowo do?? powszechne, jednak chcia?abym wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci zmiany, jaka daje Internet. Tak?e mówcie mi Deirdre, prosz? (tak, przedawkowa?am cykl ulsterski). Pisa?am ju? o sobie w ogólnym temacie po?wi?conym powitaniom, wi?c powiem tylko, ?e s?owa klucze to: muzyka (klasyczna), folklor, ba?nie, góry i lasy, jedzenie i koty. Pisuj? wiersze i ci?gle ?piewam. :)
[Hello. My real name is quite common internationally, yet I'd like to take advantage of the possibility of changing given by the Internet, so please, call me Deirdre (yes, I've overdosed the Ulster Cycle). I've already written something about me in the general Introduction Thread, so I'll just say the key-words are: (classical) music, folklore, fairytales, mountains&forests, food and cats. I occasionaly write poetry and am singing all the time. :)]

Alors, bonsoir à tous! (C'est soir ici maintenant.) Appelle-moi Deirdre, s'il-vous plaît. J'ai appris français pour une année, mais huit heures par smaine. Maintenant je juste espére j'ai ne pas oublier tout, parce-que j'ai pas parler français dans trois ans (année? J'ai jamais comprondre la différence...). Je n'écris pas bien, parle un peu, mais je comprendre becoup. Je m'intéresse à la culture des temps du Louis XIV.
[So, good evening everyone! (Here it's evening at the moment.) Please, call me Deirdre. I used to learn French for a year, but eight hours per week. Now I just hope I haven't forgotten everything, as I haven't spoken French for three years (I don't know if I used a good grammar form here, as I've never got the difference between the two possibilities). I don't write well, speak a bit, but understand a lot. I'm interested in the culture of the times of Louis XIV.]

Hallo. Ich verstehe Deutch sehr gut, aber ich bin sehr unsicher mit sprachen und schreiben. Ich denke ich habe kein Talent für Deutch, und bin sehr traurig aus diesem Grund, weil ich germanische Sprachen sehr schön finde.
[Hello, I understand German very well, but I'm very unsure with speaking and writing. I think I have no talent for German, and I'm really sad becouse of it, as I find germanic languages very beautiful.]

I also read cyrilic script, and understand Russian, but I can't introduce properly, sorry. (A Russian friend told me once I'm like a dog - I get everything, but can't say a word ;)). I generally get a lot from languages related to those I know/learn, at least enaugh to get the meaning and beauty of some songs and poetry; most of the time that's all I need for happiness. :)

And, being a lost newbie, I have a question - how do I ad those lovely language-flags to my signature?

Edit : Oh dang, Polish diacritics seem not to work in here!
Is it a problem of my browser and coding, or a forum problem? Well, maybe I'll just go to the technical-issues thread I've seen somewhere here...
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 02:58:00 PM by Deirdre »

Fen Shen

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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2014, 02:39:55 PM »
Hi Deirdre! The problem with the diacritics is a forum-based one, Russian and Japanese characters don't work either.
The flags work like smilies, just type :country: - like : poland : without the empty spaces. :poland:

Warum denkst du, du hast kein Talent für Deutsch? Dein Text war jedenfalls gut. :)
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2014, 06:00:37 PM »
Thank you for the answers about flags and diacritics. And also thank you for complimenting my German! If I could switch to English to try to explain the problem of my German-language timidness, I bet it's becouse I have never really learned the basics properly, just skipped a level or two ;) And now I try to gather all the bits and pieces of info I get (grammar, mosty) and use it simultanously with totally new vocab and grammar constructions I learn. I only feel sure in the basics shown in my previous post, than it's more of a luck and feeling. Also, with French it went softly, as I used to attend a very intense course and visited France multiple times; and I was only exposed to German at school for two hours per week or so. Also, the spirit of my class wasn't the best, as most of Polish society considers German ugly and hard to learn, for reasons I can't understand.

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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2014, 06:09:05 AM »
I think I can understand why they consider it ugly (e.g. lots of harsh sounds and stops) and hard to learn (I won't start on that), but of course I don't share their attitude ;)
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
learning: :italy: :norway: :spain:
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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2014, 06:18:51 AM »
German has never sounded harsh to me; in fact germanic languages in general sound really soft to my ear, though in a raspier kind of way than say, romance languages.

I think "German as a harsh language" is more a leftover anti-german stereotype from a time where Germany wasn't a country a lot of people liked.
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Re: Introduction thread!
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2014, 06:30:58 AM »
As a native German speaker, I can't really judge how it sounds to someone who doesn't understand every word. I just think there are lots of "sh" and especially the "ch" [ç/x] sounds some people don't like, and the glottal stop makes it sound less flowing.
speaks: :germany: :uk: :france:
learning: :italy: :norway: :spain:
:chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :book2: :chap12:
:hat: :betterhat: