Author Topic: YoinkTober 2024!  (Read 2628 times)


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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2024, 09:27:04 AM »
Time tears down mountains
and wears the works of mankind
to rocky ruins
:artd: :book1+: :book2: :book3: :chap17: :chap18:


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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2024, 04:25:51 PM »
- Hey guys! Gunnar is back! Come quick!
- Gunnar! We were worried for you! Why did you take so long?
- We... well, we knew that it's bad. But it's worse. Much worse than you can imagine. We went up and down the fjord, checked on every town. Nothing.
- Nothing? You mean...
- Yes. Just rocky ruins. Everyone's gone. And I mean everyone. It's just us now.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 03:45:40 PM by Jitter »
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2024, 05:06:10 PM »
Ah yes, timezones... The "timezone" I for my part operate by is "until I decide to go to bed" paired with posting whenever there´s enough daylight to photograph my drawings. :P
So yeah, like Wave said, just go with whatever suits you! :)

(Also, hey Wave! Thank you!!!)

thorny, dmeck, midwestmutt and Jitter, lovely, all of your works!!! I´m glad so many people are joining in with so many different interpretations of the prompts! I also missed eventing! :))

Speaking of daylight, I was out for most of today, so even though I´m back home, yesterday´s and today´s entries will be in the next post, once I can photograph them.

3: Ancient Tree

I was inspired by thorny´s story and tried to make this little nature-study (reference-photo I took in an actually very well-kept park a while ago) look a bit more abandoned. Perhaps another ancient tree who watches over its wildlife and waterways (a lake in this case) recover after the Rash?

4: deep in the woods

Not very deep on my part. I just wanted an excuse to draw some Jurassic Park fanart and landed on this fella (a Therizinosaurus), who is encountered in the sixth movie, deep in the woods. :) Not really a spoiler, as he is in the trailer...

Jurassic World Dominion was... a movie, for sure. But I did enjoy it featuring a whole bunch of unique dinosaurs that hadn´t been featured before and did actually exist. Like this one! A herbivore that defends itself with its really long claws! I wonder if it was an inspiration for Surma´s design in SSSS... (as in, the actual dinosaur, not the fact that it was in a Jurassic Park movie)

(with this one too, uncolored version under the cut. I generally think it was a good idea to color it, but it did look better at a point before where it is now... Know when to stop and so on and so forth... :P )

Spoiler: show
supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2024, 03:17:35 PM »
Alright then, here goes the rest of my backlog:

5: Cave Entrance

Some Maahinen seem to have moved into this cave between me taking the reference photo on a walk the same day (see under the cut. :) This time there´s no people in it, so I thought I´d share.) and drawing it. It´s probably fine. As far as we know, they are most likely harmless, after all...

Spoiler: reference • show

(I hereby take back all complaining I had about drawing trees. Rocks are worse, they´re so much worse. :') )

6: Rocky Ruins

I didn´t have a whole lot of time, so I decided to do a little experiment drawing some locations from the ruins of the city of Pompeji using only brushpens and eddings. Well. It was an experiment for sure...

supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2024, 03:45:17 PM »
It was the weirdest building. The outside walls appeared to have had ridiculously large windows. But even weirder, when they cautiously inched toward the building’s interior, they noticed also the inside walls were glass. There was a huge open place in the middle (holding the remains of a glass ceiling!) with puzzled platforms crossing over it several stories above them.

- What was this place? Why all this glass?

Lalli just shrugged.

- It has many levels, like their home buildings. Do you think they lived in these glass rooms?

- I don’t know, or care. Stupid oldworlders!

- You still feel nothing? Emil wanted to be sure. Weird and unusual places made him nervous.

Lalli just shook his head.

- I will tell if I do.

- We’ll in that case let’s investigate further. This floor is nothing but glass and rubbish, but maybe there’s something higher up.

The upper platform was connected to the floor via a staircase at the other end of the open area. The interior was bathing in sunlight, but still the place felt… off. Unreal. It was impossible to figure out what had been the purpose of this huge space.

Arriving to the staircase, they noticed it was wrong too. The stairs were too high for them to use comfortably. They were not made of stone or wood, like stairs should, but some weird grooved material. Nevertheless, they soon scaled the “stairs” and reached the next platform upwards. There were more of the glass rooms here, some less wrecked than on the ground floor.

- It’s just like the quarantine ship, except these rooms are larger. Do you suppose this was a quarantine facility? Is there a death room round the corner?

- No, stupid. Too big. 17 places to hide in that room.

Lalli was pointing into a smallish, barren looking glass room that offered no hiding spots for Emil’s eyes.

Advancing slowly along the platform Lalli suddenly ducked and pulled Emil down with him.

- Ouch! Why you…

- Shhhhhhh. Lalli pointed to Emil and to the floor, to indicate he was to stay in place. Then he crawled forward, quicker than Emil would walk, and peeked ahead over the edge of what appeared to be a completely oversized flowerpot (now with a small tree and some bushes growing in it). Then he nimbly backed up and returned to Emil.

- People. His whisper was almost inaudible.

- What? Who? Emil was trying to be quiet, but based on Lalli’s annoyed glance m he was failing.

- People. In glass room.

- Ok, but who? Not one of us?

Lalli just shook his head.

- But who is it then? Not another excursion?

- No excursion. They wear stupid clothes.

- Stupid? What do you mean?

- Flowing. Frilly. Colorful.

Each of the words more disgusted than the previous one.

Now this was a conundrum. Deep in the uncleansed zone, if anyone was here somehow surviving, they should be silent and invisible. Not prancing around in what sounded like highest Mora fashion.

- What were they doing?

- Nothing. Just stand. Stand near the window, waiting to be seen!

- Did they look dangerous?

- No. Look unprepared to fight. Unprepared for anything.

- Ok. In that case I think we should take another look.

- No. We leave.

- Come on, Lalli. You know we should. You don’t like strangers, but we must check on them. You said you don’t sense any trolls! Do you now?

- No.

- Ok, good. They had one head each? And the normal number of limbs?

- Yea. I said already they are people.

- They could be in danger. Or they could be from somewhere we don’t know about!

- Stupid foreigners *grumble*

But Emil was right. They couldn’t just abandon the group of idiots, who would surely get eaten with such glaring lack of Silent World survival skills.

- Ok, come. No clumsiness.

Crawling around the corner again, they noticed that while the people (still standing at the window, some 10 meters from the flowerpot) were indeed wearing the most impractical gear, they excelled in standing still and staying quiet. Not the slightest movement would draw attention to them, if only they were wearing something sensible. The boys scrutinized them while they were apparently surveying the platform, and the bigger floor below. Surveying, and surveying, and…

- Something’s wrong, Lalli.

- Huh?

- They are too quiet. No one can stand that still for so long!

- I can.

- Well, yes, but no one who isn’t you. There’s something wrong with them!

They stayed for another ten minutes, with absolutely no movement from the other group.

- Lalli, have you even seen any of them blink?

- Hmh. No.

- Ok, try and take a closer look. But don’t go into the room with them, ok?

Lalli nodded and crawled forward, and soon back again. If Emil hadn’t known Lalli would never, he would have thought that the scout looked almost a bit embarrassed.

- Not people. Statues, or something. Not alive.

- Statues? Have you ever seen such lifelike statues? Their hair looks soft and all. What are they made of?

- Don’t know. Weird Old World thing. Stupid oldworlders!

Later, back at the camp, Emil was describing the big building (which provided a huge wast of time p, nothing but rubbish in the glass rooms and outside of them) when Mikkel said he knew q lot about the Old World.

- A large and high indoor place? And many windows! I’m sure you looked into what they used to call a Cat-herd-al. It had something to do with their religion.

- Cat herd? Did they worship cats?

- Not that I know. But I don’t care much about religion, so maybe they did and I have just forgotten. But I’m sure it’s one of their holy places.

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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2024, 03:49:26 PM »
Mirasol. i love the cace! And I’m sure the maahinen do too! Where is the photo from?

And I especially love the Surmasaurus! Just munching away, but always ready to defend itself! (AI didn’t know there were six movies! The first one happened when I was a teenager, so quuuuuite some time ago!)
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2024, 06:24:00 PM »
Chapters 5/6

I am not sure what the prompt for 7 is..

BTW awesome stories and art!! I forgot how fun this can be!!
Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2024, 07:24:11 PM »
Jitter, that story gives off Mall
Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2024, 11:13:33 PM »
Yep, def a mall, heh.  And an inspired choice indeed for the prompt!
And I agree with Mirasol, drawing rocks is so hard, no pun intended.  They either look like legos, or mush.

Anyway, speaking of mush, this doesn't follow a prompt, but it is apropos of Sigrun's birthday on 7 October.  She's 8yo and blowing bubbles in her milk.
Always a newbie at something
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2024, 11:19:11 AM »
"puzzled platforms" immediately made me think of the open floors and bridges in large malls, so yeah :) In Finland malls tend to have about three stories. Maybe the oldworlders didn't worship cats, but boy did they worship things. Buy things, collect things, love things, thingsthingsthings! The statues must also look very weird to the boys :)
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2024, 12:43:41 PM »
"puzzled platforms" immediately made me think of the open floors and bridges in large malls, so yeah :) In Finland malls tend to have about three stories. Maybe the oldworlders didn't worship cats, but boy did they worship things. Buy things, collect things, love things, thingsthingsthings! The statues must also look very weird to the boys :)

I thought they were mannequins.
Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

~ Gregory David Roberts


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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2024, 04:46:38 PM »
Indeed they were
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2024, 05:54:27 AM »
The Oldworlders´ holy mall... Haha like that, this story almost fulfills the next prompt as well, Jitter. :.D

Wave, what a cute Sigrun-drawing. I completely forgot to add her birthday into the prompts as per tradition... My bad!

dmeck, I think I remember reading the prompt of the week-story of the bears reincarnating. So are the babies in chapter 5 their reincarnation? :) Great stories in either case!

Mirasol. i love the cace! And I’m sure the maahinen do too! Where is the photo from?

The photo is a little rift that I photographed in just the right angle so it looks like a cave. :D It´s from somewhere in the Black Forest area in Germany.

And I especially love the Surmasaurus! Just munching away, but always ready to defend itself! (AI didn’t know there were six movies! The first one happened when I was a teenager, so quuuuuite some time ago!)

Thank you! I had an illustration of this guy in a book when I was little and thought he was really cool, so I was very happy to see him get some spotlight. :))
There sure are six movies (but only since pretty recently). After the original trilogy, there was a long break until the franchise was revived for a second trilogy (and a TV-show as I´ve heard, but I haven´t seen that, so I can´t speak on that) starting 2015. Movie six came out in 2022 IIRC.
The two trilogies have pretty different vibes in my opinion, the first one being three self-contained cautionary tales with some reoccuring characters more or less, while the second is a continuing story following broadly the same cast with some extras. So in the first trilogy, personal stakes are higher, and in the second, possible worldwide consequences.
I really love the franchise as I´m both a little bit of a nerd about dinosaurs and animation-techniques, and it has both of that in spades. But to be fair, from a literature and historical accuracy-standpoint most of the movies are not great(TM).

Tuesdays are really busy for me, so I´m afraid another doublepost...

7: Puzzled Platforms

(This one really didn´t like being photographed, sorry for the quality... :P )
In which our most-best captain gets her own 2D-Platformer-game (for it is her birthday), exploring ancient cities all over the silent world, fighting trolls and securing books! (Inspiration for this area-design was a bunch of things, but probably most obviously the jump-and-run-game Celeste)
I´m imagining this to be a Metroidvania with some epic bossfights against some of the bigger foes from SSSS, maybe also some enemies that chase you through the world...

8: Hall of Deities

I didn´t have enough time to make something big or original yesterday. So instead I drew the Pyramids of the Louvre in Paris (I was too tired to add the castle lol).
Not a place of worship itself, but certainly one that collected a LOT of depictions of deities.

supposedly studying, most likely drawing…

fluent: :de: :us: sort of: :fr: learning!: :fi: I wish…: :it:
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Re: YoinkTober 2024!
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2024, 08:20:37 AM »

dmeck, I think I remember reading the prompt of the week-story of the bears reincarnating. So are the babies in chapter 5 their reincarnation? :) Great stories in either case!

Yes, I took the bears from that story. 

Awesome Art!  I like the sudo mario bros. vibe
Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

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Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we never know which one is which until we've loved them, left them, or fought them.

~ Gregory David Roberts