
What other comic/book/movie/TV show do you want to see crossed over with SSSS?

Walking Dead
Thor (Marvel)
Planet of the Apes (Not the Tim Burton one)
The Expendables
Star Wars
Star Trek
The Matrix
World War Z
Another comic from Hiveworks (specify below)
You think I have no taste, and will specify below so I can maybe add your option to the poll.
SSSS don't need no crossover!
Classic Western
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Author Topic: SSSS CROSSOVER TIME!  (Read 100643 times)


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« Reply #285 on: April 07, 2016, 12:59:51 PM »
Snape?  He wasn't evil or selfish (although he seemed that way, but he also knew what was up.  And, let's face it, Harry's father was a jerk.)

Maybe not evil anymore, but he was still pretty selfish, imo. Yeah, Harry's father was a jerk, but Harry isn't his father, and devoting a full six years to making Harry's life miserable (even if he was actively trying to save that life), for no better reason than that James was no longer available, seemed like some rather petty and selfish behavior to me. As did bullying the Gryffindors because his archnemeses who are no longer in school were all Gryffindors. There's really no excuse - not of the Freudian variety (the man is supposed to be a professional, and if he can't behave professionally then he shouldn't be teaching), and not his role as a double agent either (he could've just told Voldemort that any show of hostility toward the Gryffindor students would have made Dumbledore suspicious of him). Did he act heroically? Yes, Merlin yes. But his day-to-day treatment of the students is a separate issue that can't just be swept under the rug because of it.

Mikkel, I would say Hufflepuff. I was actually torn between Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw for him, but he just seems kind, loyal, and humble enough to be a Hufflepuff. In general the fact that he's taken up the position of Team Dad seems pretty Hufflepuff.

Actually, am I the only one here who thinks that Mikkel would make a really good Slytherin? He's occasionally sneaky, enjoys trolling people, isn't above bending the rules to get what he wants, and even attempted to manipulate Sigrun ("Really, there's no need to get mad, all I was doing was saving you some work"). I could totally see him as a less extroverted and more quiet Slughorn, seemingly inconsequential but quietly pulling the strings behind the scenes...
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« Reply #286 on: April 07, 2016, 01:12:19 PM »
Actually, am I the only one here who thinks that Mikkel would make a really good Slytherin? He's occasionally sneaky, enjoys trolling people, isn't above bending the rules to get what he wants, and even attempted to manipulate Sigrun ("Really, there's no need to get mad, all I was doing was saving you some work"). I could totally see him as a less extroverted and more quiet Slughorn, seemingly inconsequential but quietly pulling the strings behind the scenes...

Ohhhhh yes wow you totally have me sold on Slytherin!Mikkel thank you :3
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 01:17:06 PM by Juniper »

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« Reply #287 on: April 07, 2016, 01:15:00 PM »
Actually, am I the only one here who thinks that Mikkel would make a really good Slytherin? He's occasionally sneaky, enjoys trolling people, isn't above bending the rules to get what he wants, and even attempted to manipulate Sigrun ("Really, there's no need to get mad, all I was doing was saving you some work"). I could totally see him as a less extroverted and more quiet Slughorn, seemingly inconsequential but quietly pulling the strings behind the scenes...

I think so too! He gives off a Hufflepuff impression at first, but the longer we've seen him in action the more his sneaky/ambitious side comes out. You can definitely see his irritation when Sigrun doesn't acknowledge his competence, and the "face cancer" joke after only just meeting Emil doesn't seem like something a Hufflepuff would do.

(Also I definitely agree with your assessment of Snape).
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« Reply #288 on: April 07, 2016, 01:22:13 PM »

Actually, am I the only one here who thinks that Mikkel would make a really good Slytherin? He's occasionally sneaky, enjoys trolling people, isn't above bending the rules to get what he wants, and even attempted to manipulate Sigrun ("Really, there's no need to get mad, all I was doing was saving you some work"). I could totally see him as a less extroverted and more quiet Slughorn, seemingly inconsequential but quietly pulling the strings behind the scenes...

I totally can imagine Mikkel in Slytherin, or even Tuuri, but not Emil, sorry. He lacks... the subtlety for that. (OK, Crabbe and Goyle were brainless idiots, but I hated their caricaturistic portayal)
native: :hungary:  fluent: :uk:  special: :germany:

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« Reply #289 on: April 07, 2016, 01:23:25 PM »
Harry Potter crossover! Yes!
Lalli playing quidditch is awesome, and the idea of him not paying attention at practice, but then grabbing the snitch in a game is such a perfect Lalli thing to do.

Also, Mikkel fits into slytherin terrifyingly well...

One idea I've been thinking about is a Firefly crossover -
Sigrun as Malcolm Reynolds,
Emil as Jayne,
Tuuri as Kaylee,
Lalli as River,
Mikkel as Simon,
And Reynir as ?
It wouldn't fit too well because there would be no place for Walsh, and the whole brother/sister thing with Simon and River wouldn't work out if Lalli was River, but I really want to see this happen! (Basically I want more sci-fi crossovers because sci-fi is the best, especially if it has Sigrun in it ;) ) Hey, Reynir could be Inara! XD That'd be a hilarious mash-up...
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« Reply #290 on: April 07, 2016, 01:41:44 PM »
I totally can imagine Mikkel in Slytherin, or even Tuuri, but not Emil, sorry. He lacks... the subtlety for that. (OK, Crabbe and Goyle were brainless idiots, but I hated their caricaturistic portayal)

Hmm, maybe, but I'd also argue for quite a few of the Slytherins lacking subtlety at times, and I couldn't call Malfoy the most subtle person, his thoughts and intentions are usually pretty obvious even to someone as oblivious as Harry. It's been a while since I've read the books but I wouldn't call Bellatrix a very subtle woman either. I would say subtlety is a predominant Slytherin trait but, I think someone could be lacking in it and still get in maybe.

But then again maybe ?? I mean Emil isn't very cunning which is an important Slytherin trait. Idk sorry I'm trying to shake the Slytherin!Emil headcanon but it's hard because I still see it fitting him in a lot of ways D=

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« Reply #291 on: April 07, 2016, 01:56:38 PM »
But then again maybe ?? I mean Emil isn't very cunning which is an important Slytherin trait. Idk sorry I'm trying to shake the Slytherin!Emil headcanon but it's hard because I still see it fitting him in a lot of ways D=

Tuuri, on the other hand...
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« Reply #292 on: April 07, 2016, 02:24:01 PM »
Tuuri, on the other hand...

I think Tuuri has traits in both Slytherin and Ravenclaw, yeah. I think what it boils down to is the hat does take into consideration what you want. I think with both Tuuri and Emil the hat would probably mull over going back and forth between a few houses, but I think Tuuri would genuinely prefer to be in a house centered around academics and knowledge because of how enthusiastic she is about that stuff, but I wouldn't totally dismiss the idea of her winding up in Slytherin either.

With Emil, same, it would mull over going back and forth between Hufflepuff and Slytherin and maybe even try to push Emil to agree to Hufflepuff just like it tried to push Harry to agree to Slytherin. But I think that Emil would probably come from a once wealthy pureblood family and because of this really push to be sorted into Slytherin, not only giving him what he sees as more esteem and glory than Hufflepuff but also more esteem for his family who are already loosing face after they lost their wealth. Not to say that he won't still exhibit Hufflepuff traits, but as mentioned having someone with a good heart and who's fairly sensitive and caring in Slytherin feels satisfying after how badly they were unnecessarily villianized.

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« Reply #293 on: April 07, 2016, 02:30:20 PM »
Hmm, maybe, but I'd also argue for quite a few of the Slytherins lacking subtlety at times, and I couldn't call Malfoy the most subtle person, his thoughts and intentions are usually pretty obvious even to someone as oblivious as Harry. It's been a while since I've read the books but I wouldn't call Bellatrix a very subtle woman either. I would say subtlety is a predominant Slytherin trait but, I think someone could be lacking in it and still get in maybe.

But then again maybe ?? I mean Emil isn't very cunning which is an important Slytherin trait. Idk sorry I'm trying to shake the Slytherin!Emil headcanon but it's hard because I still see it fitting him in a lot of ways D=
I see the Hufflepuff quality in Emil, but. I'm definitely seeing the slythering qualities there, too. Also, I can see the thinking hat using some time to decide, and Emil, being Emil and kinda worried about appearances, might very well send a very distinct "Not Hufflepuff"-wish to the hat.
EDIT: (Ninja'd!)
Point in case for Slytherin:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 02:32:38 PM by Unlos »

Krisse Kovacs

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« Reply #294 on: April 07, 2016, 03:39:30 PM »
Ohhh yess !! I tried to think of what house Onni would be in, maybe Hufflepuff? Then yeah he totally wouldn't be in the same house as Tuuri or Lalli and be super sad about that. Poor baby :c Oh but if he was in Hufflepuff he could be in the same house as Reynir ! Reynir tries to be Onni's friend and cheer him up which Onni mostly sees as an inconvenience at first, but then maybe they'd eventually grow to be good friends and house-mates or more like boyfriends I mean what

YES. I ship them more and more, so yes, I want this!

(I accidentally wrote sheep instead of ship, so "I sheep Reynir with Onni")

and anyone thought that since Sigrun and Mikkel are so old, they could be some teacher and what they could teach then?
(sorry, there are so many comments and I didn't read all)
can speak :hungary::uk: used to learn :germany: is learning :sweden::finland: can read a bit :norway::denmark: want to learn :iceland:
survived :chap8: - :chap9: - :chap10: - :chap11: - :chap12: - :chap13: - :chap14: - :chap15: - :chap16: - :chap17: - :chap18: - :chap19: - :chap20:


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« Reply #295 on: April 07, 2016, 04:19:37 PM »
and anyone thought that since Sigrun and Mikkel are so old, they could be some teacher and what they could teach then?
(sorry, there are so many comments and I didn't read all)


Mikkel:  Potions
Sigrun:  Defense Against the Dark Arts
Keep an eye on me. I shimmer on horizons.

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« Reply #296 on: April 07, 2016, 04:31:49 PM »

Sigrun:  Defense Against the Dark Arts

She lasted -gasp- more than a year.

:chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11:

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« Reply #297 on: April 07, 2016, 04:49:40 PM »

Mikkel:  Potions
Sigrun:  Defense Against the Dark Arts


I want to see Sigrun as the DADA teacher now this has to happen OMG she would be so gung-ho enthusiastic while all of the students walked out of her class exhausted and smoking and yes yes YES, fanart please!

(I could also totally see her doing a Lockhart and unleashing a cage full of Dark creatures on her unsuspecting students on the first day, but unlike Lockhart she actually knows what she's doing and she'll step in if anyone gets in over their heads. Plus she's taken a shine to Emil and makes him be the subject for every demonstration, which he keeps trying to get away from with absolutely no success.)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 04:56:37 PM by Lazy8 »
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« Reply #298 on: April 07, 2016, 07:31:21 PM »

I want to see Sigrun as the DADA teacher now this has to happen OMG she would be so gung-ho enthusiastic while all of the students walked out of her class exhausted and smoking and yes yes YES, fanart please!

(I could also totally see her doing a Lockhart and unleashing a cage full of Dark creatures on her unsuspecting students on the first day, but unlike Lockhart she actually knows what she's doing and she'll step in if anyone gets in over their heads. Plus she's taken a shine to Emil and makes him be the subject for every demonstration, which he keeps trying to get away from with absolutely no success.)

I had to doodle this, sorry.

native: :hungary:  fluent: :uk:  special: :germany:

:chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20:

Ana Nymus

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« Reply #299 on: April 07, 2016, 07:34:34 PM »
I had to doodle this, sorry.

:D :D :D
Never be sorry for this!
And they're all little trolls, too!!!!!

Ohmygods one of them has Reynir's braid!
:usa: Yes.
:spain: Out of practice.
:finland: Failed to learn.
:vaticancity: Probably remember five words.
White text: Always ;P
:chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: :chap17: :chap18: :chap19: :chap20: :chap21: :A2chap01: :A2chap02: :A2chap03: :A2chap04: :A2chap05:

I also speak SCIENCE!!!