
What other comic/book/movie/TV show do you want to see crossed over with SSSS?

Walking Dead
Thor (Marvel)
Planet of the Apes (Not the Tim Burton one)
The Expendables
Star Wars
Star Trek
The Matrix
World War Z
Another comic from Hiveworks (specify below)
You think I have no taste, and will specify below so I can maybe add your option to the poll.
SSSS don't need no crossover!
Classic Western
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Author Topic: SSSS CROSSOVER TIME!  (Read 100723 times)


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« Reply #270 on: March 08, 2016, 01:42:05 PM »
The question is which officer slot would she fit into - Captain? I was thinking Emil should be gunner, mikkel cook, reynir mascot, tuuri engineer, so lalli would be first officer? doesn't really fit...

(Sorry for this off-topic conversation, maybe one of you skalds could move it to the crossover thread?)

Ah, this thread is moved here now (thank you skalds/mod team!)

So anyway, I'm thinking it'll be hard to fit everyone into one of the game's officer slots because there are just six including mascot and we've got six SSSS humans plus a kitty, buuuuuuut for fic/art/imagination/etc. purposes I'm quite happy to play a bit loose with the game mechanics, for the sake of getting the whole crew onto the same ship in a nice coherent story :p

Totally Sigrun for captian, although possibly at the time of Emil (and everyone) joining up, it's her first trip as captain (because I like the idea of her, when younger, being Just Another Hands-On Monster-Fighter on someone else's crew, you know.)

Reynir could always start off as a stowaway, just as he has here - that whole plot is one of the most easily portable parts from SSSS to Sunless Sea! What with Lalli's personality, I'm not sure how well he suits any of the standard officer slots, but it's easy to figure that on a monster-hunting ship there would be a role for an independent scouting sort of crew member... I feel I like having their kitty as the mascot, unless somewhere along the way they adopt a trollmonster...

anyway these are just my quick thoughts, not trying to tell you what to do at all :)
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« Reply #271 on: March 08, 2016, 05:12:46 PM »
Ah, this thread is moved here now (thank you skalds/mod team!)

So anyway, I'm thinking it'll be hard to fit everyone into one of the game's officer slots because there are just six including mascot and we've got six SSSS humans plus a kitty, buuuuuuut for fic/art/imagination/etc. purposes I'm quite happy to play a bit loose with the game mechanics, for the sake of getting the whole crew onto the same ship in a nice coherent story :p

I just remembered: that there's more then just the officers on the ship, so Lalli and/or Reynir could be zailors!

Totally Sigrun for captian, although possibly at the time of Emil (and everyone) joining up, it's her first trip as captain (because I like the idea of her, when younger, being Just Another Hands-On Monster-Fighter on someone else's crew, you know.)

Yes!! Young Sigrun would be awesome! ;D

I feel I like having their kitty as the mascot, unless somewhere along the way they adopt a trollmonster...

a Zee-Beast ?

anyway these are just my quick thoughts, not trying to tell you what to do at all :)

That's absolutely fine! It's a shared idea, you can do what you want with it! :D I probably won't get around to writing anything in this AU until after the fic swap anyway.

I think it'd be really cool as a mod, because usually the officers are (sort of) indispensable, but in this case they're all characters you love so you would take riskier options to protect them, so it could change gameplay a bit.
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« Reply #272 on: April 01, 2016, 05:47:55 PM »
As pointed out in the Disqus comments, it would be awesome if Ellen Ripley joined the crew.
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« Reply #273 on: April 01, 2016, 06:01:52 PM »
Beowulf, or the 13th Warrior. ;p
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« Reply #274 on: April 02, 2016, 06:08:40 PM »
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« Reply #275 on: April 04, 2016, 09:02:14 PM »
This is the thread for this sort of thing, yeah?

I've been trying to match up the team with the (comic book) Avengers, personality-wise,because powers would just be too easy.

Emil Vasterstrom - Kevin Connors/Starbrand

(the blondie is starbrand. they even look alike. the bald guy is nightmask/adam blackveil)

Sigrun Eide - Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel

(she's talking to starbrand. yes, his orgin story involves smoking craters.)

I was thinking maybe Tigra or maybe even Bullseye (wait,no), but Carol stuck out to me.

And that is pretty much it. I'm don't remember anyone who resembled anyone else. Sigh. Do you people have any suggestions?

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« Reply #276 on: April 05, 2016, 02:12:47 PM »
I like the idea of Sigrun as Captain Marvel... It's just the SSSS/Avengers crossover always brings me back to Thorgrun! XD
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« Reply #277 on: April 07, 2016, 01:32:10 AM »
So like, I saw someone mentioned a SSSS / Harry Potter crossover, and that seems like a fun idea. I mean, it's a really bad habit of mine of always trying to figure out which house anyone would be in (both friends in real life and fictional characters . . .) so I gave some thought as to which house each crew member would be in:

I'll start with the most obvious one: Sigrun is a Gryffindor. She's the most Gryffindor of Gryffindors to ever Gryffindor. I don't think I even need to explain.

I really think Tuuri would be Ravenclaw. Being a scald seems to be a minority occupation, and she's one of the few characters who learns things such as the Icelandic language purely for the fun of enjoying learning. Not to mention she's a pretty clever girl that's for sure.

Reynir ? Definitely a Hufflepuff ! He just wants to help everyone and be useful, that's SO Hufflepuff. Sweet baby :3

Emil strikes me as a Slytherin. The whole reason he joined the mission in the first place was because he thought it would bring him glory and esteem, caring about your name and reputation I think is a pretty Slytherin trait so all that strikes me as pretty Slytherin. Plus, can't deny he's a pretty determined dude, determination also being a major Slytherin trait.

Mikkel, I would say Hufflepuff. I was actually torn between Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw for him, but he just seems kind, loyal, and humble enough to be a Hufflepuff. In general the fact that he's taken up the position of Team Dad seems pretty Hufflepuff.

Lalli was, despite him being my favorite, he was the most difficult for me to place (and sorry this one's a bit long) so it came down to process of elimination. First of all, he's definitely not a Hufflepuff, Hufflepuffs being a house of loyalty and generally a kind easy going bunch doesn't seem to fit someone as reclusive and anti-social as him. I wouldn't say Ravenclaw either, he's definitely clever as necessary for survival in his profession but he doesn't seem to enjoy academia or knowledge for the sake of it enough to qualify as a Ravenclaw. I mean, it says right in his bio that he knows very little about the outside world meaning seeking out learning things and knowledge has never been a strong passion for him, at least not enough to really qualify as a Ravenclaw. I toyed with the idea of him being a Slytherin, he's determined enough to be a good scout, but again I see caring about making a name for yourself / seeking glory / caring a great deal about reputation being a Slytherin trait and I think beside caring about being a good scout Lalli couldn't really care less about that. Plus, Slytherins are fairly group oriented and loyal to eachother, in book it's very rare to see a Slytherin talk bad about another Slytherin, except for a few rare circumstances they almost always have each other's backs. Lalli seems, too individualistic to have undying unconditional loyalty the way many Slytherins tend to have. The verdict then ? Gryffindor ! First of all, you have to admit it REALLY must take a lot of guts to run around in troll infested woods every night since he was a child. In the woods ?!? At night when they're most active ?!? By himself ?!? Literally every night ?!? That takes courage of steel to do IMO. Plus, Gryffindors are a bit more individualistic which I think suits him, you see in the books Gryffindors talk smack about each other a lot and they're very quick to question Harry and be kind of a jerk to him (the Harry Stinks badges for example, that's not something you'd see a Slytherin do to another Slytherin but it sure as heck is something a Gryffindor would do to another Gryffindor) not to mention, the symbol of Gryffindor is a lion, aka a big cat, need I say more ??
(tl;dr Lalli is a Gryffindor)   :P

Anyway, I feel like in this crossover considering Sigrun and Mikkel are older I'd probably have them as professors or just, adult staff instead of students. Sigrun would be the head of Gryffindor house, she'd also be the Quidditch coach probably. Mikkel maybe would work in the hospital wing as a healer, sorta like Madam Pomfrey.  I'm also really overjoyed and maybe this was subconsciously intentional that the four young ones who'd be students are each in the four respective houses ?!? I think, I need to commission fanart of this . . 

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« Reply #278 on: April 07, 2016, 05:07:44 AM »
(tl;dr Lalli is a Gryffindor)   :P
Your arguments are convincing.

it doesn't match up completely with your ideas, but I drew this a couple months ago:

(hi five for quidditch captain sigrun though!)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 05:42:19 AM by Unlos »


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« Reply #279 on: April 07, 2016, 05:44:41 AM »
Unlos: Lalli as a Gryffindor would actually work. Wow. Who would have thought....lithe and slight and fast..... Yeah, I could see him excelling at Quidditch. Love the expression of concentration!
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« Reply #280 on: April 07, 2016, 07:17:41 AM »
Your arguments are convincing.

Cool! I can totally see him as the team member who sleeps through pratices; shows not much interest during the match, then suddenly catches the golden snitch.

Emil strikes me as a Slytherin. The whole reason he joined the mission in the first place was because he thought it would bring him glory and esteem, caring about your name and reputation I think is a pretty Slytherin trait so all that strikes me as pretty Slytherin. Plus, can't deny he's a pretty determined dude, determination also being a major Slytherin trait.

Emil is so Hufflepuff to me. He might seem ambicious, but he's generally a good hearted person and his main concern is to be liked. And remember pompous Ernie Macmillan? He's like Emil's Scottish cousine :D
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« Reply #281 on: April 07, 2016, 08:25:38 AM »
Emil is so Hufflepuff to me. He might seem ambicious, but he's generally a good hearted person and his main concern is to be liked. And remember pompous Ernie Macmillan? He's like Emil's Scottish cousine :D

Emil has traits of both, I think. Though I'll admit I like the idea of Slytherin!Emil for the purely selfish reason that I really hated Rowling's portrayal of all Slytherins are either evil or selfish little jerks, and I'd love to see Emil showing the better side of that House.
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« Reply #282 on: April 07, 2016, 09:47:02 AM »
Emil has traits of both, I think. Though I'll admit I like the idea of Slytherin!Emil for the purely selfish reason that I really hated Rowling's portrayal of all Slytherins are either evil or selfish little jerks, and I'd love to see Emil showing the better side of that House.

Snape?  He wasn't evil or selfish (although he seemed that way, but he also knew what was up.  And, let's face it, Harry's father was a jerk.)
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« Reply #283 on: April 07, 2016, 12:10:44 PM »
Tuuri is Ravenclaw, while Onni is not, and Onni crys every night that his little sister is so far from him. aaand even Lalli would be in a different one and he feels totally lonely.
in daytime he spends time with the other two as much as he can.
can speak :hungary::uk: used to learn :germany: is learning :sweden::finland: can read a bit :norway::denmark: want to learn :iceland:
survived :chap8: - :chap9: - :chap10: - :chap11: - :chap12: - :chap13: - :chap14: - :chap15: - :chap16: - :chap17: - :chap18: - :chap19: - :chap20:


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« Reply #284 on: April 07, 2016, 12:40:23 PM »
Emil has traits of both, I think. Though I'll admit I like the idea of Slytherin!Emil for the purely selfish reason that I really hated Rowling's portrayal of all Slytherins are either evil or selfish little jerks, and I'd love to see Emil showing the better side of that House.

That's part of the reason I like Slytherin!Emil too, there are some good Slytherins in the books yeah, or at least Slytherins with good traits (I'm still not totally fond of Snape because he's supposed to be a professional teacher but he bullies and harasses Neville and any other kids he doesn't favor) but I think overall Slytherins were villified too much. I'd like to think a Slytherin could be as good hearted and sensitive as Emil has proven to be. Plus, again, I think that's just me pushing to have each of the four younger members in the four respective houses =p

Tuuri is Ravenclaw, while Onni is not, and Onni crys every night that his little sister is so far from him. aaand even Lalli would be in a different one and he feels totally lonely.
in daytime he spends time with the other two as much as he can.

Ohhh yess !! I tried to think of what house Onni would be in, maybe Hufflepuff? Then yeah he totally wouldn't be in the same house as Tuuri or Lalli and be super sad about that. Poor baby :c Oh but if he was in Hufflepuff he could be in the same house as Reynir ! Reynir tries to be Onni's friend and cheer him up which Onni mostly sees as an inconvenience at first, but then maybe they'd eventually grow to be good friends and house-mates or more like boyfriends I mean what
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 01:22:10 PM by Juniper »

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