Page 264 has a beautiful transition and simple but effective visual storytelling.
Does anyone else find page 367 panel 2 unclear? I think it’s supposed to be Sigrun’s arms stretched upwards but I am not sure.
I don’t really remember what I thought of Lalli’s actions on first reading. On reread, I thought I would find it offputting due to the animal gore, maybe I did on my first read though, but this time I least I just thought it was nice of Lalli.
Can’t say for sure but Mikkel probably did use the candles for food. If not here, then later. Candles are not great, but a food source is a food source.
Is it odd that Mikkel had seen Emil’s educational records? I know they had profiles that Mikkel has likely seen but education records seems like a lot. Maybe things like high school dropout would be on there but I don't see why Mikkel would know more than that. I think it’s just story convenience, which is not the worst thing, but still. (Insured theory that Mikkel works for Trond for Secrect Reasons here.)
I forget if I have said this before but something that makes SSSS great is the character interactions. So many pages just ooze with it! A1 gives lots of small and big moments between characters and it really shines because of it. Also, a big reason A2 was much weaker was because it lacked this.