There is something about SSSS that seems to attract very genteel, curious, clever people. That is mind-baffling to me: how can a work of art gather so many good people? I sense a really good vibe here and so, even though I'm often busy, I fear I will need to come and procrastinate here from time to time.
You all seem to be language enthusiasts! Yessss. My first language is French (I was born in Belgium... Why, no Belgium flag for the forum? :'( ) and moved to the United States (West Coast) in 2008. I enjoy learning new vocabulary in English still but I would also like to continue learning German. I took Latin in high school, that helps. (I looove looking up the etymology of words.) Anyway, feel free to harass me in German. Oh and I'm supposed to speak Dutch, which I have learned for twelve years in school, but I can't. Vicious teachers took that away from me! Though if you feel like writing to me in Dutch, please indulge. That would be good practice for me.
I see that you are all lovers of the arts (well, of course you are, Minna brought you here!). I am myself an illustrator and a part-time art lecturer. I also write and illustrate my own web comic, which I launched back in July this year. If you are curious, here it is: goes without mentioning that ever since I read SSSS, the idea of expressing myself in comic form has been stuck in my head. (Was that before 2013? Can that be possible?) It took me a long time to become competent enough to consider it a viable option. So the fact I begun this venture is a big deal to me. And I admire Minna for the work she has accomplished and continues to produce with passion and consistency everyday.
I'll leave a music here as a token of my gratitude to everyone who contributes to this peaceful lair.