Author Topic: The Introduction Thread  (Read 782761 times)

Supreme Potato

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Re: Introduction!
« Reply #1320 on: September 02, 2015, 07:25:48 AM »
Welcome to ze forum, all ye new (ish?) people! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

你好!And welcome! I have semi-decent Mandarin! And so do a few other people who are better than I am at it, my literacy level is honestly atrocious--though I prOMISE YOU I SPEAK IT MUCH BETTER. PROMISE! You should check out the Mandarin Chinese thread in the Languages Board C:

Thank you for the warm welcome!
Hej! Learning :sweden: since 25th October.

...but I still don't speak any Nordic languages.


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1321 on: September 02, 2015, 07:32:43 AM »
Oh, more newbies ! :) Welcome, Supreme Potato :squirrelcookie:
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
Survivor : :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: and :book2:
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1322 on: September 02, 2015, 05:13:07 PM »
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.
Native :italy:
Fluent :uk: :germany:
Want to learn :norway: :finland:

Survived:        :chap5::chap6::chap7::chap8::chap9::chap10::chap11::chap12::chap13::chap14::chap15::chap16::chap17::chap18:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1323 on: September 02, 2015, 05:18:04 PM »
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.

Ho, another 15 year old girl from Italy, that makes it two I believe - welcome to the forum!


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1324 on: September 02, 2015, 05:21:38 PM »
Welcome Shine :) and sorry for the procrastination. Do you want a cookie ? :squirrelcookie:
Native : :france: In progress : :uk: Trying to learn : :sweden: Far, far away : :germany: :spain:
Survivor : :chap6: :chap7: :chap8: :chap9: :chap10: :chap11: :chap12: :chap13: :chap14: :chap15: :chap16: and :book2:
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1325 on: September 02, 2015, 05:21:53 PM »
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.

Hello and welcome! It's nice to have you here!
Though we probably should not be used as a procrastination device. ;p (I say, as I procrastinate....)
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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1326 on: September 02, 2015, 06:23:09 PM »
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.



I mean...

Ciao! Procrastinare è un'arte che saremo lieti di aiutarti a realizzare. Unisciti a noi nelle nostre ridicole discussioni o nella chat! Ah, e complimenti per l'inglese, parli meglio della maggior parte degli italiani che conosco!
Fluent: :italy:, :albania:, :usa:

Okay: :spain:

Learning: :germany: :norway: :japan:

Bloody messed-up spoils of a language: :france:

Survivor: :chap0: :chap1: :chap2: :chap3: :chap4: :chap5: :chap6: :chap7: :chap8:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1327 on: September 02, 2015, 06:36:29 PM »
Hi I'm Shine.
I'm a 15-year (not-)old girl from Italy.
I was introduced to the goddess that goes by Minna by my mother who bought the aRTD book and I have been stalking the comments and forum for a while now.
I enjoy reading, reading and (unfortunately) not doing my homework.
So... thank you? For helping me procrastinate.

Hello and welcome! :D Care for some cookies?

Vote for me on Top Webcomics!

Twitter | Reynir blog | Native: :usa:   Rudimentary: :spain:   A few words: :iceland: | Reader since 10/21/14 | :chap5: - :chap13:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1328 on: September 03, 2015, 05:53:35 AM »
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!

My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.

Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!

I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!
I'm basically a female Mikkel Madsen, just a little less barrel shaped. So let me fix you up and maybe I'll give you a småkage!

:denmark: : Mother's tongue.
English : My second language.
Plus a little bit of Japanese and Quenya.


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1329 on: September 03, 2015, 07:21:13 AM »
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!

My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.

Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!

I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!

Hi and welcome! It's great to have you here!
A lot of us were introduced to SSSS by friends, I think. Seems a pretty usual way of coming to it.
(Your fanfiction sounds very relevant to my interests and I look forward to reading it when you're finished! : D )
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Og kring meg i myrket/snøar og snøar det. - Olav H. Hauge


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1330 on: September 03, 2015, 12:03:20 PM »
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!

My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.

Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!

I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!

Hej Ace! Vær forberedt på at de andre elsker at gøre grin med det danske sprog. Jeg er super glad for at have en anden dansker her! :D


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1331 on: September 03, 2015, 12:08:52 PM »
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!

My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.

Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!

I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!

Hiya Ace, welcome to the forum! There's a sizable shipping division on this forum and I'm sure they'll appreciate your fanfics. I'm pretty sure Mikkel x Sigrun has a sizable following too.

Hej Ace! Vær forberedt på at de andre elsker at gøre grin med det danske sprog.

Aner ikke hva du snakker om.


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1332 on: September 03, 2015, 01:13:14 PM »
Hej Ace! Vær forberedt på at de andre elsker at gøre grin med det danske sprog. Jeg er super glad for at have en anden dansker her! :D

you'll know where to find me.


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1333 on: September 03, 2015, 01:18:07 PM »
Well, well, after being introduced to SSSS by a friend, I am now hooked!

My name's Anne Sofie, but call me Ace!
I'm 18, a Dane, and my favourite character is (surprise) Mikkel Madsen!
I ship him and Sigrun beyond any remnant of reason, they are PERFECT.

Other than that, I love to write, and I'm working on Fanfiction already, with (oh, what a shock) Mikkel and Sigrun.
So, yeah, other than that, I put up a thread under Languages called 'Danish learning', in case anyone wants to know a few words, or anything the like, in my mother's tongue!

I hope to make friends and obsess about SSSS and Mikkel x Sigrun with you!

Hi, welcome! And a welcome can't go without squirrel cookies! /o/ :squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie::squirrelcookie:

Vote for me on Top Webcomics!

Twitter | Reynir blog | Native: :usa:   Rudimentary: :spain:   A few words: :iceland: | Reader since 10/21/14 | :chap5: - :chap13:


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Re: The Introduction Thread
« Reply #1334 on: September 03, 2015, 02:25:50 PM »
Hiya Ace, welcome to the forum! There's a sizable shipping division on this forum and I'm sure they'll appreciate your fanfics. I'm pretty sure Mikkel x Sigrun has a sizable following too.

Really? I was looking for the shipping part, but I can't seem to find it. Could you by any chance enlighten me as to where I might find some threads of that category?
I'm basically a female Mikkel Madsen, just a little less barrel shaped. So let me fix you up and maybe I'll give you a småkage!

:denmark: : Mother's tongue.
English : My second language.
Plus a little bit of Japanese and Quenya.