Hello, y'all! After many months of not being (vocally) active in the SSSS community, I figured I should re-introduce myself as a newbie again. I'm Chloe or Miss Honeyham, and I'm from the USA. No particular area (I'm the same age as Lalli and have lived in at least 7 states) although at the moment I live in Florida.
I know English and am studying Ancient Greek. I like being indoors, pink, and drawing stuff. Other pastimes are playing with fire, lying on the floor, crying, and drawing stupid comics and cute children. I will talk you to death.
Emil is the best character, admit this or taste my wrath. I've been following SSSS since about the second half of the prologue... I'd found it before then, but aRTD didn't catch my fancy so I didn't put SSSS at the top of my reading list. Now I am a rabid fan and check it religiously every morning.
Rock on, and I'll see you all around!
Ohohohoho, I live in Florida too!

I wish you the best of luck in hurricane-dodging, ehehehe
I've seen your art in the art museum and I
really love your style and I'm really excited that you're back
and hopefully making more fanart ;3cAnyways, (re-)welcome!!