I go by Snaketoes, Ghostplops, sometimes Vonwaffle and/or Beatrix, I'm the spoop doops, professional internet potato chip.
I just turned 21 a few months ago, and if you count sitting around and playing video games moderately drunk as a coming of age because that's what I did, PARTY.
I'm not educated beyond high school (don't go down that path if you can avoid it!) I currently live on THE SUN aka California with my significant other, but I'm from Oregon. I miss trees. And water. Right now I am a receptionist, p cool riiight? But ultimately I want to become an artist of some sort, a tattoo artist, a concept artist (but the video game industry is kinda awful, so probably not haha), start a webcomic of my own, I have some neat ideas! Or maybe if I can ever dig up a pile of money go to college for mechanical engineering, oh I also have a hankering to learn coding. There's an inane amount of things I want to do, I have no attention span so I need a clone or two methinks.
Other things I like to do: Watch old horror movies, watch weird old anime, watch weird not-so-old anime, play a lot of video games, cry over Dragon Age and cry at myself for playing Destiny continuously.
Anyway that's enough about my stanky life! I discovered SSSS through an add during a webcomic binge and clicked it because the art looked very pretty! I am so glad I did, because I'm in deep, thank you advertising! *u*
Ahh it's nice to meet you all, I will try to be talkative but I am quite anxious and shy AND IT'S BAD.