You're the leaven in our loaf, Oskutin.
Seriously, members are always surprising me with all the badass things they know about or can do. For just one example, literature student OrigamiOwl, who's been sharing pictures of her fluffy kitties, spends most of her vacations doing heavy farm labor. Then there's the biologist/self-defense expert, the Norwegian blacksmith/poet, and on and on...
I'm sure if the apocalypse were to come, I'd be safer around any random Forum member than anyone else short of a Green Beret.
Even if I'm just an engineer/guitarist, I've at least got a veritable
army of engis and doctors nearby at any given time... not to mention the actual military presence...
If we could gather our resident Vikings and self-defense people at my school, I'm pretty sure we could wage war on America, win, and become a small nation. Though, the notion of secession receives mixed (see also: polar opposite) replies from the people of my home...
I have to agree with this, this is very supporting and friendly community revolving around arts and cute things.
And then theres me...
Dude, you're making a video game.
You are on the frontier of art itself! It might not be cute, but it
is artistic.