To all - thanks for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting involved with the community a little more, I suppose it's a mere matter of waiting for the right time.
Welcome Restrepo
A cookie before speaking about History ? 
I'm on a diet no thanks... Just kidding, I actually need to gain weight. Therefore, thanks for the much needed calories.
Welcome Restrepo! My seal will play for you the martial anthem of ancient Rome!
That was terrible seal.
That still seals the deal though. And music is music, no?
Welcome, Restrepo! History and military enthusiast - you should fit right in around here! Welcome!
Hopefully I'll be able to get involved in the community a little more. Thinking of starting a thread about the role of the military during the pandemic, but I dunno.
Go Airborne! Best of luck to you- jump school is not an easy task to complete. I too am a history buff, though only when it has to do with aviation... How come there's no degree for that? Anyway, welcome to the forum!
(And yes, the SSSS crew has pretty good trigger discipline. Though Emil could work on aiming before he shoots.)
My brother (just got of the army three weeks ago) said that it wasn't too hard. Then again, he was a very good soldier, guess I'll see if I'm better than him. And you could always make a degree for your flying stuff!
not sure if that's possible or even legal Yeah, I think it would be a better option for Emil to be forced to use semi-automatic, maybe that way he'll actually aim rather than spray 'n' pray all willy nill with his rooty tooty point and shoot. As a side note, why do they just take out their knives? Logically a bayonet would be superior in most circumstances. Spear and club all in one. Although humans, no matter their training, have a nasty tendency to use everything like a club when they become panicked. Allegedly, even the most well trained soldiers will revert to chopping with a sword even if he's been trained to stab with it. I think during the Civil War soldiers tended to club with their rifles rather than bayonet.